Good bye all for now......

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Live Aloha!!!!!!!!
Mar 1, 2007
Puyallup/South Hill,Wa
Im so tired of all the drama on here. This is not highschool or Junior High. I have been on here over a year and seen a lot of attacks on people. I have no tank now and need to focus on my kids and my life. Maybe down the road I will join again, but for now I dont need this drama. Been a great ride. You all know how to get a hold of me on my cell and feel free to. Mike
So sorry to hear!:( hopefully one day you will return with a new found love for the hobby.:) Until then.....take care my friend.
Mike, call or PM me, I've been gone all day and missed whatever set this off. Having gotten to know you pretty well, I am totally honored to call you not only a good person but a good friend.
There goes another member. Sad to see another good guy go. Some have posted goodbye's while others leave quietly. I find myself also posting much less..... I have tired recently to contribute to threads with my advise or ideas as a means to hopefully make reef frontiers what it once was, a website with pages and pages of NEW threads discussing reef in depth. I also recently saw DonW made an attempt as well with his very well written "Where did the science go?" thread. Sadly I feel that its too little to late....
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I should add, since I dont want to be doing a drive-by flaming here, maybe we should start using the feedback and suggestions forum as a place to make recommendations on how to better RF. With constructive ideas. So that it doesn't have to come to this again.

I myself also feel there is not much left for me here at RF and have contemplated leaving especially after the Epaulette Shark Wanted!!!! thread, but also don't want to "weed myself out" as it sometimes seems is hoped for, and I don't believe I am the only one on that list!

Hopefully it can be better..
i think that's a good idea Brett :) .
I personally miss the people :( , it used to be fun to chat and help :doubt:....hopefully someday doods would come back :doubt:
You know we can't see or read every single post or thread but using feedback or posting a report as just to have someone watch a thread is always welcome, we get the notice instantly so one of the mods or admin should pick up on it. That shark thread sorta went well at the end but was questionable at times, I guess people take things very personally, I didn't see it until now.
On a side note some members take this site as being PSAS & it isn't associated with it at all, we see that brings in lots of problems also. Another thing Chuck leads Us on how he want the site run, difference on how Mike done things. Last, people come & go always, we get busy, burnt out & just plain tired of the same ol some ol. There are many sites available for reefing, I visit & participate on a few always, they most all get to the same point or worse in some cases. This still is a good site, large resource libraries, just at times we do get negative feedback, disagree, argue & people leaving, it happens, that is life!

I should add, since I dont want to be doing a drive-by flaming here, maybe we should start using the feedback and suggestions forum as a place to make recommendations on how to better RF. With constructive ideas. So that it doesn't have to come to this again.

I myself also feel there is not much left for me here at RF and have contemplated leaving especially after the Epaulette Shark Wanted!!!! thread, but also don't want to "weed myself out" as it sometimes seems is hoped for, and I don't believe I am the only one on that list!

Hopefully it can be better..
I should add, since I dont want to be doing a drive-by flaming here, maybe we should start using the feedback and suggestions forum as a place to make recommendations on how to better RF. With constructive ideas. So that it doesn't have to come to this again.

I myself also feel there is not much left for me here at RF and have contemplated leaving especially after the Epaulette Shark Wanted!!!! thread, but also don't want to "weed myself out" as it sometimes seems is hoped for, and I don't believe I am the only one on that list!

Hopefully it can be better..

Have to agree with you there! You know there are ways to state your point without ATTACKING. I feel this is going on too much and we all need to get back to the OG RF. CAN WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?
I should add, since I dont want to be doing a drive-by flaming here, maybe we should start using the feedback and suggestions forum as a place to make recommendations on how to better RF. With constructive ideas. So that it doesn't have to come to this again.

I myself also feel there is not much left for me here at RF and have contemplated leaving especially after the Epaulette Shark Wanted!!!! thread, but also don't want to "weed myself out" as it sometimes seems is hoped for, and I don't believe I am the only one on that list!

Hopefully it can be better..

i don't think any of those comments were directed to you, it is pretty much common knowledge on this forum that you have a shark and that your system is more than adequate for the shark. i would also say that the majority of people that want a shark dont have the means to take care of it, hence the comments that were made. i would not say she went about it the right way but i think it was explained later on in the thread. when it comes to certain subjects sometimes people get a little to passionate and tend to say things they probaly shouldn't myself included:oops: but as far as you and your shark tank go i think you could offer a tremendous amount of knowledge, disscusion and education to rf and it would be a shame to see you go:)
i don't think any of those comments were directed to you, it is pretty much common knowledge on this forum that you have a shark and that your system is more than adequate for the shark. i would also say that the majority of people that want a shark dont have the means to take care of it, hence the comments that were made. i would not say she went about it the right way but i think it was explained later on in the thread. when it comes to certain subjects sometimes people get a little to passionate and tend to say things they probaly shouldn't myself included:oops: but as far as you and your shark tank go i think you could offer a tremendous amount of knowledge, disscusion and education to rf and it would be a shame to see you go:)

I must agree with you all....For awhile I just stopped going on the site for about 6 months and have just recently started coming back on again. It really does make me said though thinking about how much I used to look forward to just talking to the people on here wether it was about reef tanks or not. I would deffenently try to help improve this site if we could come up with a good way.

