Growth spurt associated w/ cyano bloom?

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Just a short update. The cyano is on the downhill slide after the lite change. I am going to do another water change tonite, so I will siphon some more, and see what happens. Next water change is Saturday AM, so I will watch the progress.
Here is another update to the battle against the mighty cyano.:D
Looks like the water changes and another lite change may have done the trick. I changed the 2 400w 20k lites in the front hood last weekend, and since then the cyano has gone steadily downhill. I realise that there may still be a nutrient excess in there somewhere. It is a continuing work, but it looks like for now, the cyano has abated. Believe me, I am still searching for the excess, but at least now, I can enjoy the search without having to look at that ugly red %^&*.:D
The light thing may be a lesson well learned, just because lamps light & look really bright we can't see what it really doing.
One more update, and then we can lay this to rest for a while. The cyano is gone, for the time being anyways. Was it the lites? I did not change anything else except for some better husbandry , more frequent water changes?????
Anyways, now I can take take a pic of the tank and be proud again!!!!:D :D :D
Hey Charlie glad to see cyano s$#@! Is gone I will definitly keep a eye on my bulbs.In abot 6 months:)
The lites are something that you do not really think about as being a real cause. When I talked to Mojo about a month ago, that was the first thing that he mentioned. DOH, As anal as I am, I forgot about the darn vho actinics, for about 14 months!!!!!!!
I am not saying that was the only solution, but I personally think it was a large part.
you need a smaller tank Charlie. I can't see anything in there. Too big!

Looks great though. I love those fiji gold leathers. Really pop in the tank.
WOWezers, I think yo may have your little problems resolved!! Man she's a beaut! That is a huge leather, man Dat's Nice Ma Yea!