January 19th PSAS Meeting: Fish Food Making

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still don't have a date. I have been discussing it with Colleen, but we have not finalized a date nor whether it will be an official PSAS event or not. I will do it, but I want to get my ducks in a row so-to-speak.

If it is a PSAS event, the odds are it would be the third Saturday in January, but no decision has been made yet that I know of. Once we have a date, then we can discuss the event in more detail. :)
Hi guys,

I'm certain it is going to work out! We had a confirmed speaker for January courtesy of Mario from Ocean Reef however the speaker backed out. Along came Jonathan's post for a food party so hey; why don't we seize the moment. Jonathan is planning to expand on Lee Birch's talk about nutrition, so this will be great to actually put Lee's words to action so to speak.

Yes, the third Saturday of each month is our standard for events.

Thanks for helping us out this month Jonathan! I know everyone will enjoy seeing your set up. Heck I dont even have any tanks but I'm sure I'll have to come see what all the hubbub is over there. :)
So is that official?

And if so, what else will we do? Frags? Trading? I need to know what to have set up. Once I have confirmation, I will set up a google map and discuss the event in more detail.
People are always free to arrange whatever trades they want to make and handle at the meeting. I'm thinking with the distance most will travel, probably the main event will be the food making presentation and lots of checking out your set up. :)

What time would work best for you? I'm thinking an early afternoon - and if people want to meet in advance we could get together for pizza somewhere. It's up to the members to let us know they want to do this; or else we won't schedule it. :)
I'll have food set up anyway and I'll let Eric know to get his store stocked up. No need to go anywhere for pizza. I can have it brought in if people are expecting that, but ordinarily I would put out a fresh food buffet with meats, cheeses, fruit and veggies, and dessert.

Early afternoon is fine. Noon to 6 is fine so that people can choose when they want to come. We'll set the presentation time for 2 or 3 pm?

As far as frag trading, I have a grow-out tank set up for that, but if there will be a lot of frags coming in, then I would set up more tanks. It's easy to do if I know that it is needed.
So the date again plz.... and location. I don't know my schedule real well for Jan. But I hope that I can make it.
I will post a google map when I get the chance. Colleen, should we move this to an official thread or keep it here?
PM chuck and ask him if he will change the title; so we don't have two threads going on.

Jan. 19th PSAS meeting ~~ Making Food at Jonathon's
Google Map to jnarowe's

There will be a sign on the road. The major landmarks are a multi-family aluminum mailbox at the head of our road, and across the street a white sign that says "COX". Go down the gravel road and follow it through the 90 deg. turn to the left, up the hill, and at the top we are on the right side, with a large boulder and 2 - 2 car garages. We are the second top the last house so if you end up at a brown house, you went one too far.

Because it is the wet season, please use extreme caution when driving on the road an parking at my house. I will talk to neighbors about extra parking as well. Anyone with an AWD or 4WD can drive down to the lower area by going to the left of the garages. You wil end up at out lower level on grass/gravel, and that is where the tank is.
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Since I live in Georgia it is quite a commute but I would love to have your recipe and some instructions if that is possible.
Welcome Rawn! I will take care of that in the near future and at the minimum put a link in this thread. The problem with the "recipe" is that I change it up from batch-to-batch. But I can note that as well.
I'll let Eric know to get his store stocked up.

Sorry I haven't been around the shop lately, I've been setting up lots of new tanks and that has taken up my time. Anyway...I will be sure to get the shop stocked up that week.

Looking forward to seeing many of you!!!