Krish's Bahamian inspired 90 gal

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But I want it to look more natural and not so symmetrical like it has been described

who told that to my buddy ??? i want names !!
i love the way your tank looks and it's kewl your trying to get different ideas (that way i get ideas for my future ohh so future tank :p:D)
who told that to my buddy ??? i want names !!
i love the way your tank looks and it's kewl your trying to get different ideas (that way i get ideas for my future ohh so future tank )

LOL...Yeah it does look nice, but it looks like a puzzle. You can pick out every rock in my setup and I want to get it to look like a more solid structure. I've got a few ideas, but I think the 24" tall tank is going to work against me. I think corals will have to do all of the filling in in the higher areas...I want to go downstairs and get started now(LOL)
LOl When I first started reading this thread I thought it was gonna be a flame thread, lol I kept reading thinking "what the heck is he doing... I kept reading some more thinking what in the heck is he still doing.... After about the 10th page I caught on ahhhhhhhhaaaa what a goof ball you are Krish... To funny..... Good job on the tank, I want mine to look like that.
LOl When I first started reading this thread I thought it was gonna be a flame thread, lol I kept reading thinking "what the heck is he doing... I kept reading some more thinking what in the heck is he still doing.... After about the 10th page I caught on ahhhhhhhhaaaa what a goof ball you are Krish... To funny..... Good job on the tank, I want mine to look like that.

LOL...Thanks! You have no idea how goofy I get sometimes:rolleyes: I was supposed to be January's GBOTM, but Chuck felt it was in-appropriate so he made me MOTM instead:lol: Glad you like the tank! It is kinda cool for just rock and a few fish, but like I've said, gotta get it a little more realistic looking in there...Less symmetrical:)
That's cool man! Thanks! I guess the spacing isn't and tooth size aren't all that particular. If I go ahead with it, I may just take the measurement off of another overflow in terms of tooth size and spacing. Thanks again Tom
[QUOTEYeah it does look nice, but it looks like a puzzle][/QUOTE]
dood i like puzzles, but i know what you mean :) . ( just so you know last night i dreamed about your tank :p)

LOl When I first started reading this thread I thought it was gonna be a flame thread, lol I kept reading thinking "what the heck is he doing... I kept reading some more thinking what in the heck is he still doing.... After about the 10th page I caught on ahhhhhhhhaaaa what a goof ball you are Krish... To funny..... Good job on the tank, I want mine to look like that.

you read the whole thing?? :shock: you are a brave young dood :D .
Now that's a kewl calculator... to bad i don't know my gallons per hour :p .
that calculator is VERY helpful. EEEK Chrish don't take it down again this thread may end up two hundred pages long! My perfectionist friend how I love him LOL. Just so you guys know the pictures don't do his tank justice. The stand is really gorgeous, but the light in the photo doesn't lend itself to the color. He has some really intresting growth on the rocks besides tunicates and corraline. I think as he increases his lighting because some of his rock is Florida rock that came in really good condition he may get even new coral growth. he already has two things that kinda look like minature gorgonians coming off of two rocks. I like Krish's perfectionist ways as do several of his friends it means we plebs of the hobby can inherit or acquire at great rates equipment that me normally couldn't procur LOL.:badgrin:
Thanks Andrew, but here's the joke...This marks the end of this thread(LOL) I'm picking up my new tank this afternoon. No more scratches and the white bottom was ordered this afternoon. Look for the new thread!
Yeah...I just bought one and just finished intstalling the background on it on the inside of the tank so that I can use the cover I had made for my CPR overflow. I will start a new thread for it when I get home...
;) My BOOY Krish! Get ready for the new thread guys your not going to believe it, but i won't steal Krish's thunder:D