how to catch a 6line out of a 270g

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
OK I know I was dumb enough to put a sixline wrasse in my 270g before other fish. I know I know how foolish of me! How and what types of traps is best to get that sucker out and flush him down the toilet:D. He has gotten my longnose hawkfish and fairy wrasse cornered everytime they come out to feed that stupid 6line attacks them.
have fun with that one Sarang....can you say re-aquascape time :D

OK I know I was dumb enough to put a sixline wrasse in my 270g before other fish. I know I know how foolish of me! How and what types of traps is best to get that sucker out and flush him down the toilet:D. He has gotten my longnose hawkfish and fairy wrasse cornered everytime they come out to feed that stupid 6line attacks them.
have fun with that one Sarang....can you say re-aquascape time :D
Man the 270 is definatley not a 40b LOL! It was easy to reaquascape that thing. I really don't want to reaquascape as I like how the rock work is. There has to be another way.

don't flush him:eek2:

That sucker is a mean bastard! I don't want it to go to anyone elses tank.
when i put a 6 line wrasse in my tank all my fish just went in one corner...they never went out day they all went out and swimming looking happy and same as they were before and when i went looking for the cute :mad: wrasse he was in my i was sooo can probably go inside your huge pretty tank:lol: and chase him....goodluck catching it though....
Yeah 6lines are a$$e$!!! I let my eagerness get the best of me this time! Hmmm how can I get that bastard to jump out the tank and into my dogs mouth just like the Mystery Wrasse did.
I have Marty Finn's fish trap, works 100% of the time.
Have even caught large tangs and an angel in it.
Catch it and sell it to someone else with an established pecking order.
I have Marty Finn's fish trap, works 100% of the time.
Have even caught large tangs and an angel in it.
Catch it and sell it to someone else with an established pecking order.

Sweet Mike. Can I borrow it? I will even return it to Finn when I am done. Since I want to check out his zoa collection anyways. I will be heading up to Seattle saturday and can go see you after that. Can I get you number Mike?
I have a large trap I made its easy I have the same problem in my 270 with catching fish I would say I have been 95 % on being able to catch fish the only ones I havent been able to catch is my bangis and that is because the dad is not eating ,... if the fish is eating which I know 6 line love their food it should work perfect.. I just bought a clear acrylic trash can a small one like they use in batherooms maybe 1 foot tall by 10 inches around and cut out a round piece of acrylic to close the top with hooked a fishing line to the flap and just feed into the can everytime you feed the 6 line and everyother fish will go in there but who cares if you catch them all you just let the others go ya know catch and release works almost every time and with 5 minuits to 2 days its all over .. you had better get some kind of plan in place because by the time you put a 45 dollar copperbanded in there and he is eating 2-3 hundred dollar acans and sps you will be sorry trust me If I could have found a mini harpoon i would have..
i have a set of fins and mask you can use if you let me you tube it :)

Wouldn't that be nice.

I have a large trap I made its easy I have the same problem in my 270 with catching fish I would say I have been 95 % on being able to catch fish the only ones I havent been able to catch is my bangis and that is because the dad is not eating ,... if the fish is eating which I know 6 line love their food it should work perfect.. I just bought a clear acrylic trash can a small one like they use in batherooms maybe 1 foot tall by 10 inches around and cut out a round piece of acrylic to close the top with hooked a fishing line to the flap and just feed into the can everytime you feed the 6 line and everyother fish will go in there but who cares if you catch them all you just let the others go ya know catch and release works almost every time and with 5 minuits to 2 days its all over .. you had better get some kind of plan in place because by the time you put a 45 dollar copperbanded in there and he is eating 2-3 hundred dollar acans and sps you will be sorry trust me If I could have found a mini harpoon i would have..

Thanks for the tip Andy. For some reason I can't seem to picture how to do this LOL. So a clear garbage can and lid ? I hear you about the Acans I have people telling me to put a copperband in your tank to take care of the aptasia what they don't realize is once they are done or not they might find all my acans, chalice and other LPS tastier once they get a taste of it LOL. I don't trust those fish with LPS one bit.
Damn bro,
Sorry to hear about that sixline. I was able to catch mine because it always came up to the front of the tank to feed, so i put some food in the net and punk went in it to get the food, so all I had to do is scoop it up. If you're going to borrow Finn's fish trap from Mike, I can pick it up for you when we meet up on Saturday. Mike is not that far from me.
Damn bro,
Sorry to hear about that sixline. I was able to catch mine because it always came up to the front of the tank to feed, so i put some food in the net and punk went in it to get the food, so all I had to do is scoop it up. If you're going to borrow Finn's fish trap from Mike, I can pick it up for you when we meet up on Saturday. Mike is not that far from me.

Yeah that would be great! I'll PM Mike later. I also tried the net trick last night. That bastard is a little smart.