Help me design my new 240gal setup!

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That sure is some nice looking rock you got there, you get it at wal-mart in the reduced price section? :D

Nice rocks really, may be a tad much but nice!
Hey, I noticed my skimmer body is turning orange. I assume this is because my ozonizer has been running continuously since I put the rock in the tank (several days now). Has anyone else seen this phenomenon or do I have a deathtrap waiting to happen? There is no ozone smell... the air is recirculated via the venturi inlet.

ORP is up to 305... up quite a bit from 200 when I put the rock in.
More pictures

Here's a few pictures I forgot to post a while back.

Tank being filled (notice the sword I use to ward off solicitors):
View attachment 13156

And another picture of the rock.
View attachment 13157

The tank is clearing up nicely while that stuff cures. Doesn't stink too bad either. I think the ozone is helping. Speaking of which, has anyone else had their skimmer turn orange from ozone?
Lighting looks really nice deude!
Not sure about the OZ I guess the acrylic material used to make the skimmer isn't ozone safe maybe or too much oz?
The final product!

Ok, here is the finished product folks! Not bad, huh?! Thanks to Matt (mattseattle) and my wife Tiffany who helped out tremendously with the aquascaping over the weekend. It was a success, except for the part where Matt walked into a nail sticking out of my crawlspace closet and left blood all over my ladder. Maybe I'll have to post a picture of that. Anyway without their help I would still be sitting on the garage floor drilling my rocks to pieces. Tiffany especially showed quite an aptitude for arranging rocks and saw some patterns where we didn't. So after a while we sat on the couch drinking beer and let her get her hands wet instead.

The rock is still curing. In a couple of weeks I'll add my clown and royal gramma from the QT tank in the garage. They're going to think they're back in the ocean again!

Thanks to all of you for your help getting this far. Most of the input I've received on RF has been incorporated into this tank and I'll say you all have done a fine job!

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I tried to get some pictures with my Lunar Tracker moonlights ( but I'm just too much of an idiot with a camera to make it look right. The blue shimmer effect is very cool though. It's hypnotic to sit on the couch at night and stare into an empty tank. Who needs fish?!

View attachment 13425

And here is a picture of me next to the final product, to give you an idea of the size of this tank. It's huge! I am about 5'10". These are my work clothes so ignore the stain on my shirt!

View attachment 13426

Give a HUGE round of applause to your wife... because I for one think your aquascaping looks GREAT!!!

Did you drill & dowel, or tywrap the various pieces together?
LakeEd said:

Give a HUGE round of applause to your wife... because I for one think your aquascaping looks GREAT!!!

Did you drill & dowel, or tywrap the various pieces together?

Yeah, she did a good job!

There are a few rocks that are drilled with acrylic supports but not much. We had so much rock to work with it was too daunting to do it all, and the sand isn't very deep so we decided to just lay some heavy base rock on the bottom and build sturdy stacks. You can see an acrylic rod with some black tie straps on the ledge that looks kind of like an alien's head. Hopefully corraline will overtake it soon!
That looks awesome!

I have to agree with you on lunar lights they are just awesome. I'm in the midst of setting up a 210 and the first thing i'm doing is buying lunar lights and mounting them into the canopy. I honestly prefer white but blue is very beautiful too. I can't figure out though why they sell red colored lunar lights? I guess it makes your tank look like its filled with blood?

Anyway nice tank, nice stand, nice cancopy, nice aquascaping!!

I don't think fish see red very well, so maybe they don't notice if red moonlights are on? I've also seen them for terrariums (sp?), lizard cages and such.

In any case, I love the blue lunar lights. Reminds me of being in the nocturnal house at the zoo. Except without armadillos running around.
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Looks like Marshall LR? Awesome landscaping, all together & all the hard work really shows, you have a beautiful reef tank.
Now for the wake up call, instead of being done, your actually just getting started, can't wait to see fish & corals in there:D
congrats on a job well done!
and my head still hurts and i did not walk into the nail - it jumped out at me! :)

the tank looks amazing... lots of hard work in that tank for sure! *applause*
Scooterman said:
Looks like Marshall LR? Awesome landscaping, all together & all the hard work really shows, you have a beautiful reef tank.
Now for the wake up call, instead of being done, your actually just getting started, can't wait to see fish & corals in there:D
congrats on a job well done!

The rock is a mix of Kaelini (Tonga) and Pukani (Fiji, I think). I like the funky shapes.
Tank and aquascaping looks totally sweet dude:exclaim:

"And here is a picture of me next to the final product, to give you an idea of the size of this tank. It's huge! I am about 5'10". These are my work clothes so ignore the stain on my shirt!"

I just thought the stain on your shirt was from a burger you were munchin on. :lol:

Cant wait to see more pics.

Maui :D