January 19th PSAS Meeting: Fish Food Making

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Hi all!! I'm from Spokane and a member of our reef club over there. I'm working in Puyallup and just realized you're having a meeting tonight. Any chance of getting some more information, such as where and when? I'd love to attend if I am able. Thanks!! Also, while I'm here, I'd like to see some of the local shops you have in the area. Any suggestions?
Hello All
I live in Tacoma.
Plwease let me know when the next meeting will be.
I would like to attend if possible

Hey jonathan sorry I didnt make it up there, but work took longer than I would have liked. Im sure I missed a great time. Hope all had a good time and I will be at the next one, Mike
Just wanted to give a personal thanks to Jonathan and his wife for hosting todays meeting. The variety of food was astonishing and the information regarding prepared fish foods vas very impressive to put it lightly. I was really quite shocked at the amount of information that was provided to us and the presentation from Jonathan was well planned and informative. After hearing what was said about most of the foods we put into our tanks I think alot of reefers present at the meeting will be rethinking their feeding regime.

We ended up signing ten new and old members including myself. And.....If I didnt know better, I would say that raffle must have been rigged.:p
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How about putting it in writing for the rest of us:)

What is soooooooo bad about the food we purchase?
Its full of Phospates, preservatives, fillers etc.........Its just not necesarily the healthiest thing you can feed your fish.

For example, I have fed my reef a blender mix somewhat like Jnarowe for near two years with very little to no algea issues at all. About two month ago I had as little as a half a dozen snails with still no algea. IMO they all starved to death. I have since replenished the cleaner crew.
Recently I have used an auto feeder with pellets for longer trips out of town rahter than harass my family to feed the tank when Im gone. On my last trip I came home to algea on the glass as well as double the amount of skimmate as normal. Since coming home and resuming my blender mix feeding, the skimmer has quit skimming quite as much and the algea has died back.
If you really want to know more you will have to ask Jnarowe. Maybe he will have to start being a guest speaker at club meetings across the country telling all what he knows.;)
Thanks Trido for your help today.

How did the raffle go; who won; what did the club make?

For those of you who want to join and want to know about future meetings PM me with your email and I"ll add you to the evite.

We almost always meet the 3rd Sat. of each month. Next month is Mitch Carl coming to put on a presentation. I believe we will meet at Bellevue Community College for this one.
Hello all,
This was our first meeting, and was really a blast. Thank you Jonathan for opening your home to new friends, and Ed for the help with the invite. And I SWEAR...we didnt rig the raffle;) Hope to see you all again soon!
Jayson and Jamie
Well, I had a good time. I hope everyone else did! Raffle went great and I enjoyed our discussions. :)

And Dang, you are in so much trouble!! :lol: Man, I have some of your corals on my rack...sure wish you could have joined us. You can come out any time you want. You have given so much to the hobby, I hope you don't let a little RF skirmish keep you down.

No idea on how much came in on the raffle, but it looked good to me. I get so caught up I can't keep track. Anyone who left without food is welcome to some when they get a chance. great to see Vicki, Ed, et al. at my place. I know it's a long way from the East Side or REALLY REALLY East Side... and I really appreciate so many people came out to get together.

Eric, Thanks so much for your generous donations. The donations were a bit thin and you helped us make it a good time.
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What a fantastic meeting! One of the best I've ever been too!

THANKS so much Jonathan and also to your wife for opening up your home, sharing your incredible tank and fish room with more equipment than I could ever comprehend and all your knowledge and research. The amount and types of food you served "the people" was incredible. I don't even know what half of it was, but it was all GREAT!!! Finally got to indulge in the chocolate fountain fondue too!

Your wife is sure a sweetheart and seems so supportive of your passion.

I think even Lee Birch would have been impressed with your knowledge and presentation!

Jonathan gave a very well thought out presentation and demonstration on preparing quality feed for our systems. Jonathan, with Sherman's help, proved to us that rinsing thoroughly is very important by doing a phosphate test of before rinsing and after. Without the rinsing, the phosphate was off the chart!

Jonathan had prepared charts of the various dry feeds available for our fish with the listed ingredients. He also had charts of just what many of the additives in the foods were and did. There was one that was even known to cause mortality in fish! What an eye opener.

There also was a testing area setup for everyone that brought their favorite dry fish food to test the phosphate levels. It was amazing!

It was wonderful having so many new folks at the meeting and lots of 'old' friends as well. Signed up 10 new members! The raffle....well, I didn't win anything! There were 4 prizes and 3 were won by the same new couple. If there wouldn't have been a three year old (darling) little girl pulling the tickets, one would have thought that a bit suspicious!

It was a wonderful meeting and THANKS again Jonathan, your family, and friends that helped put it on.....

Short story is the prepared food most of us currently buy from the LFS are LOADED with phosphate and god knows what else. The phosphate test done on frozen Formula 1 was off the chart. Not only will making your own food be cheaper but better for your fish and tank as well.

Again thanks J. for being the greeat host and thanks to your wife for the great spread. You still can't make me eat those stinky cheeses though.

You guys who didn't show up missed out BIG time. Yeah I like to rub it in ;)
Those aren't stinky cheeses. Those are a cow's way of saying, I LOVE you.

Thanks for coming out Vicki. It's always fun to chat with you and I hope you get the recognition you deserve for your contributions to the local reef keeping community. You want clowns, Vicki's got 'em. I love going to your place and seeing what's new. I hope we can collaborate in some way in breeding cleaner shrimp. I know it's not been done more than a few times, but you are definitely the person to make it happen. :)
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Short story is the prepared food most of us currently buy from the LFS are LOADED with phosphate and god knows what else. The phosphate test done on frozen Formula 1 was off the chart. Not only will making your own food be cheaper but better for your fish and tank as well.

Again thanks J. for being the greeat host and thanks to your wife for the great spread. You still can't make me eat those stinky cheeses though.

You guys who didn't show up missed out BIG time. Yeah I like to rub it in ;)

Yeah, rub it in you turkey :mad:. Unlike you, my mouth waters just at the THOUGHT of stinky cheeses! :cry: Are you people sure we can't repeat this meeting tomorrow so I can attend? :)
Hi Jonathan and Andrea,

Just a personal thank you for the absolutely splendid presentation this afternoon and the fantastic buffet - chocolate and all.. I got a lot out of what you had to say, and frankly, this was perhaps the best PSAS meeting I have attended so far. Again thanks to both of you - ok and to Ari as well!

Thanks Jonathan for all the information and the private tour through your stunning tank and equipment! The food making and testing was very knowledgeable and I'm definitely rethinking my fishies diet(In about 6months when the food I brought home is used up;))

So when exactly did you start reef keeping?
That was a lot of stuff you knew anyway!
Eric, Thanks so much for your generous donations. The donations were a bit thin and you helped us make it a good time.

Glad to hear it went well. I wish I could have came up but I was stuck down at the shop until about 6 and then I had to go clean a few tanks and get to a previous engagement by 7 or so. I was kinda bummed that almost no one came out to see us and check out the new shop. Unless that happened after I left.

Anyway...How many people showed up? Did the person who won the picture actually like it? Hope that it doesn't just get taken out and replaced with another picture.

Thanks again for allowing us to come ‘crash’ your home and for the great presentation that was obviously well thought out and had a lot time invested into it. I especially enjoyed the definitions of some of the ingredients that can be found in commercially available foods. And people food was just fantastic too! (And yes, I was one of those who renewed my membership.)