jlehigh's 280 Pic Blowout!!

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Wow John, that tank is really getting sweet! I love it and will be coming by soon when you are not around :) One day my tank will come around and start looking good again. The pink zoo's on the bottom were my fav. So how is the skimmer coming?
Thanks BigT :)

Those silly Pink Zoos are covering about an 18" by 8" area on my Starboard now.. If you want some next time you are up around the north-end I'll scrape some off for you.

Some pretty big changes have been made on my tank lately. Three things mainly: Began running Ozone, Treated for Red-bugs, and Began soaking frozen foods in RO-DI. Each colony has shown more coloring so I am hoping the trend continues.

You just had to ask about the skimmer didnt you.. Well When I was gluing the bottom on I pulled hard and quick on one of the fish-line spacers and it shift the entire friggn thing. Globby gluing didnt stand a chance against the numerous bubbles ect ect, so I had to pop the damn thing off. This weekend has been my first in months where I'm not running around so I had hoped to git back to sanding... but nah... I think I'll have another beer and play some Xbox.. I have to go to home depot tomorrow to get some things for the bathroom I'm installing.. I'll get some more sand paper and try agian tomorrow.

BTW: Sweet fishing pics!! My boat hasnt left the driveway :(
Thanks All! I'm glad to finally have something worth taking pictures of :)

Beeba: The display is 280Gal the sump/refugium is another 100gal

Edit: Sorry Beeba I'm a little slow tonight... It's 6' long 30" wide 30"tall
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I thought I would host this pic since it isnt everyday an urchin shows you it's pearly whites :) This pic was taken about 45min ago..


I have two of these urchins which are reportedly "Tuxedo" urchins. I picked them up to mow my encrusting algae for me :) I have an ugly brown encrusting algae that has been slowly developing and oddly enough one of the urchins has been chipping off chunks and moving it onto it's back.. I am not sure if this is some methos of camoflauge or if it's saving it to eat :) Either way it makes me happy.


Watching the urchin eat was very cool. I posted several additional pics on the link provided on my first post. You can see the motion the mouth makes from beginning to end (look on the last page).
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John. Your tank is always one of my favorites.... Im glad I was able to come and join the North End tour.
Thanks all for the possitive feedback! :D

Katchupoy said:
John. Your tank is always one of my favorites.... Im glad I was able to come and join the North End tour.

I was really bummed I had to miss the South-End tour :( I've been wanting to see you tank for quite some time now..

Skipper J said:
Very Nice tank John!I like that Flame Angel!Keep us posted!

Yea, he's my neccesary evil.. His coloration is very bright but he also nips here and there when he's overly hungry.. I actually tried to trap him once and he was literally the only fish smart enough to not go in, so I gave up. He won so I now feed more :rolleyes:

Elmo18 said:
I see Humphrey!

Tank is maturing nicely John!

- Ilham :)

Yup, thats my twerp.. Still thinks he's large and in charge. Maybe it's time to get a reef-safe Trigger in there to show him the propper food chain :)

charlie said:
That is looking just great, congrats man. Great picture of the urchin by the way.I have one those tuxedos in my 80, they are sure a hoot to watch. :D

Thanks Charlie. What color is your urchin? Both of mine have orange colorations, but I would like to get a blue one at some point..
Great pics,
I think you have lots of reefers envious reefers out there. Keep up the good work
I could not come to the tour as I worked then but wow your tank has filled out alot looking really nice :)
Wow John, the pictures look great! Let me know when your ready to break out the fragging shears :D Keep the pictures coming...we love 'em!
Hey Thanks all. I appreciate it big time...

Todd: That humilis is growing slllooowwwly BUT I have another one that is growing like crazy which is easily fraggable. It's just not as bright green..