How clean is too clean..

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Sorry guys I had not recieved any updates that this post had replies. Well, Eric B. came by this morning as I did kind of panic. We have figured out that I have gotten some heavy metal in my tank...

Sorry to hear of your problem and hope it is all cleared up. Save all your magnificent creatures? Decades back I once lost most of a tank very slowly and in complete mystery to me. No disease, water quality appeared fine. A fish shop owner tested for copper and it was out the top though had I never added any. Ripped the tank apart and found a corroded penny, tossed in the "wishing well" by some neighborhood kid...
Don, it was Eric Borneman that gave me the idea. Was talking to him over the phone and he told me of a story and said he'd come over the next day to look at the tank. In going through my routine I saw what was starring me in the face every time I fed the fish but it never hit me in the head that thats what was going on. I have, make that had a tea strainer that after soaking fish food in garlic extreme and then straining them the tea strainer had corroded completely around the lip of the strainer. He saw it and we both said thats got to be it. I could kick myself in the butt as it is a stupid thing and something that never should of happened. We did a 25g water change yesterday and tomorrow I'll pick up a polyfilter as per Eric's suggestion.
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Well, I got the polyfiler in this morning as per Eric's instructions and we'll see what it gonna do. Things look so much better but they didn't look that bad to begin with. I'm just glad I jumped to asking and not waiting to see if something was going to turn around..
Thanks Kevin, this one I was sweating. I am wondering if the polyfilter will change colors as nothing has happened yet. Something I had mentioned to Reefer Patt was that my skimmer has been going from it's usual dark green skimmate and not real smelly to a dark almost black and stinky as anything. This has been going on for the last couple of weeks and as long as that problem was now seeming to fit the timeline.
Thanks Kevin, this one I was sweating. I am wondering if the polyfilter will change colors as nothing has happened yet. Something I had mentioned to Reefer Patt was that my skimmer has been going from it's usual dark green skimmate and not real smelly to a dark almost black and stinky as anything. This has been going on for the last couple of weeks and as long as that problem was now seeming to fit the timeline.

Ah, the smell of fresh skimmate in the morning:eek: :eek: :eek: Hopefully you got your problem nailed Sue.
Thanks Ben, it's something we all can learn from. An even better update is that all my acropora and montipora are looking great again. To think what could of happened makes me glad I said something and not tried to figure this one out on my own.

I also sent an update email to Eric B. and he said to stay the course, keep the polyfilter in and maybe do another 25g water change this week too.
I'm glad the actual issue at hand was resolved...

but does this mean that being "too clean" is impossible, or not an issue?
I think that is still a valid discussion topic. I think I've been guilty of this in the past.
I think you would have to be absolutely fanitical with water changes and a very small bio load. There's always some kind of waste being put off by fish, coral ect.
when you think of a too clean tank I think of a sterile type environment. There was a member of our MARSH club years ago that said his sps tank was basically a sterile environment. To look at it as he hosted meetings at his house it looked great, but kind of devoid of much life.
when you think of a too clean tank I think of a sterile type environment. There was a member of our MARSH club years ago that said his sps tank was basically a sterile environment. To look at it as he hosted meetings at his house it looked great, but kind of devoid of much life.

Kind of like mine. There is no cool small things like pods. I can keep zoa's alive for about a month, then they waste away. Snails slowly starve and there's no chance of owning a manderine or wrasses. SPS growth is verrrry slow, I started letting things go and feeding huge amounts of food, still no little life but the sps are growing normal and my zoas are now a few months old.

I've always believed in "dirty" tanks... the best tanks I've had (and least amount of effort to keep clean btw) were always the tanks that had an envirinment that supported all the little critters.

I think "chemically" tanks should be clean - but I think it's always good for them to have some organic load beyond what the main animals will eat. Keeps the critter community growing and makes the corals and fishes much happier.
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Glad it worked out Sue. I can can help with the w/c on Friday evening if you need.

I'll look at your skimmer too if you want.

I guess I'm finally making the switch from "the other" board. Just no one there to help out much now...just lots of questions from people.

Ok, I remember a conversation with people from California at Dangs. I remember hearing that its good to rotate your rock out with new rock piece by piece. Where is Mr Fenner when I need him? So I too think its possible to have a tank too clean. I remember Anthony talking about dosing if tank was too clean.
Kevin, That is one reason I think its important to have fish in a Reef Tank. You need some food for corals besides calcium, strontium,magnesium. We feed phyto on purpose or have single cell algae not on purpuse. Those food sources need food. Ok, back to my seat. I am watching this thread too.