thanks dang I got them from JaimieHill!
I love them, they are my first acans!
I love them, they are my first acans!
Just curious Dang what types of colors are on that rommel rainbow acro? I gotta see this one in person. Nce camera work once again!
that is the closet color i can get,,new grow yellow/orange,base is grn and magenta color almost look like rainbow milli but ,not hairy just polyh,,you have to come and see it some day,little hard to discribe.
this is what it look like when i got it 1/4",,i meant 1/4" from ATL picture for DOA varification.
to this
Roscoe,,you are will be the 6th on the list ,,if you still want to get on,let me know,kinda long waiting till your 270 up and running anyway.
No problem. I would like to be on that list.
aaahhh dood i love the pics.
i hope my tank gets better so I can visit you again.
What's wrong with your tank Gabs?
Dang what Halide bulbs do you use? my phoenix just burned out :evil:
Thank you for the offer unfortunately my ballast is a 250w
So I just want everyone to know that I turned Dang into the crazy reefer he has become. I'ts been 6 years since Dang's first tank. I remember Dang had come to a meeting down at my last salsa manufacturing facility in Tukwila. Some of you remember. Paul Hamby was President of our club. Reeffrontiers was not even close to being set up yet. I Remember Dang came in and spent $350 on about everything I had in my tank. And the disease started then and there. Now look at you go Dang. Sure is fun looking at your pictures. Isn't it a great rewarding hobby that we all have. I have met some great people that have turned into great friends over the years.
Again Dang, Fun to watch. My Tank is once again right behind the corner of looking great. My home tank is on fire. Probably just as nice as me 325 use to be.
Anyway, thats how it all started out for Dang people. One coral at a time. LOL
Peace, and Love!!!
Later all!
What's wrong with your tank Gabs?