i think i'm nuts :D

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spongebob lover

flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
ok ...SO i decided to get a treadmill :D , i thought about winter and me and my rochis walking in the middle of the rain and i said to myself.....forget about it :lol::D, so i started checking out craiglist and found one...quite cheap if you ask me...you don't wanna know how we got it but i'm glad we did :shock::lol:.
so anyways, Robacha now is dog whisperized and finally yesterday (11:30 at night to be exact) she finally started walking and getting on the treadmill without a leash... i was so happy and exited that i almost let her sleep on the bed again ( she farted and stinked the room like never before so i put her back in her room:lol:)


Shot with Canon PowerShot S400 at 2008-08-25


Shot with Canon PowerShot S400 at 2008-08-25


Shot with Canon PowerShot S400 at 2008-08-25


Shot with Canon PowerShot S400 at 2008-08-25
Hmmm....I am at work and the fire wall won't let the pics thru!:mad: I will have to wait until i get home to see them.
Hmmm....I am at work and the fire wall won't let the pics thru! I will have to wait until i get home to see them.

that sucks dood, i hate it when that happens :(.
i like that pic of your little one willie....hehe she looks so cute :D
Hey I just realized it only took me 3 years 5 months to reach my 1,000th post!!!!!!
well yesterday i had the most embarrasing moment of my life :oops:, her choker chain came off while we were walking (it seems like Robacha bent one of the spikes thingys somehow :eek:) and there was a lady walking on the other side of the street, SO she went off and jumped and nip at the lady like never before and started running all around, then my little one thought it was playing time so she starts walking in the middle of the street :eek: , thank god a car stoped which the lady in the car looked at me like.....that lady is nuts :lol:, then of course i had to go grab my little and i told my son to watch her which he did great, then after 10 miserable mins i finally caught Robacha :doubt: (trust me i was sweating by the time i finally got her :lol: :rolleyes:)... i told the lady that Robacha was trying to jump on and nip that i was very sorry which she gave me a very dirty look :oops:, after that i just went right back home :p:razz:.
On the good note, we finally got Robacha a really good food, it's called Taste of the wild...my husband almost had a heart attack when he saw how much the bill for the food was but it seems like it's really good food and this morning she got her first try and she loves it :).
Thanks Gaby....now I want a treadmill.

you can always get a cheap one from craigslist dood:D :lol: ,think about it, why would you go in the middle of the rain when you can put Tyson in a nice treadmill while you're reading a book or maybe even playing nintendo ds :lol::p
I asked a vet about foods and he told me some of the more expensive ones have things they can't use or digest well but they love the taste.

He told me to get some common food like purina dog chow as it is quite good for him!

So you might want to ask the vet the low down on different foods and ask if /and what /really matters and you might be surprised at the answer .


yes i'm gonna ask her today since i had to reschedual her appoiment :).
i believe the only downside for this food is the low fiber and since Robacha is still a puppy she needs that, SO i'm giving her green beans, but yeah definetly i'll talk to her doctor about it :)
That is a VERY funny story!:lol: I tried to warn you about her energy level.:) Anyway she is looking great!

About food.......I have done a LOT of research on it and you wanna aim for stuff with low ash, dogs are omnivores so you want lots of vegetable matter and if it's an organic food all the better!:) I have switched to making my own raw dog food. if interested here is a link to a site about it.



P.S. my daughter is adding all the smilies on this message!:eek:
LOL!!! yeah.
last week she did it again dood, someone left the door open and so she took off and went to the hospital right across the street and ohh my god :eek:, trust me, not only i looked like i was nuts, there was someone coming out of the ambulance and she almost knocked them down :eek::oops:.
This past two days, i don't know what's the deal but she's been acting agressive towards me :confused, yesterday she tried biting me (she got the biggest timeout of her life i think:shock: ) and not only did she do it twice but now when she grabs a sock, she goes running away with it and if i say....give, she growls and barks :doubt::rolleyes:.
Then a few days ago, i was trying to do the front yard and one of my neighbours' dogs came into the yard and started pooing, well Robacha saw the dog and she went nuts, she started being agressive towards the dog :eek: (good thing she was tied to the fence), then the next day again, another dog was on the front yard doing his business (yes my yard is the neighbourhood toilet :lol:)and so Robacha wanted to go chase that dog .
I'll check out your recipie dood, i asked her doctor about the food i've been giving her but she didn't know anything about it, this coming up month she's getting fixed :lol: so i'm bringing her a sample of the food so she can check it out.
Boy Gabs!

Sounds like you will have to get a grip onthat agressive behaviour!:shock: Mom acts like she is full of piss and vinegar until someone enters the gate and then she is a big love sponge!:lol:
LOL!!! daughter is the same with people :D, she'll try jumping on people ...kisses on top of kisses, it's been two times that we go for a walk and people will trow her a treat and tell me how cute she is (totally chick magnet...in case anyone would like to walk her :D :lol:) , sometimes i think...I could go for a treat :lol: :lol:

Don't think that would work for me though! LOL

what wouldn't? Chasing her around the hospital or having a dog that runs like a horse around the house :lol: :lol: