Krish's Bahamian inspired 90 gal

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no it's better i mean i can see a little tiny difference dood :) , sorry dood seriously i'm getting new contact lences for Christmas :)
I can see the diffrence, can you see a diffrence? Its an ancient chinese secret!

Oh wrong commercial. hehe

Looks good Krish! All they have to do is look at the original pics lol then you can see where you added to the arches. Nice layout man.
Looks nice Krish. I would definitly go with the bridge at the top. I dont know if you can see these two bridges or not but here goes.
Krish if ya have a good hardware store around, go look for any screw in bulb that has a 6500k rating. If ya can't find one of those get a Coralife 50/50. They come in 10 or 20 wt.
Thanks guys for the replies. I went home and took some more pictures and they came out better. The only problem is I won't be able to post them until Wednesday unless I get my computer back today, which I'm supposed to(yeah right).

Steve, are they tonga branch bridges? That tank has come quite aways for a lady who kept it bad and didn't want to spend any money on it(that's the tank right?) I'll have to see what rocks they send this time to see if they can bridge without an avalanche(LOL). Another problem with the pics is that you can't see the color on my rocks...Next time. I was thinking about getting a piece of blue acrylic cut to see how it will look for my background rather than the black acrylic. I haven't decided yet and will probably wait until all of the rock is in before I decide.

Ken, I can get my hands on a coralife pc fixture small enough to fit over my sump, brand new. When my friend from the LFS brought in my aqualights he brought in some extras in different sizes. I may go pick one up today.

I'm glad you like the pictures Detri...Just trying to keep up with you!
About the lights again, I just checked on the mini aqualight and it is for freshwater (no blue spectrum bulb in it). Will that be fine for chaeto or do I need a 50/50 spectrum in there with white and blue?
Oh...Ok. Yeah, the coralife light only has two 9 watt 6700k bulbs in it. I'll have to look around for the one in the link. Thanks Ken...
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ohh ok, then i think it's gonna look really nice

Thanks Gabby. I hope so. I'm more concerned about it being effective than looking good. You know like some basketball players with all of the form, but can't hit a basket!(LOL)

I just looked back on this thread and I think this threads really sucks if you ask me(LOL) It's so pathetic it's hilarious!(LOL) Maybe it will get better later when I get all of the rest of my rock and the rest of my equipment and start stocking the tank up and posting some really cool pictures. Until then, I'm going to a commercial....Hijacking is welcomed until then(LOL)
you see that's where you are wrong.
This is not pathetic dood you are just starting, don't expect it to be all done and going, sure some stuff takes you time to get because of the shipping and stuff but i still there's still a lot you can talk about :) .
you see that's where you are wrong.
This is not pathetic dood you are just starting, don't expect it to be all done and going, sure some stuff takes you time to get because of the shipping and stuff but i still there's still a lot you can talk about

LOL...You can keep it alive for me then(LOL JK) I'll add some more pictures again when I do something new...
I just bought the new light for my sump/fuge today. I have a piece of clear acrylic being cut now to replace the existing lid on the sump so that the light can penetrate it. I will post the pictures tonight of it. One question I had was with keeping an algae like chaeto, what is the best way to run the lighting...Alternate photoperiod from the main tank lights, 24/7 or with the main tank lights?
Here is the light I will be using.
I will change out the bulbs to 50/50's
if I need to. The last picture is where the
light will sit, but like I said, over clear
acrylic instead and on legs.

that looks pretty nice Krish

Want one?? It didn't cost me a thing. It's one of those things, "You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours" with my friend who's father owns the LFS. I sneak his dad the money usually though behind his back when he is out of the store because they have a business to run and I don't think what I do for them should affect my prices that much...Atleast not for free.

I may get a new replacement for my 90 gal so I don't have to look at those bloody scratches on my glass in the corner. Not noticeable to most people, but I know they are there and it bothers me sometimes if I sit too close(LOL) If I do, I may give up the gallons for better dimensions and go with a 75 gal instead. I feel it will be better for flow and also for me to reach (I'm only 5ft 6in LOL)). The only thing stopping me is having to move the rocks and set them back up. I get frustrated when I can't get it right and I don't have my computer home yet to blow up the picture and see how it was before to go by. I'll have to decide, but I can't physically do it now. Work is crazy with a man short, and my hip slipped out of place again this past weekend fooling with the rennovations in my house, so it's a bit of a battle now. That's why I have been able to be online quite a bit lately at work during the day. I take a break in between to give my back a rest (when there is something I can leave the other workers to do) and then I'm back out busting tail again when something more demanding kicks up. Hopefully it will ease up soon so I can get everything I need done...