Krish's "Rubik's cube"

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Here marks the beginning of yet another thread showcasing a tank of mine...Think I will ever complete one?:p This one will go all the way to corals and will be my last tank I will have in our townhouse, so no more threads like this for a while until we sell this place and buy a house. Some of the equipment will be transfered from my 75gal to this tank as well as the aged water and LR:)

I went down to work today and knocked out the stand and canopy for my new tank. All built out of 2x4 and 3/4 plywood and took about 4 hours total. The only thing left for me to do is minor sanding and the formica work. I don't want to get into all the details of the tank just yet because I am deciding on 2 different approaches for the overflow (which I have until Tuesday to decide on before the tank is built), but what I can say is the tanks dimensions will be 24x18x18 made out of 1/2 inch acrylic with a black acrylic backround, white pvc bottom, and the overflow won't be anywhere in the tank this time at all.

So here are the first few shots of the stand and canopy in it's new location. Some things to keep in mind...

(1) Notice the door to the left side of the tank. That is where the chiller will go if I need one.

(2) The tall piece on the left side of the stand is going to be a door that I can open to get to that side of the tank. I did that to hide some plumbing etc. I have it screwed in just for the picture.

(3) The 2x2 leg on the right side of the tank won't be there. It was only put there for the picture to support the canopy

(4) Look at where the ac vent and thermostat is in the last pic;)

I hope to get some more work done to the stand and canopy next week. I have a long holiday weekend so no more work for me right now:p

hehe not only i'm getting a look at the tank but at the townhouse too :D :lol: .
I think it's coming out pretty nice dood !!
now can you build me one? :lol:
Way cool dood why is it your stand is built in 4 hours & mine is like 4 months? lol

hmm because you don't have OCD :p ......... just kidding.
well yours is way way bigger dood.
you know Gaby - I was thinking the same's nice getting a tour of his townhome! If he keeps getting more tanks we'll see all rooms! :)
Looking good Krish, going to be an awesome tank.

Does that AC vent go to a dehumidifier ? Strange that it's in the door, they normally in the ceiling somewhere central. Mine is anyway...
LOL, I will believe that this is the tank when I see coral in it :)

Good luck with the setup.
you know Gaby - I was thinking the same's nice getting a tour of his townhome! If he keeps getting more tanks we'll see all rooms!

LOL!! i agree :D .... if we ever go there, we won't have to ask where's the bathroom :D :lol:
Krish, everything looks real nice. I don't know if I was very articulate in what I was trying to describe in your other thread. The Sea Swirls are notoriously unreliable, and will look like monsters in this little tank. I vote for a bottom center pump feed (to flow water through the rocks) and use an Oceans Motions 2-way to alternate between two 1" returns. Bump the flow up high enough, and you could simply bounce it right off the glass. Or, you could put a 45 on each return, and angle them down and in, so they'd sweep right over the rock structure. With an alternating time of just a few seconds, you could almost create a tidal "Back-n-forth" with the two returns. Who needs a wave box?! Push about 1400gph through these (at 1", it should be soft enough), and you'd have your 40x turnover without even counting in your main return pump, which you could push through two more bulkheads down in the bottom corners for a constant upflow into your overflow.

You'd have no plumbing coming over the top, just tight up against the back of the tank and 90'd in.
dragonfly-that looks like the return air vent not the supply. ra's are usually in the wall or door to the furnace. nice setup krish! maybe for your next project you could dig a tunnel to the ocean and set a 4 foot round acryllic panel for viewing. no plumbing, no electricity and no maintainance! except maybe clean the panel once in a while!:D
Way cool dood why is it your stand is built in 4 hours & mine is like 4 months? lol

LOL...Gabby had it right. OCD:p Naw man...I work with wood all the time with custom stereo installations so it didn't take long. I have every tool I could possibly need at work to do anything so that helps:)

hehe not only i'm getting a look at the tank but at the townhouse too .
I think it's coming out pretty nice dood !!
now can you build me one?

Thanks Gabbs...And no problem on building you one. When Washington get's in the 90's, give me a shout:p

you know Gaby - I was thinking the same's nice getting a tour of his townhome! If he keeps getting more tanks we'll see all rooms!

LOL...You'll see more of the room next time I post some photos! You'd die if you saw my closet! :eek: I'll take a photo of it...My wife was in heaven when she saw it the first time(LOL)

Looking good Krish, going to be an awesome tank.

Does that AC vent go to a dehumidifier ? Strange that it's in the door, they normally in the ceiling somewhere central. Mine is anyway...
LOL, I will believe that this is the tank when I see coral in it

Good luck with the setup.

