I hate testing my tank! Please Help

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Here's another lab trick: you keep a record, you know where on the syringe you were yesterday. So just shoot the fluid all in up to that point, give or take a few drops, then continue to go drop by drop to the critical point. Saves a lot of time. Sure, it's cheating, but the results are still close enough for government work, and will not really affect your results, since change is what you're recording, anyway. As an example: I know the critical turn in color on my---is it alk---test is going to come about at the 5 mark. I shoot the whole syringe in up to 5.5, then drop by drop until the change. Then i shoot the rest back into the source bottle and dump, write down my result, and move on. Again, with the cal: powder---dump; 8 drops straight #2 solution; fill syringe, shoot in one stroke up to 2 and then count. I can run both tests inside 5 minutes max, more like about 3 min.
That's not what Habib is going to recommend, I'm sure, but it's the quick and dirty, and consistent testing is more important than drop by drop accuracy in our hobby.
Standing by for brickbats.