Help w 75gallon tank

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Mar 8, 2007
Currently I have a 75g FOWLR. I am new to the hobby and need some help with my setup. When I purchased the setup it had a Fluval 304, basic 40w lighting, 30lbs lace rock, 3inch crushed coral bed, and a few fish.

I have recently upgraded to 4x65 watt PC lighting and added a Aqua C Remora skimmer. And added 50lbs of various types of live rock. I still have the Fuval hooked up, and have a few powerheads for flow.

I want to add a sump/fuge but now feel like i made a mistake getting the HOB skimmer. Can I integrate this into the sump and will it provide sufficient skimming? (rated up to 75g) What size sump/fuge should be used for a 75g tank?

Help with my return, I want to get rid of the powerheads/fluval and have the return provide my circulation to keep equipment out of my tank.

What type of sand can I add to my tank to help with the biological filtration, or to "seed" my crushed coral?

I want to keep some coral, anemone, zoo's, and lots of fish/inverts.

This hobby has grown into an addiction for me, and I appreciate any feedback!!!!
My thoughts

I dont have any experience with that particular skimmer, and I am sure someone will chime in with recomendations on that.

As far as a sump/fuge size goes, a 15 - 20 gallon aquarium would sufice, as long as you partitioned it off correctly. I know there is a lot of varied opinons on that but when I had my 75 I used a 20 long. It worked well, and kept my carbon, skimmer, and return pump packaged nicely. A 20 long would also provide enough room for a small fuge. Again, it would need to be sectioned off with partitions to allow for that.

As far as flow goes, you are going to get a lot of different opinons on that as well. I believe that a 800 - 1000 gallon per hour return pump is more than adequate for a 75 gallon tank with a tunze or seio 800 in the tank for flow. I have learned soft corals dont require a ton of flow, and there are some folks who believe you can never have to much flow!:D

The current light situation is a good start. Your currently running 3.4 watts per/gal and that would be on the min. side for this size tank if you looking to do corals. There are some corals that you can keep with this low light, mushrooms and things like that, however zoos and anomones need more light. I would recommend you increase the light to 5-8 watts per/gallon at least before attempting those type of animals.

Good luck on your tank and welcome to RF!:D Keep us posted on the progress.... Oh.. and your right.. it is VERY addictive!
I have the same skimmer and am using it in my DIY acrlyic sump/fuge currently. You have to keep in mind what size of sump/fuge that you put in because you need enough ht. to hang the skimmer. Also if you are going to put your sump in a cabinet, make sure you have enough clearance to install and to remove the skimmer cup.
The remora skimmer is a great skimmer BUT it probably won't do a sufficient job in your tank. Once you add a sump, you'll be adding more water. Yes, you can use a remora HOB in a sump. However, you should always have a skimmer rated at more than your tank. Remora is rated at 75 gallons, as you said. It'd be a good idea to upgrade to a Remora Pro or an Urchin Pro. Urchins are made to be used in sumps. Even without the addition of a sump, I'd suggest the skimmer upgrade.
Thanks for the advise!!! I was afraid that I made the mistake with the size of the skimmer. But I needed something until I was ready for a sump. Anyone want to buy a Remora Pro with 2 months of use. LOL
Okay I'm a bit confused now. If you have a Remora Pro, don't sell it! It'll work just fine. If you have a regular Remora, you won't have any trouble selling Also, even though Remoras are meant to hang on, they can actually sit right inside your sump!! Just may have to set it on something to adjust depth...although that would only matter if your water level is deeper than the output on the skimmer.
i just added a 20gal high sump under my 75. I also have the Remora with a Maxijet1200. I needed the 20gal high for the skimmer to have enough water depth, but i also put the skimmer inside the tank in the water so I would have enough room to lift the collection cup out.
I am using the Mag9.5 for my return which is nice. Good flow.
The biggest problem I had was with the overflow (how to get the water out of your tank). I had to get a CS100.
Is your tank drilled or are you going with the overflow route?
Ok so i just purchased the sump/fuge listed above. I am happy with it and I have it setup under my tank and ready for some new saltwater/livesand/micro algae. I had to make some adjustments to my stand to get it in and it wasn't easy but its finally in place. I put my remora in w/the new skimmer and I think it is going to work GREAT!!! i will pick up the needed supplies tmo and post some updated pics. Thanks to everyone who has given some advise!!!!!
Glad to hear that it worked out, I also had to take part of my stand apart to get my fuge in, scary looking at all that weight above you as you are taking out some of the supports, I used 2x4's to help brace mine before I took the other supports out, and remover them after.
Yea, I had nightmares that I was gong to wake up to find my tank in a million peices on my kitchen floor. I had to add some braces to ease the anxiety. LOL.

Just working on getting the LS/Micro Algae setup. Adding some zoos this week, water paramaters are looking great!