Lets talk about- Clean up crews

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And were back to the Peanuts?

ROFLMAO!!! I almost went back and edited that, but I figured you wouldn't see that (LOL). Sorry Detri...I just get on a computer and Paul's got me hijacking it already(LOL) Such a bad influence on me Paul...JK!
Anybody have anything to add about clean up crews? before me and krish get kicked off this site? :D :D
Anybody have anything to add about clean up crews? before me and krish get kicked off this site?
Yeah...They clean up good(LOL) I've always liked coral bandit shrimps. Probably because it was the only one I've ever had(LOL). I've had a brittle star or 2, but all they wanted to eat was fish food. What can you do. I guess you can't always rely on a critter to clean up all of the time and must make an effort to do what you can control like good husbandry yourself. Atleast you can be sure that something will be done weekly/daily etc
Way to put it krish, and even stay on track! What we personally do for clean up is the most important aspect of keeping tanks. The help we get from nature is very much appreciated though. Can you imagine spending 8 hours a day cleaning your tank! Lets let nature help out.
I am reading a lot about the hermits of which I have in my tank. What about the snails. Which are the better tank scrubbers, hermits or snails? I wanted to mention also that I placed a Queen Conch in my tank a little while back and she mows down the sandbed. Turbo snails are great also. They tend to be everywhere, rocks, glass, powerheads, anyplace they can stick to they will clean it.
Ok so, what do the snails, crabs, shrimp, stars and Urchins add to the system that we can't? (besides being in the tank :D )

Hey Krish! So your a nut again huh? hehe
ok all...im new here and im very interested in this thread...so whats a good clean up crew to have...due to the storm RITA i lost all my inhabitants and had to start fresh...my tank has now been cycling again for a week and i have added 6 snails(unknown)..and 6 hermits in my tank for starters...i have a 50g cube tank if that helps...i know i ll need more clean up helpers but of what species...i had a sandsifting star and i realy didnt care for him much since i realy never saw him and i do enjoy seeing most of my inhabitants in my tank from time to time...so now what?...ive never concidered adding an urchin to my tank cause i realy dont know anything about them or about what an urchin can do for my tank and its inhabitans...i would like to add a couple of cleaner shrimp..but besides the high price that i realy would like to avoid..what are the pros and cons to them?..or for that matter any shrimp...keep up the good work on this thread..i ll be following it closely..thanks ehser1
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Welcome Esher1, I will leave the answers up to the experts. I am new myself, I have found all of these people very helpful and thay know there stuff. Well, except Krish he only uses big words like "The" and "And" to show off. hehe kidding. Seriously though, you will find almost any answer you need here from these people, they are awsome.

Ron, Hobbiest in the making
I think you've got a good start to your clean-up crew...I wouldn't want to add too much too quickly. Urchins can be great a eating algae, but need a substantial amount to thrive. It's probably best to wait until (if) you have an abundance of algae before adding one. On a side note, many of them are known to eat coralline algae as well, which most people believe to be desirable.
As far as the shrimp go, the cleaners are great to watch, especially at feeding time, and are pretty hardy. Other than that, they will scavenge some, and mine have cleaned a few of my fish over the years. Honestly, they are really cool and I will probably always have them in my reefs, but I've never considered them part of the "cleanup crew"...
In addition,
I also agree with your decision on the sand-sifting star...not the best option in my experience. These guys require a substantial amount of food and if you're trying to keep your tank "clean" then there likely won't be much available for them.
Like I posted earlier in the thread, I like Astrea snails and Cerith Snails (especially the large black-shelled ones) and turbos are great at eating long hair algea that the others usually won't. I'm not sure what type of snails you currently have, but I'd probably only add more if you develop an algea problem. I'd also keep an eye on your hermits and if they begin to prey on your snails (or each other) I'd remove most of them - starting with the largest ones. Just my opinion.
And on a general note, keep in mind that all of the inverts are fairly sensitive, especially to chemicals/metals, temp. changes, and salinity changes. This makes them (even more) short-lived in many captive systems.
Hope this helped someone out...
If not, just let me know and I'll spare myself the carpal-tunnel ;)
Why would we want to have an urchin to eat coraline? I thought we want it? Just curious. :)

As for cleaner fish - I have a lawnmower blenny who does a very good job but is a bit of a jerk to my sailfin black blenny - who does the same thing but is quite peaceful. So if I were to choose again, I wouldn't get the lawnmower and just get the sailfin or bicolor.
hi all..thanks for the info...and yes it helps me to decide what im gonna get...i have to admit that im not a big fan of hermits even though i do have them and had them in the past...the ones i have now are smaller hermits..blue legged ones i belive they are..their not very friendly to each other and i have lost many in the past when they start fighting over shells even though i keep a good amount of different sized shells in my tank...ive never had much luck keeping snails in the past since i used to have a green brittle star and he loved eating the snails and in the end before i got rid of him he started eating my hermits and i always kept him fed realy well..always wondered why i couldnt keep snails around ...lol...i do plan on getting a cleaner shrimp...i find they add a lil fun to a tank..i just hate having to dish out 25-30 bucks a piece at my lfs...but i guess i ll have to take the plunge eventually...thanks all for the info..i will continue to follow this thread with a great deal of enthusiasm..
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I am still up and down with the stars. I hear good thongs and bad things. I suppose if I did I would get a fancy one. I don't think I like the look of the chocolate chip and the serpent stars.
sorry about my ignorance but i hear the words sand sifting stars, which ones are those?
i'd love to add one Blue Linckia Starfish but i really don't know anything about them just that they are blue and kewl :p and another one that i also like is the Red Fromia Starfish? what are your thoughts guys
I would love to get a starfish, but I haven't had good luck keeping them alive. I have had a few fromias but they have never lived more than 4-5 months. I did have one linckia that came in on live rock AND survived the cycling and he still only made it about 5 months. My two favorite cleaning crew members are my cucumbers and sea hares.
Sorry, Saltytemple, I re-read my post and it is a little confusing...when I said that "some urchins eat coralline, which most people think is desirable," I really meant that the coralline was desirable, not the fact that the urchins would eat it ;) This was somewhat of a warning about urchins...Anyway, sorry for the confusion LOL.
As far as starfish, I don't think that any of the "fancy" ones are a good bet either. I know the linkias have terrible track records, as do many of the colorful "cool" starfish.
The brittles and serpents are usually OK as far as hardiness (I've had a large green brittle for years) but they can get aggressive (and hungry) as they get larger, especially if they aren't fed regularly. I've seen mine actually make a "cave" out of his legs in an attempt to catch an unwary fish...They are great clean-up critters, feeding off detritus and even dead animals (fish and inverts) but can go "hunting" if not fed well.
I know a lot of people have good luck with the smaller serpent stars, those that don't grow too big.
If I were to get an urchin what would you guys suggest?

Also, does anyone else have a sally lightfoot? mine is now 2 1/2 inches and a big meanie, he just got banished to the fuge since I accidentally caught him while rearanging the rocks - figured it would be the only opportunity I'd get to get him out of the main tank. I've read that they can catch small fish and inverts when hungry. any thoughts?
Hey Shauna,
I've had longspine urchins in the past...good algae eaters like most urchins but grow pretty large and are terrible about knocking over corals and frags. I've heard tuxedos aren't bad as well.
I also personally think you did the right thing by removing the sally lightfoot...if you're worried about it in the future, its always best to remove it while you have the chance. I've only had a couple of these crabs, when I first started out, and while they didn't eat any of my fish, they were'nt that useful either.
Just my opinion :)
So are camel shrimp, cleaner shrimp and blood shrimp all basically the same? As in cleaners for the tank and livestock?