Ichthys 150 Reef Build

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Great news Danny, time to reap the rewards of patience. Always feels good to have the 'New System' settled in.

Cheers, Todd
Good to hear you have life in your tank Danny
How long have you been at this build?
Did you get rid of your micro-bubbles?
I need to get up there and and have a look-see.
Good to hear you have life in your tank Danny
How long have you been at this build?
Did you get rid of your micro-bubbles?
I need to get up there and and have a look-see.

Thanks Dave. I have had the tank for probably 6 months, and the rock had been cooking for 2-3 months. I wanted to take my time and do this right, and make maintenance easy. It will be my only system for several years to come. I took the pump and pulmbing of the closed loop apart, Eric put a new seal in the hammerhead and I am eager to get it back together. However, this weekend is my 22nd anniversary and me and the wife are up in Birch Bay for a 3 day weekend. It was supposed to be an aquarium free weekend, I missed the BR sale and no work on the tank and was supposed to be no time on the boards.. but on the drive up she allowed me to pull over in a tacobell parking lot in Bellingham and place my bids in the weekly SeaKing auctions, and this afternoon she is napping so I snuck on here... When we get back in town and i get the closed loop back up, you will have to come by for a look. Maybe you and the wife can come over one Saturday for some bbq burgers. I might have the hot tub up and running by then as well.
Beginning to get frustrated. I have had the snails in the tank almost 2 weeks, i cut back the lighing period, have done multiple water changes, tested all parameters and they are zero. I cant get rid of this long flowing hair algae. .... any suggestions?


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Man I know how it feels. have some hair algae and many hermits and snails, also a foxface and a tang and they don't touch it. I have a great fuge and skimmer and the stuff still grows. I just let it and pluck it out. I also run GFO and use ro/di water.
I usually don't recomend this for newer tanks, but there is a product that I have used.
Algaefix Marine made by API.
If you are using GFO and it is still growing then maybe a drastic cure is needed.
Well I got the hair algae under control and the micro bubbles fixed, the closed loop is running well and everything seemed good so tonight I finished transferring my fish and remaining corals into the new tank. For anyone that remembers when this saga started and I had the crash that caused me to lose my monti's and Pocilloporas, several of you offered some frags when i was back up and running, well... I am back up and running so if anyone has a nice Pocillopora, Monti's, Birdsnest, or whatever, I am starting to look for corals to fill in all the empty spaces..
you are welcome to my grapefruit size colony of pocillopora damicornis that has spawned everwhere in my tank. I have debated wether to transfer it to the 300g but am afraid that keeping it in check in a larger tank may prove to be a hassle. also any softies I have.
Hey Danny, any time you're up North and willing to stop by for a visit I almost always have some Coral pruning to do. Good to hear that you're getting the issues solved.

Cheers, Todd
Soooo how's the new tank icthys?
Get any new corals?
How'd u get rid of ur algaes?
Oblivious I am lol :) tell me more.
Glad to hear you are back on track.
I have your bridsnest when ever we can hook up. I also have a few other corals I can trim up to help you fill in some space.
Kevin (Kpio) and I live within 2 miles of each other. I am sure you could get a cooler full of goodies between the two of us. You will have to plan a short road trip south.
WOW!! you guys are awesome. Kevin, I would love a piece of that pocilopora, the one I lost was my fave coral, it was a bluish redish purple depending on lighting and time of day.. I only need a frag though but will accept whatever you can spare. Will be out your guys way next weekend, SSaturday Im working and Sunday is moms day.
Well the house is back to normal for the first time in recent memory. It is nice having the tank up and running, and my old 90 out of the family room. Thought I would post some pics of the new tank with my stuff in it. It looks so bare and barren lol..



LOVE my new Orange Shoulder Tang... he munches algae like crazy. Thanks to OBD for another great specimen
