Joe's Wet Dream, A 550 Gallon Work In Progress

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Damn it Joe, That is where the entire west coast supply of blue green chromis went. Just playin, tank looks awesome and it sounds to me like you are taking on another big task with the remote refuge. Sounds like fun.
I'll get one done, a video will be kinda neat, that Goldflake never stops moving, real nightmare getting a decent photo. The Figi yellow leather is kinda strange, I've had it a year, it's getting lots of light and current, but the polyp extension is very infrequent and sporadic, I don't know if this is normal or not, it has grown for me so I guess it is doing all right.... I may have gone overboard on the chromises, I threw 50 in there, makes a nice school, I'll be thinning them out as they grow I imagine, Scott Michael says they can grow to 4.3 inches, before that happens I'll be giving 30 of them away, a school of 20 would be about right when they reach full size....

I think you need a lionfish in there to control your chromis population

I'll get one done, a video will be kinda neat, that Goldflake never stops moving, real nightmare getting a decent photo. The Figi yellow leather is kinda strange, I've had it a year, it's getting lots of light and current, but the polyp extension is very infrequent and sporadic, I don't know if this is normal or not, it has grown for me so I guess it is doing all right.... I may have gone overboard on the chromises, I threw 50 in there, makes a nice school, I'll be thinning them out as they grow I imagine, Scott Michael says they can grow to 4.3 inches, before that happens I'll be giving 30 of them away, a school of 20 would be about right when they reach full size....

Knowing the way chromis behave towards one another they may cut down to 20 all by themselves. :lol:

That goldflake angel is beautiful, I do not think I have seen one of them before. Is it a full size angel? How does the Asfur take to it?

My new tank should be ready this week and I am hoping that it will give me the room to add another fish or two so I have been dreaming again:D.

The tank is looking great. Hopefully someday I can get up and see it in person. I went and saw Kirk's tank a couple of weeks ago, and watched him do one of those 10 minute water changes! Not a single bucket lifted and we were able to carry on a conversation throughout!

How's the granddaughter doing?
Thanks Kris,
you are more than welcome to stop by to check things out anytime you would like, and that goes for the rest of the RF gang too. I live just outside Langley on South Whidbey, about 5 miles from the Clinton ferry dock.

The granddaughter is doing great, she has settled right in, Brenda is "Mommy", and I'm "Daddy Joe". There is nothing quite like the love of a child as I am finding out for the first time. We can tell that she is quite comfortable in her new home because she has lost all inhibitions of displaying the joys of the "terrible twos". She will be 2 years old on July 12, so I have a year of instantaneously appearing and dissappearing tantrums to look forward to, perhaps there is a physician on RF that would be willing to give me a script for a one year supply of Valium????

The Goldflake amazed me, he totally assimilated with the other fish immediately, from the get go he has been eating Flake, nori, and any frozen anything I toss in th tank. The Azfur has not given him so much as an annoyed look. He is at 4 inches now, Scott Michael says the max size on a Goldflake is 10 inches, so I expect him to eventually reach at least 8 inches. He is already displaying some adult coloration with the blue nose/lips, his gold coloration will intensify with time, juvenile color is solid yellow.

The Navarchus is a different story. I always try to introduce several fish at once if I am going to add to the fish population using the theory that several newcomers lessen the chance of a single new fish being ganged up on, for myself that seems to work, but in this case the Azfur was on the Navarchus like stink on... well, you get the message... The Navarchus is slightly bigger than the Azfur, but that doesn't really matter in this situation. The new stock was introduced last Tuesday, 1 week ago, the Navarchus has been coming out quite a bit from the rockwork hiding spots the last couple of days and the Azfur is becoming more tolerant of his presence. I have not seen the Navarchus eating yet, but he may be subsisting on sponges and other live rock stuff. I've been trying everything including Hikari frozen angel food (which is formulated with good stuff like sponges), but he is quite beefy and can tolerate quite a bit of fasting if that is what he is doing....

