Jiddy's 220g MASTERPIECE!

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holy crap!! i turn around and this thread goes from 12 to 26 pages long!!!
im too old, all i can do is lurk around this thread.
but i did spend at least a half hour catchin up on readin' it!

anyways, i would go with package 1 on the clean up crew, although i tend to feel that 1 herbivore per gallon is a little too much, after the algae is eaten you will have die off, or if you can just ditch the cerith snails all together that would be even better imo. just stay on top of cleaning out dead snails, talk about stimulating algae...

i know how you feel on the plumbing, i think we've all been there, just lick your wounds and regain your strenth for now, so you can REDO it :eek:
also, your cl's might be drippin just enough water onto things to be responsible for your salt creep on the bottom seam, it doesnt take much moisture.
i like the idea of adding tunze powerheads to the system, the larger the better! also the one about adding a sea swirl to your return. if you did all that, then you could turn those bulky manifolds into spraybars that fit underneath/ behind the rock.
your doin great, jusk keep plugin away, and hunker down for SEA WARS episode 4, a new algae :lol:
Hey Skimer, nice to see you rose from the grave again. You might be to old to respond everday, but you dont need to lurk aroun' you can chime in whenever you want. Problem is im runnin out of questions, im just so smart nowdays, lol.

About the package, i went with the ReefSpecial #3, it has 100astrea and 150MicroBlue Hermits, i talked to edie from there and that works out best. The algae is gettin so long that the snails better be big. He threw in 100 transition shells for the hermits and some ceriths and nass snails too. I ordered a pep shrimp, but i know if i put it in the tank the wrasse will eat him. I was goin to put in sump, but there is two big pumps in there, and he would be chopped up.

I will definatly be REDO'n the mainfolds, along with the rocks, i just dont want to do it right now. I am goin to be movin when i come back from Guam, if i buy a house, and will set it all up then, the right way, and my house WILL have a fishroom, and the tank WONT be in the bedroom, lol.

I want some TUNZE"s too, my wife said she would buy them, but i am goin to buy a big ol' stainless steel grill first, because they are all on sale right now, so the PH's will have to wait.

Skimer, you are so right about the SEAWARS, my algae is growin like crazy, but the snails come in two days (weds) so hopefully there is enough to make a dent, lol!

Jiidy, the algae is just a phase bud, you'll get a hold on it. How the tank doing, is there still a sign of a leak?
Yea, i kind of like the massive algae take over, i think of it like Skimer said, a war. My army doenst get here for another two days, then the real war begins! *sorry im a little militaristic*

As far as the leak, no, after talkin to Finn, he helped me determine that it was just from the top corner leak. It only leaks when the tank is COMPLETELY full, so its basically overflowin from inside the seam that goes around the top. Not a big deal *knock on wood* so im all good
Good to hear about the leak. I would be a little more quite about the upcoming ground crews, you never know who could be reading this, don't want to tip off the Algea commanders.
LoL, do you have a suggestion for the pepp shrimp, i have a bunch of jerky jars and was wonderin if i put one of those in my sump for him, like his own little tank, i know i would have to clean it out every other day or so, but he would have no flow or light either... any ideas, and what should i feed him if he isnt in main tank?
I don't know jiddy, not much of a life sitting in a jar. Anyone around to trade him for something? You could keep him in a perforated container in the sump, but why. Are ya sure the wrasse will eat him? Sneak him in night he might find a safe spot.
I wouldnt keep him in there for two long, i plan on catchin the wrasse after the algae war. i would do it now, but then what would i do after the war? I have to prioritize. Ill put the shrimp in the tank, but if the wrasse eats him im goin to blame you. He picks on the big turbos and eats the xenia is why i think he will eat the shrimp. Plus my wife feeds him frozen brine, lol, and he loves it!
I'd get him now, he might lead to friendly fire on the new troops. Put him in a jar in the sump, might help with a attitude adjustment :shock:
Good point about the friendly fire. Problem is catchin him in a big tank with 400lbs of rockwork that he can manuever in. I was goin to use a jerky jar (yes i have lots of them, lol) to catch him in, put some feeder shrimp in there and im positive he'll go right in, then he can go live at the LFS
I would really try to get him..... I don't know how the weather is there, but remember those power heads will add a little heat to the tank....
The PH's are for garbage cans in the garage that hold my water (2 for RO 2 for SW) they wont me in the tank
Yep saw that right after I posted...... Jiddy here is what I am thinking of doing....

I have a 29 gallon tank, hook up my ro/di via a 3way valve to a float valve to it. Drill the bottom for my little giant 3000 pump, have another 3 way valve to recirc the water when making sw, then the other outlet will be a hookup to a portable pipe going to the tank at add the water for a water change. This will be sitting outside on my covered patio. The tank sits right next to the sliding door to the patio. I can use a portable pipe now to drain enough water for a change now via a valve on my drain from the overflow, the I hook up the pipe to my new setup and pump the new water in. :D :idea: :D
it really sucks tryin' to work on stuff knowing that your gonna have to break it down, i feel for ya.
a few things you can do to help with the algae;
keep your ph on the high end of the scale, 8.4
buffer your alk religiously,and buff all your top off water
scince there's no corals, cut the light cycle down to 8 hrs
use more actinic than white, algae doesnt like actinic as much
get a new turkey baster and blast the rocks a few times a week
and of coarse, siphon as much detritus as possible

im sure you've heard alot of that before, and of coarse the herbivores should help tremendously. also, are you running any carbon or rowa?
Skimer, my PH is at 8.2, how am i suppose to get it up?
I am doing most of the other things you posted, im lettin the algae get a head start, i think it will be fun to kick its butt. Thanks for the help also

On the first page of this thread i show a pic of a HOB canister thing, take a look and see if thats what is used for carbon, and i ask why?

Here are some pictures for you all! One is the algae outbreak and the other is my son and I with our captured buddy, the Lunar!

Well, my trap work'd! The Lunar is caught! I used my jerky jar, of course i only have 3 fish and the only one that liked the jar was the tang, the one i am keepin :lol: But the wrasse eventually went in there, and i got him. The damsel was also reluctant, but he will get caught whenevre he makes me mad. He hasnt committed a crime YET, so it can stay.
Jidz that algae will just die off, try cutting your light cycle down to about 4 hours a day. It will help alot. Or if your feeling froggy, get some calupera and put it in a plastic collender or strainer with some live rock rubble and hang it from fishing line in the tank to use up all the nutrients. Just be careful about letting it get established in your tank.