Thank you,


In memory of: :)
-"tang police" ron
-salmon slayer (who is phone only :()
-nomercymike as of now

I must agree with you all....For awhile I just stopped going on the site for about 6 months and have just recently started coming back on again. It really does make me said though thinking about how much I used to look forward to just talking to the people on here wether it was about reef tanks or not. I would deffenently try to help improve this site if we could come up with a good way.

Thank you,


In memory of: :)
-"tang police" ron
-salmon slayer (who is phone only :()
-nomercymike as of now


Just keep posting man! Let's all have some FUN!
Threads: 37,028, Posts: 394,513, Members: 24,565
Welcome to our newest member, troo

Look at these stats, someone counted 5 people that said they were gone, maybe a few more but daily we get 3 or 4 new members. Thing here is these new members should be welcomed & offered help & maybe just maybe they will makes some great new friends here & maybe we can learn & cut down on the issues some & maybe they will stay. The Mods don't create the issues, the few members that explode issues do, we just step in to cool it down & put it back on track. No member or mod decides how this site is run, it is decided by the Owners, so opinions are welcome but not necessary going to win the Majority.
Always hate to see people upset & leaving but with almost 25K members, think anyone can do better, how easy would it be for anyone to make everyone happy all of the time? You guys should really give Chuck a super big applause here, he is very kind & very forgiving when it comes to stepping in on any member here, this is a lot of people to make & keep happy. Think about that & you have to realize why RF isn't the same, we're about 22,000 more members now as compared to way back.
Little food for thought, Chuck IMO is a very Awesome Owner/administrator.
Scooterman, for our daily member you are way on the conservative side....daily we get 3-5 times that many members in any given day. That's what we average, and some days it is a lot more than that.

I think everyone needs to think about what Scooty has said here. The mods don't create the issues. My opinion on all of this is attitudes may have changed by some members, not really the way the board is run. Several years ago, everyone took time to think about what they had to say, and when someone was in disagreement, the replies didn't turn into attacks or inflammatory remarks. No one took a disagreement personally, we simply gathered up our knowledge and posted what we knew to counter points, and asked the same courtesy of the other party. I was proud the way the members of Reef Frontiers were able to discuss matters that turned into flame wars on other boards. Our membership is what made the board. Good attitudes. Yeah, you might get sick of the same old cyano thread, or feel like the member isn't willing to listen, but that's when you have to be the bigger person.

If so many of you feel so strongly about this site going down the toilet, and care enough about it, then please PM myself or any other moderator a list of specific threads that "broke the camel's back". Maybe it is as simple as narrowing down a handful of problem members that are creating this buzz and taking care of it from that standpoint. I still read plenty of threads on a daily basis that are fine.

Let's remember to "pause before hitting enter", as Curtswearing once said, and get back to helping others, which is the purpose of this forum.
Im sorry

I would like to say that iam sorry, i love this site. i do belong to other boards but i can tell you that i never go on them, they are always so negative or very difficult to navigate. i recently made a very negative post and though i felt something should have been said i should have never made it personal, wich i did. there has been alot of negativity floating around on this forum lately and many members are unhappy and certain members even feel targeted. do to my afore mentioned post i feel i have been more a part of the problem rather than the solution and for that i am sorry i feel that by my comment i not only really upset the person it was directed to but any one that may read the post is going to think iam a reall jerk or jump on board and attack that person even more and for that iam sorry as well. i think every person on the forum has something to offer to the site. with thier own personal experiences and what have you. we have seahorse keepers shark keepers jellyfish keepers mantis keepers. think of all the different constructive disscusions that could be done. iam sorry to see people go and iam sorry for adding to the problem
that is one thing you pointed out, lots of us take things very personally, that affects the bigger picture.
Let's remember to "pause before hitting enter", as Curtswearing once said, and get back to helping others, which is the purpose of this forum.

Is worth repeating!

Don't be so hard on yourself Loohunter but remember to Pause some!;)
I consider Loohunter (both of them) to be a couple of the finest people I have had the pleasure of meeting and calling dear friends. Who but the most considerate could ever feel such remorse for allowing themselves to "say it like it is."

Ya, what was said, would have been better placed in a PM, but we all make mistakes.
I think the concern isn't as much as mod activity, more to do with a few bad apples setting off the bad side of even the best of us.

There are quite a few passionate reef keepers here. Yep, we need to attempt to give the benefit of the doubt, and think twice before acting. Too easy to focus on the few negatives and overlook the enormous quantity of positives.

I suspect that most trouble has it's roots in the mighty dollar. Seems almost all flame wars have somebody who is attempting to profit at the root of it. Not much we can do about that, but it is better to PM than flame. I am one of the biggest violators of flame contribution and will try harder. This site is an entertainment content provider. The members are as responsible as any moderator, for the quality of content. And for those who forget, Chuck's due a big thanks for putting up with all of us.

Today is a good day, tomorrow will be even better.