Glad to hear that your new tank is coming together, that is always an exciting time, Jason does incredible work, you'll have fun with that size tank, it opens up a whole new world when the fish have lots of room, and gives you a lot more options for aquascaping, best regards, Joe
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Did I hear correctly, you put a shark in your reef? Are you insane? Oh wait, I already know the answer to that! You have like 150 fish, couldn't leave well enough alone?

Isn't it a mako or something?

Thats a pretty fish collection! I've never actually seen anyone with a gold flake angel. I hope everything works out for ya :)
I talked to Joe a couple of days ago. He is fine, just busy.

Must be nice to be retired.
Come back joe come back. We need a "fix" on this thread. I heard a rumor you had a over a hundred fish in that tank:eek::)!
He's back..........

Hi Folks, sorry about the long hiatus, I've been pretty busy trying to keep up with Amelia (our two year old), but I've got my second wind now... Every time I thought about posting anything the thought of all the photos I've got scared me, I am devoutly lazy, so I just kept putting things off...

Jason delivered my 150 Rose Anemone Fuge tank on August 7, here's a few photos of it.. The first photo is of the stand with the seaboard base, Jason has the plumbing cutout's in place.
Couple of pics of Jason & Dave setting up the tank...


Here are some shots of the Reef Flo Snapper Golds and the Wavy Seas they will be powering, we ran out of valves so they aren't up and running yet, Jason will be up soon to get them running. Note the elevated intakes for the closed loops, I wanted them well above the sand bed...






Fuge Rockwork

I had all the rockwork in place the first day, I had 150 gals of water mixed up and ready so we just threw a couple of valves and dumped the new water in the 600 as the 150 filled off of the 600, the rocks were all in my frag tanks so were totally cycled, I had some for several years, instant cycled tank... I had moved water from the 600 into the frag tanks until the water chem was the same in both, no acclimation needed for the anemones etc.... All the rocks were set up on 6 inch elevated rods to minimize the chance of "dead" spots under the rocks. Nothing special about the aquascaping, I went with the classic "fruit stand" display as I felt this would be optimal for the Rose anemones, after all, this tank is all about them....One thing I did backwards was placing the rockwork after filling the tank, normally you aren't dealing with rocks that have anemones, zoa's shrooms etc attached, so had to modify the typical order of things....



The next pic shows why you should never post photos you may have taken in an unclothed state....


A little cloudiness from the placement of about 6 inches of substrate for the DSB, I rinsed it like crazy but you never get it all, probably just like dosing with Purple Up anyways... Used a mixture of several types of sand, all small varieties including oolitic for optimal denitrification (in theory anyways....)



Here is a pic after the dust has settled, taken 36 hours after the initial fill, instant reef tank, no cycling, very cool...

And a photo of one of the stars, think he looks happy???
Thanks for the Clarkii's Jan

Back in July, Jan generously gave me a couple of RBTA's and a pair of Clarkii's for the fuge as she was looking for a new home for them and thought they might have enough room in my 150. I didn't originally plan on putting any clowns in it, but how stupid would that have been??? Anyway, thanks Jan, these photos are taken about August 10, I have some current one's that I will be posting soon, the kids are doing great. Total fish population is 5, besides the Clarkii's there is a neon goby that hitchhiked in on some of the LR Jan gave me with the anemones, a copperband BF, and a Lawn Mower Blenny. I'll be keeping the fish pop mega low, it's all about added water volume to the system to make up for the insane crowding in the 600. I would like to add some kind of tang to control all the different complex algaes that have shown up, there are at least 4 varieties and they are growing like mad, I'm leaning towards a black tang for something special... Here's a couple of Clarki photo's along with a few other pics taken after the tank had been running about a week, I emptied out all 4 of my frag tanks and broke them down, I am now down to two tanks, much gooder....Check out the croceas, I've had them 2 years, apparently they can thrive on neglect...





And here's the sign I had on my front lawn the last couple of months...
Good to "see" you again Joe. RBTA tank is looking real good! How about an updated DT shot? I keep hearing you have a lot of fish in there:rolleyes::doubt: