In Wall - going for it! - seeking your ideas/feedback/advice

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Elliot - Here's a couple shots of my progress on the light rack so far. I'm trying to figure out a sleek way to provide better support to the bar that the luminarcs will be suspended from - if you have any ideas, let me know...

I take it you're going to be using the luminarc vent's, correct? At least that's what I think they're for...

Here's what I think you should do.
The Red is if you want to support them from the bottom. The black is if you want to hang them (see top brace black boxes) . Also, if you look at the blue lines, it would be very beneficial to weld a tab on each side to help strengthen it. After all, you don't want anything to fail...


Top view for supporting from bottom. Remeber to put one across the bottom between the two. Obviously the red lines would be underneath everything.
Hey Ben,

Here's the idea I just talked to you about on the phone.

Also, maybe instead of screwing the luminarcs into the rack, you can just weld them to where you would normally screw them into. (See green lines) It would be less damaging if you decided to sell them.

So in this picture, the blue would be more bracing to distribute the weight load from 2 points to 12 points. The red lines indicate where you would weld tabs that will stick out to just touch the sides of the luminarc to help keep it from wanting to swing at all. They wouldn't obstruct any light either.

Call me if you have any questions.
Thanks Elliot, Thanks Ken..

And... a BIG THANK YOU to Duane b/c now I have:

  • 4 dedicated 20 amp circuits
  • 5 double boxes with outlets
  • 6 20 Amp GFCI outlets
  • 4 Regular 20 amp outlets


here's a few pics of the final product. peanut breakers mean no need for a seperate box so it looks nice and clean. My 4 new one's are on the bottom.


one double block(includes 1GFCI + 1 regular outlet) near the sump:

three double blocks (includes 4 GFCIs + 2 regular outlets) under the tank, plus another regular we installed earlier. You can also see the start of a new removable panel too that I'm making so I can access the plumbing that runs through the wall in case there's ever a leak.

and lastly, one more double block up top of the tank where the lighting rack can plug in (1 GFCI + 1 regular outlet)


I'm hoping that this will cure any possibilities of me electrocuting my tank or myself in the future. Thanks again Duane - you're quite the guy. :)

You now need a Guardian generator to hook this bad boy up to. This is the last thing that i need down to my system and everything is complete.

You now need a Guardian generator to hook this bad boy up to. This is the last thing that i need down to my system and everything is complete.

Yeah.. of course that'd be nice, but may have to make due with my regular gas powered one for now. One day.. one day...;)

So how are you going to controll all this since its on dedicated circuits? This mean you're getting rid of the Aquacontroller 3(and selling it to me for $100, LOL)?

Looks like you should start filling with water it pretty soon!

If you get time, show us a picture of it from standing way back, I'm trying to imagine the whole thing. I only remember digging in your sump for LR rubble to mount frags with.
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So how are you going to controll all this since its on dedicated circuits? This mean you're getting rid of the Aquacontroller 3(and selling it to me for $100, LOL)?

Looks like you should start filling with water it pretty soon!

See, that's the cool thing, you can have them all on diff circuits or outlets and it doesn't matter. You just link all of the power modules together via plain ole telephone wire and send the signal back and forth through that. I beleive the computer can even handle a string up to 40 of the DC8 or DC4 Power modules. I'm actually in the market for a DC4 or DC4HD power module.. Don't know of anybody with an extra one laying around by chance, Do ya?

You just link all of the power modules together via plain ole telephone wire and send the signal back and forth through that.

So everything you want to control has to be plugged into a DC8 or a DC4 and those are linked togethr, is what you're saying, right?
So everything you want to control has to be plugged into a DC8 or a DC4 and those are linked togethr, is what you're saying, right?

yep..exactly.. linked together by regular ole' telephone wire which tranmits signals to tell each outlet (there are 8 outlets on the DC8 and 4 on the DC4) when to turn on/off. They can all be on seperate circuits, seperate outlets, or the same - it doesn't matter. As long as your telephone wire is long enough to transmit the signal, your good. Shoot, it could even be in a different part of the house all together if you had a couple tanks you wanted to control as long as you figure out how to get the telephone line from point A to B.
So are you screwed if the telephone company cuts the telephone wire to your house??
So are you screwed if the telephone company cuts the telephone wire to your house??
Nope, it's independent of the actual telephone line to the house. It's a seperate telephone wire that you connect between the power module and the computer controller. So if i severed one of those lines, which i won't (famous last words), then I'd have a problem, but there are no issues if for some reason the telephone company decides to cut me off. If you have multiple power modules, you just string one together right after another in a chain.

If interested in more info on how this works, check out the Neptune Website (
Don't know of anybody with an extra one laying around by chance, Do ya?

Yeah I do,

There's a guy up in Snohomish who's putting a tank in his wall...Oh, wait thas you. NM.

I should be coming over that way sometime after the 5th of next month. I expect to see a well established in wall completely done, along with a set of frags for myself :D

I should be coming over that way sometime after the 5th of next month. I expect to see a well established in wall completely done, along with a set of frags for myself :D


Thursday dealine ehh? Maybe I need to offer up some double grilled cheese sanwiches so i can really bring in the reinforcements :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Double quarter pounders seem to work pretty well for me.:p

Well, if you're offering, I'm accepting. ;):D:p;):):eek2::badgrin::razz:

I just called ferguson's and found out they carry the black PVC parts, so I'm planning on making a trip over that way to pickup a few items.
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