I Love Football !!! Yeah !!

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Well there is always the next 30 years to look forward too...wait, I'll be dead and dust before the Seahawks get there again.....ah welll, at least they got there. Plauged by poorly timed penalties on big plays, blind referees, and plain bad luck....:cry:
RE:blind referees,& poor calls

That just took the wind out of the momentum you cant beat the Referees:mad:

snobanker said:
Well there is always the next 30 years to look forward too...wait, I'll be dead and dust before the Seahawks get there again.....ah welll, at least they got there. Plauged by poorly timed penalties on big plays, blind referees, and plain bad luck....:cry:
I thought it was a little strange when they showed Jerome Betis with the super bowl trophy,, before the game was over..?????

you think? dood they showed right from the beggining all the Steelers as winners... the bs.. i'm going to Disney, the pictures, etc.
they showed a few of the Hawks but it was almost everytime the Steelers.

Well there is always the next 30 years to look forward too...wait, I'll be dead and dust before the Seahawks get there again.....ah welll, at least they got there. Plauged by poorly timed penalties on big plays, blind referees, and plain bad luck....

LMBO!! :lol: ... that's the spirit :lol: seriously i'm even crying over this (prenancy hormones :p), i needed that laugh dood :lol: .
no dood, you'll still be alive and kicking when they win :) because there's gonna be a young generation that it's gonna kick really really bad every single team and they ARE gonna fear the Hawks ;) ... you'll see it.
That just took the wind out of the momentum you cant beat the Referees

yeah, the funny thing is they always do it to us and since they were "at home" of course they had to pull for the $$%^& Steelers.

I'm telling you this was just not only lame but bs.... i wonder how much they paid to the referees.
If the refs' called it better we'd have won. The hawks only got phased mentally and who would'nt under those ref's! Yes we threw a few wild passes but so did they. Bottom they got lucky we should have tried for 4th's more at least once and played it a little too safe :)
That was the worst game in recent NFL history with the potential to have been the best.. Seattle earned a win, having outplayed the Steelers on both sides of the ball. Today the software building, coffee drinkers showed the Steel benders what physical football looks like and the Steelers responded in desperation relying on the zebra clan to pull them through... & They did.

Great job Seattle. Your fans share in your somber state. You are the best team in the league and you proved it today with your play regardless of misfortune.
yeah they did a great job :) to bad we never have the referees on our side:doubt: .
Like i said THAT was our win.. they can rub that trophy on their 2#$ because at least in my heart we won and we're the champions.
well that was a very tough pill to swallow!!! Not a good thing to loose that way.

My honest condolences to the many Seahawks fans here...that was a tough game for sure...at least they made it....there is always next year, right?

I was really pulling for the Hawks and though they played well coming out fo the gates, I felt they fizzled. They just weren't firing on all cylinders. Stevens dropped too many critical passes for a superbowl game. Alexander wasn't enough today and a couple of injuries on the D didn't help. They played well, but Pit played better. The touchdown call was a tough call and barring any conclusive evidence in the replay the ref made the right call. The interference in the endzone was another tough call. Could go either way. Overall I didn't see any lopsided calls by the refs. They let them play and that is what a championship game is about. We just didn't bring the A game.

Next year Seattle will come out hungry and with a much larger fan base. Cheers to this years team. They far exceeded my craziest expectations and made watching them fun again.
just let me meet those ref's in a dark allyway.

we won, take away their td, and gave us ours.

seahawks beat them up and down, if u are a stealer ,, u should hang your head low, cuz u did not ern it>
I'm still sad and i even couldn't sleep over it... i re watched the game and i still see they gave our touchdown away to the Steelers.
I hope that when the Steelers see that ring on their fingers they put their heads down because.. everyone knows who the real winners are.
So Gabby...Still love Football? Atleast you guys made it to the Superbowl

yeah dood, it's so far the only game i like, to be honest i rather watch football than any show or soap opera.
may be we'll go next year, may be we won't but it's not
only about that, it's about seeing them play. :)
The ref calls are exactly why all the other major sports play best of 7 series. You get to correct the calls in the other games if it were truely lopsided (which I still don't think it was in the superbowl). But hey...the players and coaches all know that some days you get the calls and some days you don't...adapt or lose...the Seahawks didn't adjust, they just kept playing the same game.

