How do you make your saltwater? Any tricks?

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I dont really see saturated brine as such a hard concept to digest. Maybe we can get old Boomer over here to explain it again as he has many times in the past. I can understand not grasping a particular concept ,but I will say that dismissing science due to lack of comprehension is disturbing. Is the concept important? To a degree yes, the concept is easily applied to all aspects of dosing. Many have found different ways of mixing salt that works for them and there really is no right or wrong. It boils down to wether or not you can open your mind and accept information that may seem foreign and apply that information in a logical way to other aspects of the hobby.
The truth is, nobody is forcing anybody to learn, but if you must dismiss science please do it with science rather than non fact based comments.

With alot of vendors the shipping is always outragous. Call them on the phone and tell them how outragous you think it is. They will usually drop it down to a reasonable price.


worth a try. thx. And for what it's worth I learned a lot from the said article and this post. thanks for all of the good info.
"I was told that mixing up and down is better than a whirlpool effect?"

I'd love to know why? I think thats a myth!
This statement says it all and acknowledges exactly what I've been saying all along. THANK YOU!

I'm done with this thread.

What exactly does it acknowledge? Come on why must you turn this into another RD pissing match. Most of us are here to learn and exchange knowlege rather than argue the validity of science without having a clue as to what they are talking about. This is not just some made up crap just to confuse people. If you have something of value based on fact to add to the thread I welcome it, if not its probably best that you keep it to yourself.

My goodness people. All I hear from some of you guys from the good old boys club is opinion. Fact is you just can't stand it when someone disagrees with you, you fall back on the old "science" argument yet provide none, then blame others for not complying with pre-determined ideals of how things should be done. Then attempt to control the discussion by dismissing input you don't agree with.

I'm not interested in what others think is valuable. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks period. I do not seek approval nor do I need permission. Go back and read the thread and you'll discover once again that I'm merely giving my opinion and you guys in your typical fashion pile on. Blah Blah Blah.

Sorry if you don't agree with me and can't handle having someone who isn't afraid to voice an opinion that differs form yours but that's just the way it is so get used to it. I'm not going anywhere so if you want to silence me you better cancel my account and kick me off because I ain't about to change. Toot! Toot!:)

We're off topic. Peace.
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My goodness people. All I hear from some of you guys from the good old boys club is opinion. Fact is you just can't stand it when someone disagrees with you, you fall back on the old "science" argument yet provide none, then blame others for not complying with pre-determined ideals of how things should be done. Then attempt to control the discussion by dismissing input you don't agree with.

I'm not interested in what others think is valuable. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks period. I do not seek approval nor do I need permission. Go back and read the thread and you'll discover once again that I'm merely giving my opinion and you guys in your typical fashion pile on. Blah Blah Blah.

Sorry if you don't agree with me and can't handle having someone who isn't afraid to voice an opinion that differs form yours but that's just the way it is so get used to it. I'm not going anywhere so if you want to silence me you better cancel my account and kick me off because I ain't about to change. Toot! Toot!:)

We're off topic. Now I'm done with this thread! Peace.

Amazing ignorance is obviously bliss. Like I said nobody is forcing you to learn. I posted a article that was based on science written by a man with a PhD in bichemistry. You are quick to dismiss the science but offer nothing.

Please explain to us the mistake or false information that Dr. Bingmam made in this article. :rolleyes:
I offered my opinion. If that's not good enough for you then, well...That's your problem. Learn to deal with it, or re-read my posts and figure it out yourself. From what I see in the link it's one mans opinion.

Tell ya what. Since you're so into the "science" and YOU made the statement that
burning2nd's method was wrong, why don't YOU show us where the science is that shows definitively the amount of precipitation that will occur while adding water to salt in a five gallon mix as stated in burning2nd method, and explain (through science) how that negligible amount of precip (if it exists) is detrimental to the reef system. OH! Hold on, you probably can't since you first said his method was wrong and it should made a sticky for the wrong way to do it....Then later said there is no right or wrong way...This is what's known as painting yourself in a corner.

Since you've decided to turn this personal I'll say that many intellectual men, (not you) folks with PHD's MD's etc make huge mistakes.

