Jiddy's 220g MASTERPIECE!

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Yep, I agree too by the looks of those pic’s...... Diatoms.
Don’t be too worried, it’s a usual thing with newly set up tanks.

So how’s that protein skimmer work’en there for ya Jidzilla?!?
Hey Rob, you would think that i would of seen that link, but i have it now, i actually built somthin similar to it and it helps alot, the skimmer is workin great, i have already had to clean it twice, boy does that skimate smell Grrreeat
At the very least get a mix of Astrea, Trochus and Nerite snails. Mexican Turbos actually eat more than the others due to their size, but sometimes they collect them from cooler waters. The same goes for Margarita snails. I use a mixture of all of them.

A lot of people put one snail for every couple of gallons. In your case that means over 100 snails. I usually start out getting a little over half that amount then add more if necessary. That's also less impact on your bio-load. I like to have enough snails to keep the algae clean during the times when it isn't taking over like a plague. If you put enough in there to take care of an outbreak in a short period of time, then you'll end up starving them when the outbreak is over. Also, remember to acclimate them. Snails are more sensitive than a lot of people think. Since you'll be mail ordering you'll want to float them first to regulate the temperature, then open the bags and acclimate.

Great advice on the snails Clay!
That and don’t slack on your maintenance, plus keep that skimmer clean and crank’en and it’ll probably pass.
I have two rules of thumbs regarding snails.
1)Use "at least" one per gallon.
2)If at any time you look at your tank and it doesn't look like you have a LOT of snails, then you don't have enough.

Seriously, snails are your best friend. Get enough of them, and you don't need any other algae eater in your tank. Get some snails that eat algae (I recommend astreas) to handle the algae and then get a bunch more that eat algae and detritus (I recommend ceriths) to eat the poop that your snails make. I added 300-400 astreas and 500-600 ceriths to my 280 to get it started. The object is to get the snails in there BEFORE the algae starts so they keep it in check. Once the algae gets longer than 1/4" the snails are no longer able to do anything with it. If you wait until the algae has taken hold it is too late.

Snails are not a "sensitive" as most people may think. The snails I ordered were shipped dry from Florida and I just plopped them in the tank and did not lose a single snail. The two things that snails don't like are high temps and nitrates.

Don't forget to check this link when you are ready to order: www.keyscritters.com
I'm not trying to plug them or anything. This is where I ordered mine from and they have the cheapest prices, by far, and the shipping will be cheaper than everywhere else because they ship them dry so you're not paying to ship a bunch of water. If you are worried about the snails being shipped dry just think about what happens to them during low tide.... they are exposed to air for hours.
Can i order three brittle stars or emerald crabs just for somethin differant in the tank, or are they both bad? Thanks guys for the advice, ill get them ordered soon
Jiddy I would stay away from the Emeralds, but I really like my Brittles, but I think there will be others who disagree with keeping brittles. Just keep in mind, besides snails and hermits, anything you put in the tank, and don't like later will most likely require a disassembly of the rockwork to get!!
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Be careful with brittle stars. The common ones that come in on live rock are usually different from the ones you'll find for sale. The hitchhikers stay small and harmless, while some of the stars you buy get massive and end up knocking stuff over and causing lots of mayhem.

The Emerald Mithrax is usually fine as long as they don't get hungry. When that happens they can nip at coral.

For something different get some Scarlet Reef Hermits. They stay busy except the times when they molt, and they won't bother your snails like other hermits.

I know some brittles can be a pain, but mine just hang out on the bottom of the tank under there favorite rock. hardly ever see them except at feeding time when they start to "wave" their legs all over from under the rock trying to get a morsel. Pretty cool to watch them take a piece of small food at the tip of their leg and move it along to their mouth. Scarlets are the hermits to get, they are known for their peacfullness.
What do you feed your stars/tank inhabitants? Right now i just have flake food and green veggie flake food for the Tang. Of course it all goes right into my overflow, but you get the point
I don't target feed my stars, but I do turn off the pumps when I feed. They usally get the leftovers, or what makes it to the bottom, thats their job.
Brittle stars are scavengers, Jiddy.
I’m sure they’ll do just fine just scrounging for fish poop.
What ever you do, don’t purposely buy a green brittle starfish. They are total hunters!
Since no one will help me with the "food down the overflow" ill move on, i know how this late night stuff goes, besides, we want wayUPnorth to laugh in the morning

I have 4 VHO bulbs, 2 on a ballast, i have this crappy light timer (link) and it only does on or off for 2ea day or night lights. So basically i have to turn all 4 of my bulbs with fan plug-in on at once, no nice dusk and dawn effect. Is this a big deal, do my corals like it when they get hit with all four bulbs at once? What should i do?
If you want no food down the overflow just turn your pumps off during feeding like the rest of us :)

Corals have no strong views or opinions on timers, so do what you must. Seriously though, it doesn't really matter.

As long as your closed loop is still running it's possible to do that; although I like running the skimmer 24 hours a day. You have to make a calculated decision whether you'd rather have a properly skimmed aquarium, or a grumpy wife. Keep in mind that the latter may be true anyway.

The overflow and skimmer will be runnin, and i have a lil Seio PH that runs, im talkin about my two Mag CL's
It's not advisable to cut your flow down that much. Good current is crucial to a successful reef tank. It helps transfer nitrogen wastes to your rock for removal, aids in removing wastes from inverts, cuts down on algae growth, stirs detritus up to be removed by your skimmer, etc.

BTW, any wife that would give you a budget for Tunze Streams is okay in my book, lol

She said she would pay for the Tunze's, but... *theres always a but* we had to get rid of the "ugly" PVC manifolds.

When can i get simple corals like zoo's and shrooms'