In pain and ill Snowflake eel...PLEASE HELP

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Nov 16, 2010
For the last week he hasn't been wanting to eat and I didn't think anything of it due to that being common every once in a while for snowflake eels, but just last night I caught him doing this and now think
there is something more. I cant honestly think of what could be wrong. I have a video that shows him flailing, but need to post up 2 more post to be able to add the link, but figured I would see what advice I could get for now. It almost seems as though he has a crook in his neck and cannot swim
right. He is twisting in circles with his head cocked to one side and cant seem to straighten it. breathing hard and just flailing. What would cause this.
I just did water test and everything is in tip top shape. What else could be wrong. He has never acted like this. I am very persistent about weekly tank cleaning and water changes. I feed him frozen shrimp and krill
(more shrimp has been on his diet lately).
My poor baby seems to be in a pain and I dont even know if there is anything I can do. Any advice is welcomed!

Also, I have read a little and it looks like its something with his slime coat (sand is sticking to him in stands almost). Anything to fix that? Any vitamins or meds recommend? Thanks.
And if it can be moved to the Marine Fish Discussion with Lee Birch forum it would be appreciated.

Thank you RF
First off welcome to RF! Sorry to hear about your troubles. Moved to Lee's forum to see if he can help. Good luck!:)
I wish I had an answer. I have never seen anything like this before. It is like the vertebrae in that region has wrenched itself out of alignment. Why or how this would happen is beyond me. Even if this were the case, the correction of it would have to be done surgically.

Sorry I couldn't offer any suggestions. If it were mine, and it has gone on for more than 36 hours, I would euthanize it.
This might sound dumb but do you think some form of food or something is stuck in its throat?
It seems kind of "bulged" in the are behind his head. Just a thought that came to mind.
If it comes to euthanizing it, you call me... I have clove oil and I will come down and help you if you want.
I'll pm you on WAFB
This might sound dumb but do you think some form of food or something is stuck in its throat?
It seems kind of "bulged" in the are behind his head. Just a thought that came to mind.

I was thinking the same thing when I first saw the video.

Also is it possible that a rock may have fallen and hit him?
I honestly cant think of anything that could have happened. The rock he is swimming by is the one that he stays under majority of the time. None of my rocks have been disturbed. I had forgot to mention, before all of frenzy swimming, all last week he would poke his head out (like normal for food) around dinner time, but he would almost be laying on his side. his head would be tilted and he would swim like that and now it has turned into to this. I know it sounds bad, but I honestly dont want to euthanize him, but it looks as though I have no choice. This morning same thing. Out from under his rock in the back curled up and coiling around himself. I cant believe this has happened.
Food wise, he hasn't ate for the last week for me, but I have tiny crabs and snails and even have random pesky bristle worms. My guess is as good as yours. man, this really sucks.
I have seen this before in a store....the eel had swallowed a rock...I don't know what the outcome was though. Only knew that from conversation with store owner.
Really?!! Does anyone know of anything to help pass it or get it out? Like maybe a fish that has swallowed something? I cant believe this all could be because of him accidentally swallowing something he shouldn't have. I really dont want to loose him!
Check with your local vet. I know we have one in the area that deals with fish, I just dont remember who he is. My vet recommended him once. Could the eel possibly be sedated and have the object removed?

Would it be possible to massage it back out his mouth?
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I just cant imagine how they would do so. Unless we had one show up here and sedated im in the hospital tank. Im looking around now.
A modest dose of clove oil will stun most fish rather well. I have used this method for collecting fish. I would try it in a seperate container before killing him. Who knows? You might be able to see if something is caught in his throat.
I wish I knew a vet to suggest...

well I took him out to massage his throat and to see if anything was in there. His mouth is so small I could barely see, but from what I could see, there wasn't anything. I didn't feel any lumps or hardness in his throat which I almost wish I had so I could at least know that was the reason. It hasn't seem to help. I actually think he may be giving up. He has stopped coiling and is no just laying curled up by a rock. What ever it is, I really hope that he will come out of it. I really dont want to have to let him go.
The concept of the fish swallowing something that got/gets caught in its throat is about a million times less likely than this being an injury. Speaking in generalities: Anything that gets past those teeth can and does pass through the intestinal track. How many snakes swallow something that get stuck in their intestinal track? Like the snake, the intestinal track of the eel expands to accomodate the food.

The swollen area is indicative of the immune response to what I still think is an injured invertebrae, sorry to say. :frown:

Got it. I appreciate your help and I actually do believe you may be right. As of right now he is no were to be seen in the tank. I am hoping that he is actually hiding, which to me would be a good sign seeings how he hasn't even been able to swim right, much less into a tiny hole or crack. I am keeping an eye out for him. If I dont see him at all later on, I may have to go searching for him just in case he has hid to die or something.