Kris’ 390g Drop of Ocean

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Some shots of the "frags" I picked up at the ARSA anniversary sale.

And my Figi Yellow Leather (The first coral I bought~3 years ago)


when you get around to fragging the yellow leather, I would like one.


when you get around to fragging the yellow leather, I would like one.


Well we have to wait for a natural fragging, I do not have the heart to cut into soft corals:cry:, the way they shrink away from touch it is like they are saying Ow, Ow, Ow . . .So I just cannot cut them up.
Well we have to wait for a natural fragging, I do not have the heart to cut into soft corals:cry:, the way they shrink away from touch it is like they are saying Ow, Ow, Ow . . .So I just cannot cut them up.

I sure feel the same way. They are sensitive critters to be sure.

Just wanted to say hello and sure was great to meet you on Saturday at BR albeit under crazy-busy circumstances. Hopefully I can make it to a PSAS meeting so we can chat more sometime.

All the Best,
Greg P
So I was just over at my flicker page and took a look at the stats. Do you know what is my number one all time viewed photo . . . the close up of the skimmer collection cup back on post #125, with 221 views since it was posted. LOL
That's where the "Rubber Meets the Road" so to speak right? I guess most of us think that's cool! I had to go look naturally...yep, good skimmate alright.

I sure liked looking at the shots of your Labs!!! We have a Chocolate ourselves, he's ~4 years old now & just starting to settle down a bit...Imagine your main drive in life being..."hey, wanna play ball, wanna fetch, throw me my toy, come on"

I think there's a bunch of us that really like your big tank though.

All the Best
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Last night I was at the Barrier Reef Sale and someone mentioned that they recognized me from my build thread and it made me realize I had not updated this with the changes I have made.

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I was not happy with the wall finish around the tank last time, I tried to make it look like a rock wall but just did not like how it turned out. So I thought I would scrape off the finish and re-texture, well it turned out the finish would not scrape off, so ended up pulling off the sheetrock and starting over (I am lucky to be married to a contractor :razz:).<o></o><o></o>

I also removed the OM 4-ways from the closed loop, since I first designed the closed loop I learned about gyre flow and the <st1>OM</st1> 4-ways just did not facilitate a good gyre flow. Removing the 4-ways resulted in having to re-plumb the closed loop (now I know I really do not like plumbing!)<o></o><o></o>

In addition, to help facilitate more flow with less power, I sold about half of the live rock and opened up my tank so that the water can move without obstacles. I only run 1 of the 2 closed loop pumps at a time (they are on timers, switching every 6 hours) and two Korilia 4's, and I feel I have just as much if not more flow than before. Once a week I turn on all the flow pumps (Reeflo hammerhead, reeflo Blackfin, 4 Korillia 4's) at once to really stir up things and blow any leftover detritus up to the overflows.<o></o><o></o>

Anyway here are some current pictures of the tank.<o></o><o></o>

<o>:p> </o>:p>

Some Livestock shots

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and last but not least my "Bob Moore" frag<o></o><o></o>
New livestock

The other night I picked up two Vermiculate leopard wrasse aka Splendid Leopard Wrasse

</o> <o>
Also in QT a Multicolor Angel and an Indigo Dottyback<o></o><o></o>

</o> <o>

</o> Not shown: Blue spotted Jawfish (I can see him under the rock but cannot photograph him) and 2 yellow tail blue damsels<o></o><o></o>

And just because I got the shot here is the best picture to date of my Asfur Angelfish (too bad he was down at the bottom where I don't remove the algae)<o></o>

Dragon maybe???????

Looks like a feather duster or something to me. Mostly a dragon though.

That is my lawnmower blenny, I did not even notice him in the shot, but that is his favorite spot to hang out.