Krish's Bahamian inspired 90 gal

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Thats pimp Krish, i like your rockwork, i cant wait until you are up an running, your kind of like my LFS im always wonderin what you will have in your tank when i see it~!
ohh doood i have no clue how you do it still.
Honestly i wish i could do that type of work with my rocks, are you sure you don't wanna come up here and give me a hand dood :D
Krish your done with the aquascaping already??? :lol: Looks great!! Well done....
Thats pimp Krish, i like your rockwork, i cant wait until you are up an running, your kind of like my LFS im always wonderin what you will have in your tank when i see it~!

Thanks Jiddy...I surprise my wife just as much with what goes in and what comes out.

ohh doood i have no clue how you do it still.
Honestly i wish i could do that type of work with my rocks, are you sure you don't wanna come up here and give me a hand dood

That's the OCD in me Gabby. It makes things look good, but drives you crazy in the process. Wait until I get the other 60lbs of LR in there! About setting up yours, anyday doodette!!!

Thats really sharp Krish! I love when you add photo's. Always something good to look at. Very Cr

Thanks Detri...I try. I can't wait for you to get your rocks so I could see your aquascaping! So you love my photos huh???(LOL) Well don't think I'm adding any porn on the forum for you(LOL)

Krish your done with the aquascaping already??? Looks great!! Well done

Thanks Ken, but the aquascaping is far from over for me. I like how it looks now, but I need to add atleast another 60lbs in the tank. Nevertheless, I'm adding to what is already there so I'm not changing the idea I started with. I hope to get some more rock this week...
lol!! yuuhhuu then i can't wait for you to come up here :D .
If you change your mind on the porn thing, please add music and you know what type :D ... sorry it's just that i can't see snails or fishes or watever just like that i also need a little bit of music otherwise it's boring :D :lol: :lol: ... just joking dood
what's a rock? lol !!!! no i have them floating on the water, i just think its fun for them :D:lol: :lol: ... yes dood :lol: :lol:
Good Job Krish. Want a job building rock walls for rich people here in KY. They love them rock walls with no motar around here. LOL
Looking great man. I will have to copy that in a tank here. Just really a cool design idea.
what's a rock? lol !!!! no i have them floating on the water, i just think its fun for them ... yes dood


I just talked to my friend a few minutes ago and he said that I may get my 60lb box of LR on Friday afternoon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I doubt it will be here before next week Friday. I wish I could go out and get some myself but the weather sucks right now and has sucked for the past 3 weeks or so. I doubt I will be able to go back in the water before April (I've got thin skin and water below 80 degrees is too cold!(LOL)) I need the rest of my rock in so I can get started sorting out the flow in my tank. We'll see how it goes...
Good Job Krish. Want a job building rock walls for rich people here in KY. They love them rock walls with no motar around here. LOL
Looking great man. I will have to copy that in a tank here. Just really a cool design idea.

Thanks Steve!! I built them just for you since you asked me to(LOL) Hopefully when it is all finished it would look tons better. I'm thinking on adding, like I said, atleast another 60lbs of LR, but will try to keep the same look, just add more rock to what is already set up. I don't want to go screwing up the look, but I'm sure with another 7 hrs I'll get it sorted out(LOL) Also, I'm still pondering my sump if to go with LR or some algae...Time will tell...
Thanks mungus! I have the M820's. They work real well and I'm contemplating getting 2 more or the 1500 gph one. Haven't decided yet because I may still do a closed loop setup with about 2000 gph+. I'm just waiting to see the layout when all the rock gets in. Thanks again for the reply...
I started up my sump and skimmer last night with the new return pump and everything is working great except, what I though would be a problem, proved itself to be a problem and that is microbubbles in the sump being transfered into the tank. I knew it would probably happen because how the sump was built, it was made specifically to be a wet/dry and now I have nothing to absorb the water so I'm going to take it down and add in a bubble trap to sort that problem out hopefully today. Other than that everything is going good. Once I get the sump sorted out then I can run everything along with the lights on their regular schedule to see where my temperature will sit at.

I'll post some more pictures of the sump after it is all done...
I just finished installing the sump again after adding in the 2 extra chambers to help rid the tank of micro bubbles and it's working perfectly. I just need to put an acrylic lid on it to replace the black lid which I have now, so I can add a light to keep some type of algae in there if I decide to go that way rather than putting in extra LR in the sump. I'm contemplating nutrient export with an algae and figure that will be the way to go if I get enough LR in the tank to handle denitrification and biological filtration. I will try and get to a computer tonight to add a few new pictures...
Sorry no pictures last night...I had a major flood!!! I spent the whole night tearing down and soaking up water. My return pump shot the hose off and I had a cool waterfountain going on under my stand. Everything is back up and running again and I will add the pictures tonight or this weekend for sure.
welcome to my world !!!
ohh yeah there's nothing like a good flood to make reef keeping worth it

Ya think! It's only been the 3rd major one for me.(LOL) I thought it was funny...Hey, everything is funny to me pretty much except my wife wasn't thrilled because it was all over her new tile. I told her look on the bright side...Atleast it got a good cleaning!(LOL)
LOL!!! so far i've had 5 major ones :p :D , so that's nothing i'm still holding the title... yuuhuu !!! :D .
Tell your wife that she's lucky its tile, mine is carpet so its way way worse because it drys up way way to slow ;) .
LOL!!! so far i've had 5 major ones , so that's nothing i'm still holding the title... yuuhuu !!! .
Tell your wife that she's lucky its tile, mine is carpet so its way way worse because it drys up way way to slow

Yeah, I can't mess with you Gabby...5 floods and i'll have to add my picture to the "Show your pets" thread as the new addition to the dog house!