In Wall - going for it! - seeking your ideas/feedback/advice

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It is looking great! you are doing it right.
What are the dimensions of the tank? I dont have the time to read through 50 pages to find it....:lol:

and this is just the beginning, can you imagine when we get to the aquascaping :shock::lol::D

yeah, yeah..keep poking... It just shows I'm taking my time planning everything this time around.. that's all.. doesn't mean I obsess much with details -- I swear :D

It is looking great! you are doing it right.
What are the dimensions of the tank?

Thanks Matt. Dimensions are 4 x 4 x 2. w/ a continuous overflow across the back. I'm so glad i did continuous overflow by the way. I don't know how I would plumb without it, plus it just looks sleek.

Stay tuned... Plumbing assembly is up next. I'll dry fit everything, figure out what parts I missed (it would be nothing short of a mirical if I actually have everything I need), then if all is good, glue it together and fill her w/ water for a dry run... err.. I mean wet run.:rolleyes:


oh and P.S -- Still smiling by the way :p
yeah, yeah..keep poking... It just shows I'm taking my time planning everything this time around.. that's all.. doesn't mean I obsess much with details -- I swear

i was just joking dood :D.... i wish i'd have put more thought into my tank when i was first starting :p.

you got a lot of plumbing parts and i'm jelouse :D.
Thanks Ilham. :)

Hey Matt- yes indeed - lotta plumibing and I think it's going to take me a little longer than expected to finish up. Despite my best planning attempts, I'm having to customize the original design a bit to make everyting fit. So I'll probably need to make another trip to the store for a few things, but all in all, I'm really glad I planned in advance and ordered up the parts before hand because I have most everything on hand.

I worked a bit on it yesterday and here is where I'm at so far. Pics are a little dark, but it's hard to get a good shot. Being fathers day, I don't expect to get too much done today, but may work on it a bit this evening.



Ohhh.. and I still have plenty of Craft singles and bread for sanwiches..whoo.. super enticing arent' I?. :lol::lol::lol:

I think you are on the right track. It is hard to plumb an OM 4-way super clean. Just keep on going....

Remember, 20 hours, ok!

Hey Ben, You might want to through some disconnect Unions in there just in case you need to get that pump out in the event it should ever fail..

Wait.... Are those unions on the ball valves? If so never mind..

Looking good..

I think you are on the right track. It is hard to plumb an OM 4-way super clean. Just keep on going....

Remember, 20 hours, ok!


Thanks Jason...20 hrs... that's what I'm shooting for. So far, I've put in about about 7-8 and have the MBV hooked up in entirity (just dry fitting) and have half of the OM hooked up (had to stop b/c I'm short some parts). Still smiling about the tank by the way - thanks again for making it! I can't say enough good things about the final product. I absolutely love it.

Hey Ben, You might want to through some disconnect Unions in there just in case you need to get that pump out in the event it should ever fail..
Wait.... Are those unions on the ball valves? If so never mind..
Looking good..

Yep..thanks those fancy true untion ball valves, so we're all good in that respect. Thank you though. I definately encourage anyone to speak up with ideas/thoughts now b/c once it's glued, it aint coming apart. :)

I'll try to get some updated pics up soon... I sat on my card reader though so don't know if I can get it to work...dooh :shock:

I think you are on the right track. It is hard to plumb an OM 4-way super clean. Just keep on going....

Remember, 20 hours, ok!

Holy Smokes Ben,
You buy a sweet tank from Jason and he is charging ya piece work to get your plumbing installed......:eek: :D LOL.

Thanks Jason...20 hrs... that's what I'm shooting for. So far, I've put in about about 7-8 and have the MBV hooked up in entirity (just dry fitting) and have half of the OM hooked up (had to stop b/c I'm short some parts). Still smiling about the tank by the way - thanks again for making it! I can't say enough good things about the final product. I absolutely love it.

Yep..thanks those fancy true untion ball valves, so we're all good in that respect. Thank you though. I definately encourage anyone to speak up with ideas/thoughts now b/c once it's glued, it aint coming apart. :)
Don't plumb in the way of the duct Ben!!! It may not come apart, but it will come out in chunks........I do own a sawzall.:badgrin: :lol: MUUUWAHAHAHA.
Holy Smokes Ben,
You buy a sweet tank from Jason and he is charging ya piece work to get your plumbing installed......:eek: :D LOL.

Don't plumb in the way of the duct Ben!!! It may not come apart, but it will come out in chunks........I do own a sawzall.:badgrin: :lol: MUUUWAHAHAHA.

Ahhhh.. noooooooo.. stay away from here with that sawzall Scott :eek::D:eek As fun as those things are, I think I'd probably break out in tears after all of this. I definately have a new found respect for plumbers -- There are so many diff types of parts out there, it's crazy. Thank godness Jason tossed me some knowledge about "stree ells" or I would've been in major trouble in my overflow with space limitations. I should be able to disconnect a couple things and slide it out of the way for the remaining ventalation and electrical install. I won't glue anything till we get those lined up - just dry fitting now;)

on the 20 hrs (chuckle)... no, not piece work -- We were just chatting about how long he thought it'd take me if I was doing it myself and he thought 20. So I've set that as my target which i'm actually thinking might be realistic assuming I don't hit any big snags (keep your fingers crossed).

building durso's now.... stay tuned..hope to get some pics up soon.
anyone know a good way to make spaflex a little more malable? is hot water a good idea? The 1 1 1/2" is a bit stiff.

Hot water might help, but I have never worked with your fancy black spa flex. But, if you just ran all sch. 40 rigid pvc........ Good luck bro!

excellent - hot water worked - it's still stiff to work with, but much easier overall.

I finished all of the plumbing in the overflow (2 durso's, 2 CL drains, and 4 3/4" outlets).


and I'm 90% done with dry fitting the closed loop returns - only thing left is the over the top front outlets which I'm struggling with a bit.

LOL That has become one busy pump. Looking good. YOu may want to consider using a male to female threaded 90 on the bottom of the tank to make the loclines hug the bottom and be more low profile. Of course, with a hard 90 you will lose a little flow. Also, It looks like you are using too many segments of locline on the back wall. I sure could use all of your extras. JK :D
LOL That has become one busy pump. Looking good. YOu may want to consider using a male to female threaded 90 on the bottom of the tank to make the loclines hug the bottom and be more low profile. Of course, with a hard 90 you will lose a little flow. Also, It looks like you are using too many segments of locline on the back wall. I sure could use all of your extras. JK :D

If I have extras, they're all your's. And there's a pretty good chance I will. I thought about the 45's and I actually purchased enough of those to do it if i wanted, but I was worried about flow restriction and I'm not sure how much benefit they'd do in helping me hide the maze - I guess you can't tell till you try it. Maybe when you come over we can tinker w/ it a bit.