I hope this thread isn't dead yet...
I've had awful experiences with three different home test kits. Instant Ocean and Seachem both led me to bad places. So I threw them away and bought some Salifert kits. A lot of people on this thread and others like them a lot. And they also put me in a bind.
My Salifert kits said I had low Mag, high Alk, low Cal and a NO3 problem. I have a couple of suffering corals and a cyno problem. So I took a sample to the lfs and they found that my Alk is a bit low, my Cal is through the roof and my nitrates are perfect. The use the NuraFin Master Series kit.
So I'm thinking I'm just going to go to them weekly for a test.
But here's the question... How do I know they're more accurate than the kits I've thrown away?