Last tank shots for a while

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LOL...I was just kidding. I get grossed out too easily :eek: I am buying a helmet for when I have to change diapers so I can't smell anything and nothing will squirt on me:p

Don't worry Krish I was the same way. If your wife is going to breast feed the dirty pants won't be that bad. It's when they start in on formula and real food that they get nasty. If you are changing the inital diapers you will be a pro and will be able to change the nasty ones very quickly. If you do have a girl make sure you get everything when you are wiping. They have a lot of places for poop to hide.:lol:

ohh dood don't remind me of those ones.... now those are the real yucky ones
Yep. I think formula is the base ingredient in contact cement. :D If you are a mom/dad you know what I am talking about.
Unsubscribing...seems this thread is not about Krish's tank any further. Sad to see so many threads get derailed.
Unsubscribing...seems this thread is not about Krish's tank any further. Sad to see so many threads get derailed.
Thanks for the info but do not be to quick to point fingers. Look back at your earlier post.
Yeah, you got me! On occassion I do get off topic but it's only one or two posts not 3 or 4 pages of crap. I really enjoy seeing Krish's tank and what he gets out of the ocean but when you have to weed through 3 and 4 pages of 'pumps' and 'pp' and 'diaper' talk it gets old to some of us. This is Reef Frontiers not the Chatty Kathy forums and I think the Water Fountain is where off topic things should go.
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i don't think anyone means to go off topic:oops: , it just happens sometimes:oops: ..sorry if you are upset...:) i think that is what makes this forum the best forum that there is:D ...everyone is very personable and we all know alot about each other, unlike some other uptight forums :doubt: ..we all get along really well here:D .. i literally feel like i know some of the folks on here and i have never even met them.
Thanks guys for talking "Taking care of babies 101" ... I'm sure it will come in handy:)

Unsubscribing...seems this thread is not about Krish's tank any further. Sad to see so many threads get derailed.

Yeah, you got me! On occassion I do get off topic but it's only one or two posts not 3 or 4 pages of crap. I really enjoy seeing Krish's tank and what he gets out of the ocean but when you have to weed through 3 and 4 pages of 'pumps' and 'pp' and 'diaper' talk it gets old to some of us. This is Reef Frontiers not the Chatty Kathy forums and I think the Water Fountain is where off topic things should go.

It's funny you say that Matt because so far on this thread you haven't said a word about my tank. All of your replies so far have not been related to my tank at all and I'm not mad. If you read my first post, I elaborated as to why this will be my last shots of my tank for a while...Because of the baby. I guess my friends are all just excited and happy for me that this is happening in my life, and thus the reason we are talking about my baby now...Yeah, it has some funny remarks in there, but what is life without a few smiles? I don't understand man because I haven't said anything out of the way here...I have no idea why people are getting so uptight these days :doubt: Honestly, if anyone gets tired of weeding through any of my threads, then I don't mind if anyone just pass them by...I've said that before. I'm not forcing anyone to read them. It seems like I get knocked for going a little off topic (even if it is my own personal thread) but I get overlooked when I'm out there busting my butt trying to help any and everyone I can, make new members feel welcomed and sponsors feel welcomed, sending out Birthday wishes to everyone I am familiar with here even if they don't wish me a happy Birthday on mine, or just offering a word of encouragement to those that are bummed out and I have no idea how to help, but want them to feel like someone cares. I honestly do not enjoy typing regardless of what anyone thinks, but I do enjoy helping people and making others happy. I'm truely sorry if I offended you (or anyone else here) and you feel like you have to "un-subscribe" to my thread. I don't know what I did to offend you or upset you, but just think of it this way...I never ever get offended here when people run me to the ground for trying to do the right thing or I just get overlooked. I've learned to accept those things... I won't be on much soon because of the baby, so I guess RF will get the rest that it needs:)
Krish - first off you didn't offend me at all. Also, just because I don't say it doesn't mean I don't admire and enjoy looking at your tank and your accomplishments. Also, I am very happy for your upcoming baby so hope you didn't get me wrong on that as well. The thing that gets to me is when I see a thread that says Last Tank Shots or any other of the various topics on here and for a few posts it's on topic with photos and revelant text and such then for 3 or 4 pages it's nothing even remotely regarding the topic. It just takes time to weed through this and some of it's offensive to some such as the purple penguin which seems to be resurfacing again. I don't consider myself uptight as I can be just as offensive as the next person and laugh and crack jokes with anyone but we all come here for a Reefing board and to share knowledge on that. If we could keep all off topic stuff in the Water Fountain that would really really help but when it's in the General I usually consider that topics on Reef tanks, etc.

I hope that clarifies my earlier statement and as you can see I haven't unsubscribed yet. :)
It's all good Matt...I'm a "happy go lucky" person so no worries. I guess for the benefit of all, we all need to find that "happy medium" where everyone can be happy. No worries man... :)
Tank is looking real nice Krish. It is very clean looking. It has come a long way. Nicely done. And congrats on the baby, I am sure you have a LOT to look forward to :)

Regarding off topic discussions, I can only offer this as a reminder.


Again, nice tank and enjoy fatherhood when it arrives :)
Thanks Chuck:) The tank is finally getting somewhere after all I've learned here and all of my hard work, "trials and errors". Time will be the true test as to whether the tank is optimum for keeping, thriving corals. I'm at a slight disadvantge with trying to compete with nature as my corals are directly from the ocean and not someone elses tank, but I'm hopeful:)

Thanks as well on the kind words about the little one on the way:)
Good Lord! It took me 30 mins to see what y'all are carrying on about! Now I'm going to go look at pics. Settle down girls. (I'm very slow reader)(but fast talking/typing)(navigation skills are somewhat lacking also).

Serious question: I don't like to go on about something, but when I find you guys I just can't stand it, I have to ask! Question: Should you just make a new post in whatever area you think is appropriate? I feel silly starting new threads??....

LOL...You can ask new questions on any of my personal threads anytime BJ if even if it isn't realted.:) Some people may get upset if they have a thread and then someone asks a question for themselves on it, but not me. If you feel a bit funny about starting a new thread about something, pm me your question and I'll start the thread and you can follow along:)
LOL...You can ask new questions on any of my personal threads anytime BJ if even if it isn't realted. Some people may get upset if they have a thread and then someone asks a question for themselves on it, but not me. If you feel a bit funny about starting a new thread about something, pm me your question and I'll start the thread and you can follow along

The same goes for me BJ... i don't care people going out of topic in my threads as i consider most of the doods/doodettes in here my friends :) and specially if you got something you're wondering about or worried about ;)
Hey Krish I like the look of that tank, nice a clean! but where is the coraline? I am sure it will get going soon...

he is going to go diving and try to find some "wild" coraline for his tank????? he said it's really hard to catch:)
Hey Krish I like the look of that tank, nice a clean! but where is the coraline? I am sure it will get going soon...


Thanks Matt! About the coraline, it started dissapating when I added my dual 250w MH's on my 75gal. Since the swap over to the cube, it has started to grow again, but not as fast. It grows mostly around the base of the tank and on the pvc board bottom. One rock is gaining some color, but the others seem to be confused :confused: (LOL) I've got corals to look at now, so they coraline isn't as important to me anymore;)

he is going to go diving and try to find some "wild" coraline for his tank????? he said it's really hard to catch

LOL...That stuff grows everywhere here in the wild:D