Jesse's 40B with 20L sump

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Oh. I thought you said you saw him eat the eyeballs? It ended up dying, right? Or is it still alive? If that fish attacked it, it is probably the culprit. :mad:

Yeah I did see the eye ball and body nipping attack. But that doesn't mean the shrimp was healthy or weak. Maybe the fish could sense it was dying and was helping?? I got to see a little national geographic right here at work. When the shrimp went belly up and was floating around the bottom of the tank I picked it up with my hand and got no response from the shrimp. Normally it would kick and swim if pulled form the water but it had passed. We had a small ceremony for my favorite shrimp and said our goodbyes.
Sorry. =( That sucks. It is possible it was sick. You have been having some bad luck with that tank. I hope things start getting back on track for you.

On a side note, where do you think would be the best place to install that fan to pull the humidity outside? I was thinking somewhere behind the canopy. Or does it not really matter where?
Added 2x Hydor Koralia nano 425 gph to the display today. Hopefully this will add some much needed flow and circulation to the display. You'll have to excuse the lack of pictures as the tank is not looking as beautiful as it was when i started. Hopefully now that things are balanced out and water flow is increasing i can start putting stuff back in and building this tank back up.


In this picture you can see these cheap little mounts (red part) that need to be inserted into the suction cups. I immediately snapped off one of the mounting balls with my gorilla muscles. I decided to take the magnets out of the suction cups and super glue them directly to the back of the motors. and used the suction cups with magnets on the outside of the tank. Seems to be working well so far.
Came in this morning and noticed the Skimmer collection cup overflowing. For some reason the RO/DI reservoir made it past the float valve and filled up the sump. Not sure how it happened. When i got here the overflow system was stopped and would re-start when i pushed the float valve down. Scratching my head. the salinity changed from 1.0025 to 1.0023 so not a huge swing. And the skimmer was cleaned yesterday morning so not a major problem. Any thoughts on what would cause a float valve to stick in the open position?

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I vote either a) some sediment stuck in the float valve water output, or b)something stuck in the float level making it not make full contact :)

either way - something stuck somewhere :D

I agree now i have the float almost all the way out of the water and just the bulb is in so no more critters/debris getting stuck.

I got in the Carbon reactor today. It's my first one ever. took about an hour to install with a run to HomeDepot. I hope to see some real progress over the next few weeks. Removed a bunch of algae by hand, cleaned the sump and main display. I also took some pictures of "before carbon" to compare them to when it clears up. IF IT CLEARS UP!!

Sweet now we got 3 people on the lookout. If any of us finds some we'll have to enjoy them as a group Filipino style.

I hate to bring this back up. San Miguel Beer is a popular beer back where I grew up. You can buy them here (in the west) at Ranch 99 Market, or the newly opened Seafood Market at South Center Mall. From time to time, I see them at our local Albertsons store.

Im not sure where to get it from your place.

Here are the other names under the brand.

San Miguel Beer Pale Pilsen
San Miguel Premium All-Malt Beer
San Miguel Super Dry
Cerveza Negra (San Miguel Dark Beer)
San Mig Strong Ice
Red Horse Beer
San Mig Light
Gold Eagle Beer
Clay works well for a water dam for drilling and vinyl from a sign shop is quiker and IMO looks better, no flaking or peeling. Talk at ya soon. Vince
I hate to bring this back up. San Miguel Beer is a popular beer back where I grew up. You can buy them here (in the west) at Ranch 99 Market, or the newly opened Seafood Market at South Center Mall. From time to time, I see them at our local Albertsons store.

Im not sure where to get it from your place.

Here are the other names under the brand.

