Well-known member
Converting to facebook doesn't sound anything like facebook integration to me.
Being able to share a post from RF on Facebook is only going to drive traffic back. *shrug*
r2r does it. I don't visit their forum terribly often, but when I see something interesting on my facebook feed, I do.
Not my call. This form of media is dying. People don't want to research, they want someone to just answer the question. They don't want to discuss or learn... They want instant gratification, and that isn't something they will ever get here.
Your right, there was an issue with Facebook integration, security or something I had to disable it, the integration part is easy as flipping a switch (look at your top right of the front page, and at the bottom of a reply)
I have to do a security update this weekend so hopefully the past issues are resolved. The replacement with Facebook I won't do, sorry I said that wrong, trying to do too many things at once :nerd: