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A friend from Washington mentioned the site, so I checked it out. I found it to be a lot friendlier site than some of the other sites although its a bit slow here from time to time. But I am willing to give a little inorder to take a little.

There seems to be almost no flaming here (at least that I have seen...) and there is a aweful lot of good talant and knowledge here and most seem to really want to help you as opposed to trying to impress you with how much they know or how much experience they have. As such I actually do post here occasionally vice just lurking around on the board like I do at about a 12 or so other forums. Hopefully it stays that way here.

I was searching aimlessly on the world wide web for help with my new aquarium this past winter and this place was the most welcoming and friendly forum I found. I feel a little jealous that I don't live out west where most of the members live so I could also join live meetings. I am glad to have found this place.
Just like Beeba, I was wandering aimlessly, and found a bunch of cool folks to talk to. I really like the people here, its rare to find people who will help someone they have never met. I am glad to be a part of Reef Frontiers
I googled my way here then met some folks in person, went to a midcolumbia meeting got some great information and stuff and now I'm hooked. I have several different hobbies but this is the nicest and most informational of all. No one hordes their trade secrets here and they do whatever they can to help. I have even seen folks research answers for folks and get right back. I love the site. Its bookmarked at the top of my favorites.
Well let’s see? I started on Reef Central! Followed “Greg T” to The Reef Tank, "Montanareefer" to Reef Sanctuary, Then followed "Mojoreef’s" links to Nikki’s 120 Construction here! So being that Nikki was last in line it’s all her fault!:D
LOLOL - alright, I'll accept the blame for this - :D It's nice to see you here!
A couple days ago I stopped by Salsamans place while I was suppossed to be working, fortunatly in my job the entire city is my workplace. :D Anyway I was there to bug him to look at his tanks, and he told me to check out this site. He was really cool about showing me around. That night I came here and decided I liked it right away, especially after I saw the "WA" after a lot of peoples locations. At least I know there are a lot of reefers around me. Everyone here has been super friendly and helpful...thanks all :)
Its all because of Kevinpo. I think it went something like "if you like reefcentral you'll love reeffrontiers". I've been hooked ever since. It gives me a nice diversion from work also :).
snobanker said:
A couple days ago I stopped by Salsamans place while I was suppossed to be working, fortunatly in my job the entire city is my workplace. :D Anyway I was there to bug him to look at his tanks, and he told me to check out this site. He was really cool about showing me around. That night I came here and decided I liked it right away, especially after I saw the "WA" after a lot of peoples locations. At least I know there are a lot of reefers around me. Everyone here has been super friendly and helpful...thanks all :)

Welcome to the board.
^BUMP^ A lot of new members, so I thought I'd give this thread a bump
I'm a little late on this, but as I recall, I had found the PSAS coral ID pages via google and had been using them quite a bit, when Nikki pointed about to me that there was more to the site than that....doh :rolleyes: