looking for very rare fish for 25 gal nano

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nursing eel
Nov 30, 2004
Thunder Bay
good evening all

I am starting to look for fish and other stuff for my tank and I know that I don't have a lot of room for fish so besides a couple clowns i want to get 2 or 3 other fish that are really rare and exotic. I am not too up to date with fish that are small enough to fit into a 25 so I need a little help

ideas please

thanks :)
a great choice is the helfrichi fire fish, I had a few in the past and loved them, I have pics of them in my photo gallery. they usually sell local here from $150-$250

thats what I am thinking. I want to take what I would spend in a 55 or a 70 like i had planned and up it into my 25 I figure that should ge tme some nice rare fish I just need some ideas.
Try this one.
Helfrichi Firefish
Nemateleotris helfrichi

Description: Helfrich's Firefish is a rare species that has a bright pink light front half, a lighter pink rear half, a yellow area on its head and pink and yellow on the fins. This splendid beauty occurs at a depth range of 80 to 270 feet, but is not common at less than 150 feet. It lives over sand and mixed sand and rubble patches, on steep slopes, walls or at the base of reefs. This is a hardy aquarium fish that can be kept in a peaceful, fish-only aquarium, or in a shallow or deepwater reef tank. Helfrich's Firefish has a very mild personality, and it will be picked on by more pugnacious fishes.The most common question with this fish is "why is it so expensive compared to other firefish? Other species of Firefish are abundant in Indonesia and the Philippines where they are plentiful and labor is cheap. Helfrich's Firefish is not found in these areas, and is not plentiful in areas where it is collected only around the Marshall Islands, and is found only in deep water.Special Note: it will acclimate more quickly given low light conditions, characteristic of its natural habitat.
Recommended Tank size: 30 gallon
Feeding and Diet: Feeds on zooplankton, provide a varied diet that includes frozen preparations for carnivores
General Comments: The Helfrich Firefish goby is timid and will require peaceful tank mates.. Likes plenty of places to hide and is suitable for most reef settings. Will fight with it's own genus and tends to jump when stressed. Intolerant of warm temperatures.
Level of Care: Easy
Reef Compatibility:Good Reef and Nano tank species
Approximate Purchase Size: 1.5" - 2"
Reef Compatibility:Very good reef or community fish.

$169.99 each
as soon as you buy that "rare" fish, everyone will have one too. Then you will find out you over-paid. Then it will jump out of your tank and your neighbor's cat will eat it.
I hear that lol. I have always said that if ya can't say anythign nice shut the $#%& up lol anyway back to the people that want to help me I live in Thunder Bay Ontario man there are not that many people that are willing to spend 200 or 300 on one fish lol where as if I find the right fish I will.

Side Note

I know its not rare but I was reading on marinecenter.com that a Hume Trigger fish can be housed in a 20 gal tank and thats just nutts lol
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sorry, I forgot the smiley face... :) :) :) just a joke man.

Sometimes these people just dont get us...

I would third the fire fish. problem being they will jump. so lid in needed. I accidently killed mine by forgeting about a bad crab that killed it.

like this one
you can match this one to a shrimp.
scotts fairy wrasse(might get big)
this is an odd fish but fun
I think a fairy wrasse will get too big for a nano, but it will take a while. wrasses are wiley suckers and always on the lookout for an escape. I would only try the very small ones in a nano. All of the wrasses I have always keep one eye on the surface and a rather verticle orientation.

But, perhaps a leopard wrasse (although maybe not as rare as youwould like) would be a fascinating fish to keep in a nano.
just wondering if ab Auriga Butterfly would be ok the recomended tank is a 35 gal from what I can find
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imo theres a reason certain fish are more popular in the aquarium trade.... most of the popular fish are generally hardy and easier to keep... from your posts it seems like you are fairly new to saltwater tanks, which is in no way a bash of any sort, but my advice to you in such a small tank would be to stick with hardier, more common fish to start with.... i would say a pair of clownfish and either a small goby (NOT a mandarim goby!), blenny, dottyback, small basslet (royal gramma, etc...), or 6 line wrasse to start... i would recommend no more than 3 or 4 fish for this tank given the size and water volume involved
I will admit I am a stranger to nano tanks and corals but to saltwater tanks not really. my first saltwater tank I got wne I was 17 and that was almost 8 years ago. I have not done much with corals or closed loop systems but that is why I am trying to get information on here. I am used to simpler systems and what I want here is not simple.

The reason I have been posting so much is because I don't have a lot of lfs around here so I have to get info from here and I have found that asking people questions in most cses gets me a lot farther then trying to read it all.

I am not saying that they all have to be very rare of difficult to keep but a couple would be nice. I am going to have clowns and stuff but I want to get some info from other people about keeping rare and exotic sepcies of fish and corlas so that I can (when my tank is ready) house them and have good success with them. the "feeding" thread I posted about live food for a dragonet is a good example I know that I can't just keep it in a 25 gal with out some other source of live food and that is why I started the post just as an example
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a tank that size lends itself well to specialized animals though to be used as a species tank. For instance, pipefish and seahorses would be cool. Some people keep angler fish in nanos with great success. A goby/shrimp symbiotic setup would be nice too. Ther are some great nano threads and forums, like nano-reef.com where you can get very good info. and figure out what you are going to do.

On the subject of a butterfly fish, this is why some posts are questioning your experience. Not only are they not rare, but very likely not suitable for a nano tank. They grow to about 8" and eat coral and crustaceans.
the only reason that I did the side note is because I had seen it and thought it was a little "fishy" I had never herd of a buttefly in less then a 55 gal. I saw this on an actual marine fish web site and thought it was a bid ridiclous to have something like that in a small tank. I personaly would never have done it it just looked weird.

As for the reef with a nano like I said I am inexperienced if this was a 55 gal or larger i would not have nearly the posts that I do. I am just trying to find the best balance of what the wife and I want in the tank and what can be housed in it with out problems. I have never done anything this small so I am little out my element here lol. With my experience with nano tank I am inexperieced and I can openly admit it but with larger tanks I have no problems at all.