Beautiful tank
Beautiful tank
Very very nice tank you have here.... im very impress. Question about the mame design. Does your overflow does self start?
No, the overflow does not self-start. It has to be manually primed. However, once it's primed it maintains its siphon even through a power outage.
Thank you!
Thanks! No, the overflow does not self-start. It has to be manually primed. However, once it's primed it maintains its siphon even through a power outage. The actual MAME overflow has a venturi fitting on the return line that primes and maintains the siphon in the overflow line. The venturi is operational so long as the return pump is running. Hence, it is self-starting and self-maintaining.
I experimented with various venturi configurations on my return line to make it work like the MAME overflow, but I failed after several different designs. I haven't given up on it completely yet, but I might abandon it altogether once the actual MAME overflow becomes available next month (hopefully).
Lame! I'm sure everything will pull through though...just will prolly take a day or two of being back to normal. For the future, you may want to pick up one of those exteral battery power supplies to run a heater and small powerhead in such emergencies... Like these: Backup Power Generator, Emergency Power Supply | Duracell They work great for keeping a nano going during short power outages...
so is that the only pump in there? no other pump? amaizing... i like it.
100X krish... I only have 30X planned for my nano. Do I need to increase that a bit?
Its not about quantity it quality that counts. Turn over rate doesnt really matter if the flow is not doing its job. One thing with pumps like the vortecs is they dont brake the surface as seen in the video. Great flow and the corals have great movement but the oxygen exchange is not there. For some tanks this wont matter especially shallow ones but bigger tanks its a real problem.