Hyposalinity Questions

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Ideally, the stock solution you prepare would be a constant concentration. Always the same amount in the same amount of water.

The next thing to do is experiment during the day. The drop size is about the same regardless of drip rate (actually, close enough for this purpose). So all that is left is the drip rate. You start slow and check the pH every hour to see its effect. This you'll need to do with a good pH meter that will read 0.02 pH units at least. This is best done at a time when you'll be home all day (weekend or day off).

Then you do that same drip over night. Each morning you check the pH and adjust the drip rate to tweak it for overnight rates.

Well I thought everything was going great but now my female (2.5 inch) is swimming very slowly and has not eaten in 3-4 days. I feel like she is on her way out. I am not sure why everyone keeps on dying. What am I doing wrong?

I would think my leapord wrasse would be more delicate than a clownfish.

All I have to feed is a mixture of formula one, formula two, brine shrimp, mysin shrimp, and some flake food. She is not interested in eating any of these. Anything I can do right now? All parameters are okay and pH fluctuations have stopped.
Unfortunately, if a fish won't eat, there is not much you can do to get it to eat....but i will agree it is not a good sign that it has gone 4 days with no food..
Just to be conservative, I would perform a huge (over 80%) water change. Don't attempt this unless you can in fact do more than an 80% water change. Anything less is not going to help. This sometimes 'shocks' the fish to eating. Also, this will take care of anything in the water that may be there that you can't test for. Since this is such a large water change, be sure to follow these guidelines: How to Make a Successful Water Change.

Good luck!

Well it's 50 gallon and all I have is 35 gallon tub. Would that at least help? So that's just over 50 percent.

I have a 20 gallon spare tank but am leaving for surgery on Thursday. An will be gone for ten days. My girlfriend will take care of the tank but wanted to leave them in the large tank for stability. I could put them in the small tank (and have a large water change) but concerned about fluctuations wile I am gone.

It's only two clownfish. Watcan goby and leapord wrasse left. So the 20 would be big enough.
You can do the 50%, but it just isn't effective in getting done what needs to be done. Can you store some in other, new, cleaned, containers while you make up the balance? If you are not able to, then I wouldn't bother.
