I have no idea what I'm doing in Everett, WA

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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May 27, 2014
Hello all!

My name is Dylan and I just got into reefing. I'm pretty avid in FW, having 5 tanks of different sizes and purposes, from a nano shrimp tank to an African Cichlid tank. Anyways, I have a coworker who was moving and he gave a small BioCube 14 for free!

I just picked it up and set it up last night, here's what it looks like so far:


Currently it has a Fire Clownfish, and a dottyback of some sort, along with a snail or two. Apparently he had a really bad aiptasia infestation a few months ago and decided to nuke the whole tank and start again, and then kind of lost interest in the tank (which happens, I understand completely.), and then the fire clown was sent to timeout in it.

From small amount of research I already did, I'm sure that both fish are fairly aggressive and also too big for this tank, so hopefully I can trade them away or sell them or something.

On the to do list:
  • Get rid of those 2 fish
  • Change out the sand for some aragonite oolite
  • Get more live rock
  • Get some inverts
  • get some simple corals - i think zoanthids?
  • ????
  • Profit!
Anyways, thanks for taking a look, and I look forward to interacting with all of you!
Welcome. There are a few of us in the Everett area.

You have some great local stores to choose from too.
Cool......you are now officially hooked! I will NOT assist you in removing the hook. :yo: :welcome:
Thanks! I'm pumped to start this build and see where it goes. Yesterday I managed to find someone who would take the fish in exchange for some cured liverock. Since there was no livestock in the tank I took that time to switch out the sand for some Caribsea Aragonite Oolite. Sidenote, I love this stuff, extremely soft, looks great, helps buffer the water. I use it in my malawi tank too. With the combination of the already established filtration system, and all of the cured LR, I shouldn't see too much of a mini cycle.


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It does look good! Now for a little clearing and yas ready to go! I did notice your flow pump is pretty covered in calcium deposits, if you soak that thing in white vinegar overnight it will dissolve it all off for ya.
Is that what that is? I wasn't sure, I thought maybe it was coralline because I've heard it grows in white as well. Time to break out the vinegar then!
Looking good so far.

Love the Biocube series. When I started back into saltwater I had a BC8. I was able to keep a decent array of softies in it. Then went with a BC29 to allow more room for softies and light lps.
Looks good. I was going to offer you some live rock but looks like you already got some. I'm over by Silver Lake. Good to see someone else in the Everett area.

I just got back into the hobby with a 24g cube. I've got a candy cane pistol shrimp and a Yasha Goby. They are fun to watch and with a small tank they don't have many places to hide. Earlier this evening the shrimp was going nuts over a snail that got too close to his hole. Rapid fire.

What livestock do you plan on adding?

welcome to RF.

Before you add anything else to the tank, I highly suggest you invest and purchase the following book:


It is well worth the investment. This book will answer the majority of questions that you will have, and after 20yrs in the hobby, trust me, you will have plenty of questions.

However, feel free to ask any question you have, there is great knowledge on this forum.

welcome to RF.

Before you add anything else to the tank, I highly suggest you invest and purchase the following book:


It is well worth the investment. This book will answer the majority of questions that you will have, and after 20yrs in the hobby, trust me, you will have plenty of questions.

However, feel free to ask any question you have, there is great knowledge on this forum.

Just downloaded it! Thanks for the suggestion, I'll load it onto my nook in a few minutes here.

excellent...I referred to it a great deal the first 2-3 years when I got into the hobby. great resource IMO.