And how can they allow 2 college gimmick plays work as well as they did? Come on. I love rooting for the hawks, but really...a reverse and a WR throwing a TD pass? That shouldn't happen in the regular season, let alone the superbowl.

Nonetheless, the hawks made it farther than they ever have and should hang their heads high. They are the second best team in the NFL and that is something to celebrate.
reedman said:
The ref calls are exactly why all the other major sports play best of 7 series. You get to correct the calls in the other games if it were truely lopsided (which I still don't think it was in the superbowl). But hey...the players and coaches all know that some days you get the calls and some days you don't...adapt or lose...the Seahawks didn't adjust, they just kept playing the same game.

And how can they allow 2 college gimmick plays work as well as they did? Come on. I love rooting for the hawks, but really...a reverse and a WR throwing a TD pass? That shouldn't happen in the regular season, let alone the superbowl.

Nonetheless, the hawks made it farther than they ever have and should hang their heads high. They are the second best team in the NFL and that is something to celebrate.

Before I get fried here, I have to agree with Reed. Look at it this way, you have a tight end that opened up his mouth, then dropped just about everything thrown his way. You have to make the plays to win, regardless of what the refs deal out. It is a well known fact that this was probably the worst officiated super bowl in years, but humans make mistakes, that's why we are humans!!!!!
If you are gonna open up your mouth, you better back it up, or you are gonna be eating footballs for the rest of your career. It is unfortunate,because he did make some plays, just not enuf.
That said, Seattle should be proud, and they will be back, that is one hell of a football team!!!
Just my impartial observations folks!:D :D
Well I shut up all the way through the playoffs for fear of Mojo's law coming into play but I cant really buy into the "Steelers were a better team" thing. Man they didnt get a first down for a quarter and a half, beside one long run they had no running game. The passing game was also brutal with 2 interceptions??. Take a peek at the calls though

>First two drives stopped by penalties
>third drive they score a TD but a penalty, so it ends up 1st and 20 insteed of 7 points
> then the next score is Ben not getting in, but the play is called a TD, so 7 to 3, ok life goes on a 14 point swing in the 1st half.
In the 3rd we exchange TDS so still a 4 point spread. But the next two drives are stopped by penalties..ok
>so now seattle drives all the way down the field from thier two to the steelers 19 with a 1st and 10. They throw a pass to the 2 yard line....oh nope another penalty (showed through reply didnt exsist). Now its 1st and twenty from the 29 instead of first and goal?? two running plays later Hassleback now gets risky and throws and interception..ok
> on the interception the steelers are on thier 29, but no another penalty for a low block on our qb that was tackling the runner??? so now the ball is on the 45?? three plays later TD steelers, so now its 14 to 3...different ballgame now when you are that many points back on the steellers no??
> couple that with one of the most penalized teams in the league didnt have a penalty called on them for 3/4's..ok

Anyway yea they made mistakes and we all expect a few bad calls, but in this game thier was just to many and they were at the wrong time and just killed Seattle. I hate to see both these teams play through the year just to end up in a game where the refs blunder so bad.

Just bitter I guess.

yeah i gotta i agree with everyone.
Sure we screwed up and we should have done better i mean i saw a different team on the field but they needed more (or at least may be pay a little bit more money to the refs than what the Steelers offered :D ).
Some penalties were really not there or at least not for me (may be i need better glasses)
All i can say is, i'm proud of the hawks because i've been watching them every since i came to the U.S. and they have changed a lot.
Sure they killed us on the field but i have high hope that they will be back, may be not next year but they will AND with or without Alexander.
I sure can't wait for next season.

Well I shut up all the way through the playoffs for fear of Mojo's law coming into play

uhh there's a mojo's law .... me wants to know :)... there's to many in RF, when are you gonna explain us dood.