January 19th PSAS Meeting: Fish Food Making

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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From Dang:



$15 sale frag from BRA:

Thanks Jonathan and Andrea
This was my first meeting and boy was the par set! Thank you for opening up your home for all of us to drool over you awesome system. Your presentation was well prepared and extremely informative and my fish love the food sample. I am a DIY guy and now am adding making my own food to my hobby. Sorry I could not stay longer to meet everyone but wife had friends coming over for dinner, the missed calls on the phone were adding up and boy was it hard to leave. Next meeting I am definitely planning to dedicate enough time to enjoy the whole meeting. Thanks and awesome job!
...I also want to thank both you, Jonathan, and Ed Hahn, for not posting a pic of me stuffing my face full of chocolate fondue... :p :lol:
Jonathan and family,
Thank you so much for inviting an unknown reef lover and his family into your home. You had an amazing Tank set up, and I was glad to see there is atleast one other mad scientist in the area. Your whole family and everyone we met were so gracious. As a first timer I must say that I am hooked and I will see you all at the next meeting.
P.S. My 3 year old Miya wants to do the raffle next time to.
I have her practicing right now:D
Thank you,
Chad, Mikayla and little Miya
Hey Chad, Miya was a blast. Very sweet girl and keenly interested in aquariums. :) I hope she got up to our upper level to find the warehouse of toys! :lol:

I am very interested in this next meeting so definitely planning on going myself. I also like to check out stores and visit with reefers when I am on the East Side.
Hey guys...is that it for pictures taken at the meeting? I was hoping there would be a bunch so I could use them in a synopsis post. I would really like any pics of the table, the tests we performed, the bucket of muddy water, etc.

LMK because I want to start doing the write-up. Thanks!
I can do that this week end if that is ok?

Hey guys...is that it for pictures taken at the meeting? I was hoping there would be a bunch so I could use them in a synopsis post. I would really like any pics of the table, the tests we performed, the bucket of muddy water, etc.

LMK because I want to start doing the write-up. Thanks!

If you send me a email with your address. I will do what I can to get you pictures. I have not downloaded any pictures from my new camera.
I can take my flash card to a Photo place and have them put on disc and mail them to you. I posted the best pictures from my other camera. I can send you those also.
So Ed so graciously sent a disk with a bunch of pics on it (including some personal stuff...had no idea dude! :lol:).

So here we go!

Food and Fun:





OK...prize winner for sure...she is a doll!

Tank: (I did not coach Ed on white balance but these still came out fairly well)





And of course our automatic coffee maker...took a while to get a volunteer to empty this!

Discussion Shots:


Sherman performing the Merck PO4 tests...I think a few people were a bit surprised at what happened.


Standing room only...


Working my magic:


End Product: (I had forgotten to include the nori as the result of a massive brain fart, and although there haven't been any posts regarding the food, I am getting messages in the positive. It may still have been a little coarse for some participants' fish, so all that is needed is a re-blend to a finer consistency.)


The Great Dahn Nguyen doing manual labor! He helped bag the mixture so members could take some home. (And a special note to whomever made off with the leftovers, you can bite my butt!)

I also posted some commonly available aquarium foods and a glossary of some of the more interesting ingredients:

And what's a meeting without a raffle??!!??

Our darling ticket picker:




Winners posing with their booty:


What, we won again??

For those of you interested in the "recipe", here it is and some other pointers.

First and foremost this is really not a recipe but a philosophy for feeding hich quality, less expensive, and low polution fish food.

Here’s how I do it.
All items are RAW!! I don't use every item listed below in every batch, and the first 5 are not needed to save cost.

Frozen Cyclops (optional) (I don’t recommend this unless you have the ability to rinse and drain it very well)
Frozen Mysid (optional)
Frozen Plankton (optional)
Frozen Brine (optional)
Frozen Formula 2 (optional)
Frozen Krill (optional)

Frozen Mixed Seafood (Asian store, clams & mussels removed)
Frozen Shrimp
Vitamins (Vita-Chem, H2O Life Line, Selcon)
Garlic (Garlic Guard or fresh minced)
Shredded Nori (Kizami)
Spirulina (large pellets)
Fresh Seafood (If Available)

I chop the mixed seafood and shrimp. I soak and rinse all frozen items with RO/DI water and allow it to drain thoroughly. Then I mix all ingredients together and ladle into Zip-Loc bags, flatten, and freeze.

The reason for soaking and thoroughly rinsing the ingredients is this greatly reduces the amount of pollutants that go into the water column. In our testing we have found that even the best quality frozen, flake, and pellet foods will test with a PO4 level between .75 and 2.0 and that after rinsing the frozen foods mentioned above with test out at between .25 and .01.

During the PSAS meeting I also had the opportunity to show participants the bucket into which all the soaking and rinse water had been accumulated and believe me, jaws hit the floor. It was a foul bucket of very muddy water.

When I feed, I thaw in tank water with more vitamins, shredded nori, and drain through a fine shrimp net. Then I place in bowl and dip the bowl in the tank slowly feeding while the fish do their thing.


I do not like putting in pellet foods or powdered spirulina. The whole reason why I make this food is to stay away from pellet and flake food which incorporates too much phosphate and nitrate, and has very little solid food value. Powdered spirulina just disapates into the system without the fish getting the benefit of eating it first.

The primary issue is that flake and pellet foods aren't real food in a sense. They cost a fortune per ounce vs. using frozen foods, regardless of whether you are using "people" food or fish food. They also have some very questionable ingredients which I certainly do not want to feed my fish. Plus you know exactly what your fish are getting and you can tweak it with vitamins you are comfortable with. Volume wise I use about 60 - 70% "human" food in my mix.

I also feel that the cyclops may be more of a risk that it is worth, just because of the particle size. It's extremely difficult to rinse and strain it, and I feel the pollution it causes may be fairly high because of that. This is a risk that outweighs the benefit IMO.

The Garlic is optional of course, and that is a topic all its own. Sherman is always ragging on me for using garlic, just as I rag on everyone else for putting lettuce, broccoli etc. in their tanks. And he's probably right, but it as been my experience that it has helped my fish stay strong in the face of disease. It "may" help boost the immune system but whether that will ever be proved is doubtful. One thing is clear to anyone who has farted in the shower, scents travel fast in water, and it seems to really attract the fish to the food.

One of the most important parts of feeding IMO, is straining the food once you have thawed it. I had for some oddball reason forgotten to do this for consecutive months, and I saw a drastic change in my nuisance algae and water quality. I can only assume it would be MUCH worse in a smaller system.

Another thing to note is that I also remove clams and mussels from the mixed seafood I get at the Asian store. The reason for this is that I don't want my fish getting a taste for clams, and both clams and mussels have a high waste to protein content. They are practically half crap.

On the flip side, shrimp and scallops are extremely high in protein and virtually zero waste product. They have a very high protein to weight ratio, so I tend to go heavy on those two. Scallops are expensive, but shrimp can be found rather cheaply at Asian stores.
And I do not turn off any pumps. I know most reef keepers do, but I like for the food to remain in the water column rather than sink, and I like all the fish to get an equal chance at the food. By turning off the pumps, the food stays in one location, and then the biggest bullies get the bulk of it.

And I also usually have animals in my overflow to get anything that makes it all the way there. This includes a nice gaggle of aiptasia and currently 2 neon blue gobies and two black mollies.
Thanks for the write up Jonathan. GREAT JOB!
Helps to refresh my memory.

Didn't you also add Silversides?
I know, you're just testing us! :)
