cheers, Tom. Welcome indeed!
Kudos to you for having the very conscientious approach to research these animals before you buy them. A biotope perspective is most always the best long term plan IMO.
However, for a tank this small... it is going to be somewhat difficult to manage it unless you have the great discipline to limit yourself to literally a few corals as well as prune them regularly.
For starters... please do rule out the goniopora. Not so much because of their dismal reputation for captivity at large, but rather because they are indeed deserving of somewhat special care, and the small size of this aquarium is going to impose greater stress/burden on the genera that would arguably be better suited for a larger tank or at least a species-specific refugium.
As for the Indo gorgs... I really don't see how you will be able to target feed them successfully in a mini-reef without being a slave to large weekly water changes t maintain adequate water quality. Moreoever, we do not even know what most of them eat/need to survive long term.
So... about that specialized Faviid feature display
Fabulous idea. Seriously. Handsome corals, many species/colors, and all slow growing enough that you could enjoy them for years with minimal prunging (sawing actually).
For more info on coral depth/locales on the reef... see Veron for stony corals (referenced in my fav links sticky thread atop this forum as well as in the RF galleries here) or Alderslade (2001) also mentioned i my sticky thread of fav links.
kindly, Anthony