Thanks Anthony!:) About the AC vent, the thing in the door is not one:p That is just a vent for the storage room behind the door. Look at the last picture I posted above the canopy. That's where the vent is;)

Very Nice wood working Krish How are you set for power requirements what kind of pumps are you going to use?

Thanks Jeff! It is getting there:) Power requirements, I am good to go as for pumps, not sure yet. I want to physically see the tank first before I decide on that. Also, I am really pressed for space under my stand so I have to use my space wisely when designing the sump (which I think, won't leave much room for an extra pump unless I place it high in the stand on a shelf like I did with the closed loop I made a while back on my 75gal). As a result, I'm figureing on putting the pump for the closed loop in that extra compartment to the left of the tank, but I'll see how it goes. I won't need much at all in there to accomplish good flow, and I think Sherman has a nice idea as well...:)

Krish, everything looks real nice. I don't know if I was very articulate in what I was trying to describe in your other thread. The Sea Swirls are notoriously unreliable, and will look like monsters in this little tank. I vote for a bottom center pump feed (to flow water through the rocks) and use an Oceans Motions 2-way to alternate between two 1" returns. Bump the flow up high enough, and you could simply bounce it right off the glass. Or, you could put a 45 on each return, and angle them down and in, so they'd sweep right over the rock structure. With an alternating time of just a few seconds, you could almost create a tidal "Back-n-forth" with the two returns. Who needs a wave box?! Push about 1400gph through these (at 1", it should be soft enough), and you'd have your 40x turnover without even counting in your main return pump, which you could push through two more bulkheads down in the bottom corners for a constant upflow into your overflow.

You'd have no plumbing coming over the top, just tight up against the back of the tank and 90'd in.

That sounds really nice Sherman. I'll have to see if I can find a link of somewhere that sells OM. So if I were to go by your picture, the bottom bulkhead will be the suction for the closed loop and the two top ones will be the returns for the closed loop right? I wasn't going to say anything really about the tank yet, but your drawing of the tank, is basically what I am having built. I spoke to Tom about it, and the plan which I gave the guys that are building the tank, is to have 1/4 inch slots routered into the tank, 3/4 inch long, spaced 1/2 inch apart from each other and 1/4 inch down from the top of the backwall almost all the way across the back to give good surface skimming. I left about 3 inches on each side (like in your drawing) for returns. Either I was going to drill through like your pic, or just come over the top. I had planned on putting the sea-swirl in there, but after reading your first comment on ditching it, I sat downstairs looking at my 75gal, and in all honesty, the sea-swirl only seems like it will be effective in a bigger tank (where the flow can spread) so I don't think I will be using it anymore. The thing I was contemplating (like I said in my first post) was to have the overflow built the same way, but on the left side of the tank which means the overflow could be seen if you opened that side door, but I think I'm really leaning more towards the plans I had from day one. I think I will need that extra space for the closed loop pump on that side:)
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dragonfly-that looks like the return air vent not the supply. ra's are usually in the wall or door to the furnace. nice setup krish! maybe for your next project you could dig a tunnel to the ocean and set a 4 foot round acryllic panel for viewing. no plumbing, no electricity and no maintainance! except maybe clean the panel once in a while!

ROFL! And don't forget the plastic plants:p Hopefully my next place will be on the water;)
"Thanks Anthony! About the AC vent, the thing in the door is not one That is just a vent for the storage room behind the door. Look at the last picture I posted above the canopy. That's where the vent is"

Sorry bud, see it now - was about 1:30am CAT when I looked at this - clearly the 2 Red Bulls I had weren't enough :)
You get all that practice from work right? Building speaker boxes and stuff. Looking good bro, Cant wait to see the Tank.

Thanks Bob! Me either:p Hopefully I'll have it before next weekend. Monday is a holiday here as well so we'll see how it goes:)

Sorry bud, see it now - was about 1:30am CAT when I looked at this - clearly the 2 Red Bulls I had weren't enough

LOL...No problem man. So those Red Bulls really mess with you huh? My friend told me to try one, but I'm too hyper to begin with so I passed:p
Krish.. WOOF!!! awesome.. more pics please

Thanks man...Soon. I just bought everything I will need (beside the formica) to get than stand and canopy completed. I hope to have that all done sometime next week. More pics will be coming soon:)
Thanks Josh! I'd say everything should hopefully be all setup within the next 2-3weeks. Hopefully less though:)
Just a little update...Sorry no pics yet, but I installed all of the hide-away hinges today as well as sanded everything and staind all of the interior parts of the stand and canopy. So all I have left to do with the stand and canopy now is to formica it. I will add some pics later when I bring everything back inside after it dries:)