Jabao pumps

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I was actually thinking of doing a wp 40 instead of the second 60. I also have 2 mp 40s so there is a ton of flow.
330 gallon mixed reef. 3'x8' footprint. And it was a peninsula so the overflow is on one end. I'm having lots of issues with dead spots and cyano.
I am trying to figure out what to get for a decent flow in my 90. I bought two JBJ Oceanstream 1600's 6 months ago and one has ground to a halt, burned out motor. Now the other is making noise. I had to put my one of my Hydors 550 back in but it isn't enough flow. I am interested to see how the Jaebos hold up. I definitely can't afford the Vortech's.
I got a wp-25 and it's a sweet pump. Glad I didn't pay 400+ for a mp40, the wp pumps are way easier to set up and figure out.
they really are great pumps. the only thing they have left to prove to me is longevity...
jaebo has been around a long time, just not in 'this' side of the hobby, so its not a fly by night thing either. i'm also considering one of their dc pumps for return, so i'd be thrilled to hear reports on how they do too..
Just got 2 wp-60s, I think it might be too much flow for my 330, just one on the lowest setting does more than my 2 mp-40s

I know this is a day old but no way. I have two wp_40's and two Tunze's 6105's on my six foot 210 SPS dominated tank. I have a hard time believing that there is such a thiing as too much flow for a fish tank. I always tend to push a 100x turnover in my tanks
Last week I replaced my 4 Tunze 6100's and two Maxijet Mods and a Tunze Wavebox with 2ea. Jebao WP-60's. They are at opposet ends of the 210 gallon Tank set on an alternating cycle with a standard wave timer. The flow is a Gyre that alternates clockwise then counterclockwise. I'm using W1 with the Wave effect totally dialed in. This Tank is Rockin Now Baby! Less power with better flow for a fraction of the cost. I'm sold on these pumps too!

Im with you Paul. Max Flow for Max SPS Happiness................ I am running two Jebao wp-40s along with two Tunze 6105's for a total of 12,000 GPH when they are all on at the same tiime. I keep one on W1 speed 1 at 50% wave time for a perfect double wave and the other three on a random 5min/on , 1min/off for total SPS chaos. My 5 tangs love the flow.
I know this is a day old but no way. I have two wp_40's and two Tunze's 6105's on my six foot 210 SPS dominated tank. I have a hard time believing that there is such a thiing as too much flow for a fish tank. I always tend to push a 100x turnover in my tanks

would depend a bunch on stock level and aquascaping thign, don't you think? i mean, if theres nothing breaking it up, it might not be 'too much', but overkill comes to mind...

depends on what overkill is to you...if 100X turn over is too much, then yes, overkill it is...that is a lot for me, but I mainly have fish, so don't know that much flow.
oh, i just meant its kind of individual to to tank is all... what 'seems' like it should be fine, may in reality be overkill once in place.. might not be enough either...
I hear ya and understand what you meant...there are some that have the Tim the tool men mentality "more power" or in this case "more flow"...in the end it is all good.
LOL............ I understand the "overkill" thought. If you look at the pic in my sig, or my tank thread, you'll see that I had 20,000 gal/hr running in the tank at that time. When I started out, I had only 5,000 gal/hr in it, but as everything grew I added flow. I eventually thinned out corals, removed the CL and ended up with two Tunze 6105's on a wave at only 6,000gl/hr and was happy. AS SPS grow they reduce flow. At only 12,000gal/hr I know it's only a matter of time before it wont be enough flow. No matter how much it sounds like too much.
I messed up the settings on the pump and actually had it at full power the whole time and it ripped a bunch of corals off my rocks and stirred up a bunch of detritus. Now I have it set at w1 50% and my LPS seem to love it and so do my fish
LOL............ I understand the "overkill" thought. If you look at the pic in my sig, or my tank thread, you'll see that I had 20,000 gal/hr running in the tank at that time. .

Been meaning to mention it, your signature link is broken. I found it a while back and bookmarked it as one of my threads to 'go through'. Haven't found time to even start it yet, but if you want to update the signature link. http://www.reeffrontiers.com/threads/32238-210-In-Wall
heres an update with my wp60, when i was doing a water change i only had it on and i took a 2 videos to show what they can do, one is on the lowest setting pulse mode and one is the highest.