Halide ballast question

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Mar 28, 2005
La Grange KY
A few questions. I scavenged a ballast from a parking lot fixture, 400 watt halide or murcury vapor. On the data plate it states:

Lamp watts max 400
Line volts 120/ 208/ 240/ 277v
max amps 4.2/ 2.5/ 2.1/ 1.8
lamp MH/ MER; M59/ H33

My question is, can I run a lower wattage bulb with this? Around 175- 200 watts?
If not, can I add a resistor in line with the bulb to be able to run a 175- 200 watt bulb?
I've only got a 29g tank and am worried that 400 watts is a little on the way too much side.
And if I'm in a corner with this, I'll gladdly swap someone looking for a DIY 400 watt setup for one around the 200 watt end.
To be safe and prevent a fire I would recommend to go with a properly sized ballast matched to the particular bulb you want to run. M59 is definately for 400w MH bulbs, if you want to run 250's then find a M58 ballast, if you want to run 175's then you will need m57. Keep in mind that these ballasts are probe start and if you want to run a pulse start bulb then you will need different types of ballasts. The same goes for if you want to run the DE bulbs, they require a HQI ballast. HTH
In simple words, it is not possible and not recommended. 400 is for 400 and 175 is for 175 and is not interchangeable.
Katchupoy said:
In simple words, it is not possible and not recommended. 400 is for 400 and 175 is for 175 and is not interchangeable.

PFO states Can I operate a ballast and lamp together which are designed for different wattages?
Each wattage lamp and ballast are designed together for optimal performance and safety. If you over drive the lamp it may explode and shorten the life of the ballast and lamps. If you under drive the lamp it will also shorten the
life of both components and also may explode. Do not mix different type wattages of lamps and ballasts.

As Big T stated you will need a pulse start ballast to run most of the Euro bulbs most of your standard ballast do not have this. Check at WWW.pfolighting.com for more facts on metal halide.

Hey guys.... looking for information i found out this forum.... i would thank u if u could give some info about this kind of lamps.... i'm doing a skool project but i can't find the espesifications of it.... would u like to help???
William, you can use a 400 watter on a 29g, I know several people who do but they made a hood very tall so the light is like 15" off the water, this may be another option in your case, you will need to get the proper lamp regardless. The main problem with using outside ballast is they aren't designed for aquarium use, they probably are probe start so check thoroughly to make sure it will light the lamp of your choice, it may not light aquarium type spectrums at all or very off color.