Growth spurt associated w/ cyano bloom?

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lol !! guys :D .
well i'm just following along with this thread since charlie got me intriged by the cyano and corals reaction :) .
i know you are talking about sps but could it be the same for soft and lps corals?
That I don't know Gabby, but I haven't seen any adverse reactions from the lps that I have in there. The hammer and frogspawn are both of the euphyllia species, and those are usually very good at telling you your water params are going to %^&*.
Well this is just what I notice in my tanks. That for a week or so following a water change I get more coral growth than the second or third week.
I just did some looking back in my records, and I noticed that I increased my kalk drip at the start of November from a little less than a gallon a day, to close to 2 gallons a day. If I remember correctly, that is also when I did the little rearrange with the rock, that I think fueled the cyano bloom. Maybe this is why the growth has picked up??????
charlie said:
I just did some looking back in my records, and I noticed that I increased my kalk drip at the start of November from a little less than a gallon a day, to close to 2 gallons a day. If I remember correctly, that is also when I did the little rearrange with the rock, that I think fueled the cyano bloom. Maybe this is why the growth has picked up??????

What did it do for coraline growth? My top off is up to 104 doses @ 60ml. A month ago it was 90 doses @ 60ml ea. Although the difference made no change in water parameters (ca,alk or ph) the coraline growth has become way out of hand.

I have to agree with Nikki on this Charlie. One thing Cyano I can deal with it is easily harvested & one heck of an exporter, your tank would die without some levels of various alga's it is part of the required life, same with us. I have had kidney stones 5 to be exact they all hurt. Now here is the analogy part, they all are Calcium, so that would make you think to stop or closely guard your calcium intake right? Well not in every case, I can get all the natural calcium from foods, milk etc with entirely no problems BUTT if I take vitamins supplements of any kind, or even the added calcium in some foods BAM I get a nice Kidney Rock, and man yea it hurts. One other note, you had several things changed not just one, you removed a rock, stirred things up then split the rock then started doing large water changes to me I see three things that occurred maybe more that wasn't mentioned. I suspect you harvest your cyano until it goes away not doing anything else different than before all this. Once (month or two) things leveled off do One thing, change more water but do it one way or the other either do them as normally on your schedule but just double them & see what happened Or do the same amount as normal but double the frequency, then get back to us and then we have new science to study and learn. One other thing to consider is time, how long can you continue to do the same things that worked for years then suddenly things start changing for the wrong. What, why & how do I fix this? Over time your living system has become very comfortable but is this ok or do we need to reconsider our long term husbandry or maybe if you just continue as before exactly it will just go through another cycle.
DonW said:
What did it do for coraline growth? My top off is up to 104 doses @ 60ml. A month ago it was 90 doses @ 60ml ea. Although the difference made no change in water parameters (ca,alk or ph) the coraline growth has become way out of hand.


From your thread on coralline, I hear ya. I have recently taken to leaving the cleaning magnets in the tank. I run them over the glass 3-4 times a week, and that has seemed to get the coralline under control. I have always had good coralline growth!
DonW said:
My top off is up to 104 doses @ 60ml. A month ago it was 90 doses @ 60ml ea. Although the difference made no change in water parameters (ca,alk or ph) the Coraline growth has become way out of hand.

so your Coraline is using the extra to grow maybe more than you need so your not seeing a difference in your test but will there be a time that once the algae covers everything it can that it will not need as much or will it continue to be a hog?
Once (month or two) things leveled off do One thing, change more water but do it one way or the other either do them as normally on your schedule but just double them & see what happened Or do the same amount as normal but double the frequency, then get back to us and then we have new science to study and learn.

That, in my mind, is why we are here, to learn from our own stupidity:D :D
Whether we like it or not, what we think looks better doesn't make a darn bit of difference to our little glass boxes.

One other thing to consider is time, how long can you continue to do the same things that worked for years then suddenly things start changing for the wrong. What, why & how do I fix this? Over time your living system has become very comfortable but is this ok or do we need to reconsider our long term husbandry or maybe if you just continue as before exactly it will just go through another cycle.

They seem to change for the better or worse faster in a closed system.

All that being said Scooter, it is all gonna get chalked up to experience, at least until we do it to ourselves again:D :D
One cool thing about this is the fact I can't see us learning everything there is to learn & I hope what we do learn we can one day give back (to the reefs)what we took. When I make my next tank it will be smaller & more focused, no mixed corals only sps & the fish will be even less & smaller I want a straight forward focused tank. In this manner I hope to keep a limit on the equation of what caused what to happen when I have a problem, maybe one day this will help understand other problems.
Scooterman said:
One cool thing about this is the fact I can't see us learning everything there is to learn & I hope what we do learn we can one day give back (to the reefs)what we took. When I make my next tank it will be smaller & more focused, no mixed corals only sps & the fish will be even less & smaller I want a straight forward focused tank. In this manner I hope to keep a limit on the equation of what caused what to happen when I have a problem, maybe one day this will help understand other problems.

When we stop learning, there is no function in even being here to begin with. The only good part of this whole fiasco I created for myself is the fact that somebody else is gonna read this and say," man I hope I don't get myself in the same situation"!
What do we call that....................... learning. :D :D :D
I am still looking for more feedback, so I hope other people will chip in here also.
charlie said:
The cyano is on the sand and some of the rock. You know there is phosphate there, there is no reason to test!!!! If there was no phosphate, there wouldn't be any cyano. At least that is my thinking. I agree, I screwed up by doing a rearrange and by messing with the flow a little. Too much arm coraling!!!

Sure, you have them....but where they are coming from might be cause to test. Now, I always had 0 on my tests when figuring out what was causing my algae issues...even on the spot tests, which makes sense because the algae is using it up. I still think it is a good idea to test the water column, stick the syringe in a rock near where the algae is growing for a sample, and make a divot in your sandbed and suck up some water there with a turkey baster. Put the turkey baster water in a cup and let the small amount of sand that might have been extracted settle out. Then perform your tests on the sand pore water. It will help you figure out if there was enough disruption that you are just now starting to see issues with the bed.

I still would think that the water changes are playing a role with the coral growth. Replenishment of trace elements, and reducing some nutrients will help your SPS. How are the colors of the SPS...have they changed at all...more vibrant? more brown? same?
Nikki, thanx for coming back to this, I thought I might have you a little PO'd with my response, it wasn't meant that way!!!!!!
I would really love to try that, but when I went looking for PO4 test kit, guess what........................................... I guess I'll have to give ol' Kevin a call here this week. I know I have tested that way before, so I knew the test routine.
I think that I have a bunch of stuff in my kitchen right now, if you know what I mean. It seems to get to the exponential rate when things start rolling.
The colors on the corals are all good, I even got my A. aculeus to get back to the mint green color. It is only a frag of the mother right now. Blues are blue again, and the growth tips are outta sight.
Me PO'd for your response?? Not a chance! LOL :D. I actually had partially typed a response before, but was then side tracked with other things, came back and forgot what I was it never made it to the thread :rolleyes:.
Before I go to work, I thought I'd throw this in, I am gonna do some siphoning associated with my regular water change this weekend. I added a bunch of snails yesterday. I guess I'm gonna have to breakdown and start doing some maintenance with the turkey baster too. Ah, what are weekends for!:D