San Miguel Beer Pale Pilsen
San Miguel Premium All-Malt Beer
San Miguel Super Dry
Cerveza Negra (San Miguel Dark Beer)
San Mig Strong Ice
Red Horse Beer
San Mig Light
Gold Eagle Beer

I'm not saying it's the best beer ever made, but i did get a taste for Red Horse when I was in the Philippines for so long. In the PI they only drink Red Horse, San Mig Light and San Miguel Beer Pale Pilsen I never saw the rest. Thanks for the info now I have more to look for.
Yay carbon!!! I actually run both carbon and GFO in my BRS reactor :D Just remember 1) rinse your carbon in RO before use, and 2) be sure to change it out monthly, and watch your corals - if they get upset, use less carbon :)

I would say the tank is starting to show signs of improvement and am happy with the results so far. I started out light on the carbon and will increase as time goes on. Also not worried about the corals they all went home till the tank recovers.

Any FTS lately?

Yes i took some ugly algae shot for the before carbon pictures and once the tank is looking like I think it should I'll post some more. I re-did the rock work and am really happy with the layout, just need to get the water quality and algae under control. Also banished the CBS to the sump. I caught him doing naughty things!
Hi. How is the tank doing now? I hope it is better. Let me know how you like that BRS reactor. I almost ordered one on Black Friday but decided not to. What did you catch your CBS doing? :eek:
that is a great overflow I used the same brand but with two 1 1/2 drains

I've been very happy with it so far. I removed every other tooth so let more water flow through. The only problem I've had so far is when 2 big snails decided to crawl in and restrict the flow to much and flooded the display. Stupid snails!

Hi. How is the tank doing now? I hope it is better. Let me know how you like that BRS reactor. I almost ordered one on Black Friday but decided not to. What did you catch your CBS doing? :eek:

The carbon reactor is working perfectly. Easy to install and runs great. The ROX 0.8 carbon does not need to be rinsed. The only problem I've had is the MJ 1200 has a hard time starting up when i turn it off. Seems to need primed. But the tank is looking 100 times better.

The CBS caught and ate my yellow clown goby and then got banished to the sump. And after the Lemon Peal angle picked the eyeballs off my fire shrimp and skunk cleaner shrimp and peppermint shrimp he decided to jump out of the tank cause he felt bad for what he had done. All told that fish cost me over $100 including himself. I'm gonna wait 1 more week before taking a full tank shot now that i have re-organized the rock work and added a few new rocks that used to be in the bio-cube.
You could try some egg crate to help fill the gap where you removed the teeth. Sorry about all the territory issue with your tank, try and remember as things get bigger, usually mush bigger, LOL, be prepared to trade them in for smaller guys, or find someone with a bigger tank. If you look into any research on the fish it seems that their diets can change as they mature. I have also noticed more aggressive behavior from male species than female. Anything with claws are designed to rip and tear.......
You could try some egg crate to help fill the gap where you removed the teeth. Sorry about all the territory issue with your tank, try and remember as things get bigger, usually mush bigger, LOL, be prepared to trade them in for smaller guys, or find someone with a bigger tank. If you look into any research on the fish it seems that their diets can change as they mature. I have also noticed more aggressive behavior from male species than female. Anything with claws are designed to rip and tear.......

I had a piece of black plastic wire mesh zip tied over the overflow teeth at one point but all it seemed to do was collect algae and looked horrible. so i removed it and the chaos has taken place. Still trying to find the balance between looks and performance with this tank. I think next time spending money on a reef ready tank would be worth it. Although i like doing things myself and learning as I go.
Happy news I'm about to be a father!

I came in this morning and saw one of my Tonga Nassarius Snails laying eggs in a feather pattern. I have never seen this before they hardly ever climb on the glass. His/Her body is all shriveled up and looks horrible but i decided not to interrupt the process.

Hey thats great! Shows some happy snails...since they're doin the nasty. Want me to build you a new box?
Hey thats great! Shows some happy snails...since they're doin the nasty. Want me to build you a new box?

Do you mean overflow box? when i did the final construction of the tank I pretty much built it in a way that I can't take the overflow box off. It would be a lot of work for sure. But we can talk about it when i pay you a visit. The snail was laying eggs until just now and fell off the glass. Worn out! She got attacked by one of her mates and has not moved since. I hope she's ok maybe just tired?