Kevin and Autumn's 46g bowfront

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Dec 12, 2010
Seattle, WA
Here's a record of my tank in its current state. It's a mostly softy tank that we're starting to take towards a few hard corals. We were given the tank by a colleague in July of 2010, and have been doing our best to keep it going well since then!

First, a full tank shot:
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>


Gold stripe maroon clownfish "Calypso"
Green chromis "Chromis"
Yellowtail blue damselfish "Little Blue"
<a href=""><img src="" height="800" width="600" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" height="800" width="600" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>



Lobophytum - devil's hand leather coral
<a href=""><img src="" height="800" width="600" /></a>

Finger leather coral
<a href=""><img src="" height="800" width="600" /></a>

Discosoma - Pink-green mushrooms
<a href=""><img src="" height="800" width="600" /></a>

Ricordia florida - Tangerine with green mouth
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Entacmaea quadricolor - Green bubble-tip anemone (hosted by the GSM)
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Zoanthid #1
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Zoanthid #2
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Acropora tortuosa - tri-color? maybe cali?
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Euphyllia divisa - frogspawn
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Acanthastrea lordhowiensis
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Echinophyllia aspera - Hollywood stunner chalice
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Montipora - green apple (left) and unknown (right)
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>



<a href=""><img src="" height="800" width="600" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>



Paguristes cadenati - Red legged hermit crab
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Clibanarius tricolor - Blue legged hermit crab
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Stenopus hispidus - Banded coral shrimp
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Mithraculus sculptus - emerald crab
Picture to come as soon as he comes out of hiding


And one goldfish - Stephen Jay Gold - who gets less attention than he should
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>
Yeah, she's a monster, and the bully of the tank! 4 inches long, maybe a little longer? When we first got the tank it only had the clown and the chromis, and the clown would chase the chromis all the way across the tank whenever he got too close to her anemone. When we got the damsel I was a little worried that the clown might harass it too much, but I've actually seen the damsel (~1 inch long) chasing after the clown!

Now they all tolerate each other ok. The biggest challenge I have with the clown is that she'll knock over anything I place near her. I just recently placed the finger leather a little closer to the anemone, (~10 inches away - see the FTS at the top of the thread) and I had to tightly wedge it under a heavy rock to keep the clown from continually knocking it over! After a day of biting and pushing at the leather, she seems to have come to terms that this is where the leather is going to be, and now she ignores it.
I couldn't figure out how to edit my first post, so I'll add this here. Just the same FTS but annotated (helping my wife learn all the scientific names of the critters!)
<a href=""><img src="" height="600" width="800" /></a>
Very nice tank, Love the Clown. I wanted one for my tank, Wife said no. Kinda glad she did. A little aggressive for my taste.
Thanks! Yeah, I wouldn't have chosen her if she hadn't come with the tank. She really limits the livestock we can have (I'd love more fish - mandarinfish, cardinals, gobies, wrasses ...) Oh well. But like IPisces said, they certainly have strong and noticeable personalities :)
I got mine when HE was really young. He....I think he is still a still pretty social. Gets along with everyone else even during feeding and around his anemone. Hopefully SHE is just as social when he gets older!!! As long as there is no more additions or changes in the tank, hopefully theres no aggression.
I was playing with time lapse video today, and here is my result. 3 hours of tank time, taken at one frame per minute and replayed at 20 frames per second. I think the most interesting part is the mushrooms on the right, fighting over who gets to be on top.

This was my first crack at a tank time lapse, and now that I know it works I'm going to set the camera up tomorrow right when the lights come on and track the tank all day long!

For anyone interested in creating their own time lapse, here's how I did it, using a simple point-and-shoot camera and free software:

1) Add Canon Hack Development Kit to the camera's firmware (only works on Canon Powershot cameras)
2) Add the Ultra Intervalometer script to CHDK
3) Take a bunch of photos
4) Use Time Lapse Assembler to put the photos together into a video (only works on Mac OS)
Loved the clown tossing and turning.

Yeah, I thought she spent a LITTLE more time out and around the rest of the tank, but I guess not! It was cool to see all the snails zooming around the tank too (except for that one lazy one on the left side of the front glass!)
Another time lapse video. This one is about 12 hours, from just after lights on until just before lights out. Pictures taken every 40 seconds, then sped up to 20 frames per second. In the middle there's a water change and I took out the finger leather to frag off one of its branches. This is my first time fragging it, and I was worried about recovery, but the time lapse shows it inflating back up and looking healthy almost immediately after it went back in the tank.

haha this is pretty awesome ur snails+hermits are so cute! they are dancing :) they are pretty fun to watch. and ur fish swim really fast;)

keep up the good work!
Hah - Yeah they really cruise when you speed them up 800x! Watching the snails zip around, I started noticing the 1 or 2 snails that WEREN'T moving - get back to work you lazy bums! That algae's not going to eat itself!
haha this is pretty awesome ur snails+hermits are so cute! they are dancing :) they are pretty fun to watch. and ur fish swim really fast;)

keep up the good work!

I just realized who this was! Chris, did you notice the acan I got from you on the right side of the tank beneath the anemone? It's doing great! I'd been admiring acans for a long time, and that frag from you was my first one - it's only made me want more of them :) It's fun to give little bits of food to, but then our banded coral shrimp comes along and sticks a claw into the acan's mouths - grrr.

Thanks again!
Love the video, cool tank. I had a gsm clown but he was small and kept picking on my tailspot blenny, so he went back to Saltwater City and I got something else. They are aggressive little suckers.
Thanks! Yeah, I wish we could add more fish to the tank, but I'm so afraid of what she might do to any newbies. I took a risk on adding the yellowtail damsel a little while back, and that worked ok since he's got a little sass in him too. I'd love it if we could add in a bottom-dwelling fish like a goby or blenny. I may still try that at some point in the future. It seems like the clown only really goes after fish that get too close to her anemone, and if the goby stays just on the bottom of the tank it might be out of her line of sight enough to work.