I Love Football !!! Yeah !!

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I sure can't wait for next season.
I couldn't agree more. this was the first season since Largent was on the field. I have to give props to the coaches, players, and to (cringe) Paul Allen for putting the money and faith into the team. It's nice to have a strong team.

2006 NFL Champion Seahawks....nice ring to it
Reed Reed Reed :) Always the voice of reason :)

Mike that was a great breakdown. Obviously the Seahawks gave up some freakish big plays to the Steelers, however this game was won by way of penalties.. You hope your team can play above the penalties but in this case those penalties formed a bigger wall than the opposition itself. I can't think of a worse way to lose such a big game.

Sure there were dropped balls and things the Hawks coulda woulda shoulda, but when all was said and done they outplayed the oposition clearly in 3 quarters worth of gameplay, and not by a little.

I just hope the Hawks can derrive enough sense of accomplishment from what they did this year to keep the team together next year. If they do; people will watch, maybe even in other timezones :)
spongebob lover said:
I hope that when the Steelers see that ring on their fingers they put their heads down because.. everyone knows who the real winners are.

Yep...the Steelers :D

OK...running now.....lololol
At least the Seahawks made it to the big Bowl...more than I can say about my beloved Bears (aaahhh...superbowl XX) or the Colts (nothing to insert for Indianapolis).

reedman said:
Walter Payton....nuff said...well, the fridge too....fun year to watch superbowl

Haha good ol' Refrigerator Perry...now there was a gimmic if I ever saw one lol....he was fun to watch,too bad he got too big to play....we coulda called him "Walk-in Refrigerator Perry"......;)
LOL!! I'm just watching the news and even Mike Holmgren said it !! ... we fought againts 2 teams !!
Now that it's gonna cost him a couple bucks for saying that, sure... but once Holmgren said it... if felt like a relief for sure !!! .
ROFL - I loved da '85 Bears. I had a huge life sized poster of Jim McMahon in my room, a Rozelle headband that played the Bears Fight song (we had to learn the words in my school), and a bunch of other Bears items. I have some autographs from when they made appearances....they played the high school teachers in an exhibition game in my town. I ended up getting trampled (I was very young), and getting to be first in line for the autographs. I just found the sheet with the autographs at Christmas time when I was back home...of course my brother claimed it was his, but thankfully, I had my little girl handwriting on it. The funny thing about Bears fans....remember the Saturday Night Live skits with the Bears fans? When I watch those now, I laugh because that is exactly how the fans were back then, and some still are.

"The Fridge"!! He wasn't all the big when you compare him to today's standards.....I still can picture him running with the ball and not having enough gas to make it to the end zone. I think he wound up broke somewhere, and I heard he even sold off his ring. Not sure on that though.

For all the rest of you true Bears fans....

The Superbowl Shuffle

We're the Bears Shufflin' Crew.
Shufflin' on down, doin' it for you.
We're so bad we know we're good.
Blowin' your mind like we knew we would.
You know we're just struttin' for fun
Struttin' our stuff for everyone.
We're not here to start no trouble.
We're just here to do the Super Bowl Shuffle.


Well, they call me Sweetness,
and I like to dance.
Runnin' the ball is like makin' romance
We've had the goal since training camp
To give Chicago a Super Bowl Champ.
And we're not doing this because we're greedy.
The Bears are doin' it to feed the needy.
We didn't come here to look for trouble,
We just came here to do
The Superbowl Shuffle.


This is Speedy Willie, and I'm world class.
I like runnin', but I love to get the pass.
I practice all day and dance all night,
I got to get ready for the Sunday fight.
Now I'm smooth as a chocolate swirl,
I dance a little funky, so watch me girl.
There's no one here that does it like me,
My Superbowl Shuffle will set you free.


I'm Samurai Mike. I stop 'em cold.
Part of the defense, big and bold.
I've been jammin' for quite a while,
Doin' what's right and settin' the style.
Give me a chance , I'll rock you good,
Nobody messin' in my neighborhood.
I didn't come here lookin' for trouble,
I just came to do the Superbowl Shuffle.



I'm the punky QB, known as McMahon.
When I hit the turf, I've got no plan.
I just throw my body all over the field.
I can't dance, but, I can throw the pill.
I motivate the cats, I like to tease.
I play so cool, I aim to please.
That's why you all got here on the double,
To catch me doin' the Superbowl Shuffle.


I'm mama's boy Otis, one of a kind.
The ladies all love me
For my body and my mind.
I'm slick on the floor as I can be.
But ain't no sucker gonna get past me.
Some guys are jealous
Of my style and class.
That's why some end up on their (bleep).
I didn't come here lookin' for trouble,
I just get down to the Superbowl Shuffle.


They say Jimbo is our man.
If he can't do it, I sure can.
This is Steve, and it's no wonder.
I run like lightnin', pass like thunder.
So bring on Atlanta, bring on Dallas.
This is for Mike and Papa Bear Halas.
I'm not here to feather this ruffle,
I just came here to do
The Superbowl Shuffle.


I'm L.A. Mike and I play it cool.
They don't sneak by me 'cause I'm no fool.
I fly on the field and get on down.
Everybody knows I don't mess around.
I can break 'em, shake 'em,
Any time of day.
I like to steal it and make 'em pay.
So please don't try to beat my hustle,
'Cause I'm just here to do
The Superbowl Shuffle.



The sackman's comin', I'm your man Dent.
If the quarterback's slow,
He's gonna get bent.
We stop the run, we stop the pass.
I like to dump guys on their (bleep).
We love to play for the world's best fans.
You better start makin'
Your Superbowl plans.
But don't get ready or go to any trouble,
Unless you practice
The Superbowl Shuffle.


It's Gary here, I'm Mr. Clean.
They call me "hit man"
Don't know what they mean.
They throw it long and watch me run.
I'm on my man, one on one.
Buddy's guys cover it down to the bone.
That's why they call us the 46 zone.
Come on everybody, let's scream and yell.
We're goin' to do the Shuffle,
Then ring your bell.


You're lookin' at the Fridge,
I'm the rookie.
I may be large, but I'm no dumb cookie.
You've seen me hit, you've seen me run.
When I kick and pass, we'll have more fun.
I can dance, you will see.
The others, they all learn from me.
I don't come here lookin' for trouble,
I just came here to do
The Superbowl Shuffle!


A Monster Tribute to the '85 Bears
Nikki, don't make me cry !
I'm still sad about my hawks ok:cry: .
Even my husband put copys of the referees pictures in their office badroom.. right by the toilet :badgrin: ..... oh it hurts !!!
Should put them in the toilets, for targets.

that's what they did :D ... i just didn't wanna sound to yucky.
and it says pee pee at them ( in more inapropiate words )
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