Here's one of many examples. I don't have the time nor the patience to provide an education on all of the stupidity that goes along with PHD's Scientists Kill Rare Fish

"After the albino ratfish was caught the researchers attempted to keep her alive in a bucket of water but, in spite of boards placed over the top, she managed to flip out of the bucket onto the deck during the night. She is now preserved and part of the UW Fish Collection, which has 82 other ratfish specimens,"

Blindly following "scientists' simply because they hold a degree. Ignorant indeed. Sometimes intellectuals (not you) lose their common sense and being intelligent enough to recognize it in itself takes common sense which of course some people--insert your name here--simply do not have...
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Dude is life that boring that you need to troll for righteous battles to fight? Seems to be a pattern here: A newby asks a simple question, it gets adequately answered, and then you chime in beating a horse well past it's death. Didn't you say you were done with this thread?
Enter stage left as promised and in "typical fashion" just like clockwork...Rhetorical questions I presume? Funny how you guys must resort to name calling to make a point though. Quite amusing.

This is the "General Discussion" forum, not the "New to Reefkeeping" forum. "Newby" maybe, maybe not. As for "chiming in"...Do I smell hypocricy..."Adaquately answered" is subjective and the only pattern is constantly having to inject common sense into the discussion..

If you call defending yourself against claims of ignorance "beating a dead horse" then by all means get me a bigger bat! Beside, just hold your horses (no pun intended) this thread will be closed soon...In the mean time, I'm awaiting some "science"...
Bucket then warm water then salt.

I see no reason to f*** up the rotation?

I don't see Don, or any of the others here mucking around and trying to cause trouble. You come in, say that everything posted is wrong and the sky is green, then offer nothing to back up your opinion? I don't see putting salt in the bucket before water really hurting anything badly but every little bit counts, so I'll just keep doing things the way I've been doing em.

I'll be the adult and just bow out of this one. I was going to ask Boomer to give some more information on the subject but I think the thread is to far gone to be of any use to anyone.

Heck I put my salt in last just from my days making Kool-Aid. It was always so hard to get the rest to dissolve if you did it the other way around.

Anyways to respond to the post of how I make my Saltwater.

I fill my 32G Brute Trash Can nearly to the top with RO/DI water.
I let it set at room temperature and toss in a power head.
I slowly add my salt to the mix almost like seasoning...I dont just dump it in there cup after cup.
I let it set overnight covered with the powerhead going. I test the water. (Usually spot on, takes me 6 or so coffee cups full to get the right salinity)
I toss in the heater and get it up from about 72-73 to 77.
Once at the correct temperature in it goes.

When I first started doing this method I was getting percip, which was happening because I was dumping the salt in too fast. Once I slowed it down a little everything has been good since. Good luck on whatever method you chose, hope your Kool-Aid turns out.
Heck I put my salt in last just from my days making Kool-Aid. It was always so hard to get the rest to dissolve if you did it the other way around.

Anyways to respond to the post of how I make my Saltwater.

I fill my 32G Brute Trash Can nearly to the top with RO/DI water.
I let it set at room temperature and toss in a power head.
I slowly add my salt to the mix almost like seasoning...I dont just dump it in there cup after cup.
I let it set overnight covered with the powerhead going. I test the water. (Usually spot on, takes me 6 or so coffee cups full to get the right salinity)
I toss in the heater and get it up from about 72-73 to 77.
Once at the correct temperature in it goes.

When I first started doing this method I was getting percip, which was happening because I was dumping the salt in too fast. Once I slowed it down a little everything has been good since. Good luck on whatever method you chose, hope your Kool-Aid turns out.

This is a good honest answer to the original question, without getting rude or out of control, I wish everyone would participate like this & help the guy, the rest of the post are basically waste & could even scare off the original poster, we try to offer friendly help, suggestions & opinions maybe even some reading materials that may involve real sciences but we let them decide on what they should think or do things, we try to just show them what we have & If we do something that may appear radical, at least explain why we do it that way or why we can get away with it.
All viewpoints are allowed on RF, provided they are done with respect, maturity, and without insults or inflammatory remarks.

I'm closing this thread until admin review is complete. If it is allowed to reopen, I will invite Boomer to discuss saturated brine.
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