looking for very rare fish for 25 gal nano

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I wouldn't do a leopard wrasse for two reasons, they are lime mandarins in that hey eat lots and lots of pods and they like open swimming areas. I would go with Yasha gboy and pistol shrimp( Even though they are not very rare. ).You could even do a mystery wrasse.
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How about a Yash Hasa Goby, if you can get him paired with a pistol shrimp they are a great pair.
stick with the goby idea i was think a Catalina Goby. I don't think they are rare but they are a nice looking fish.

keep the ideas commin guys I am looking for everythign I can
there somethign that I didn;t know well then I guess its back to the drawing board thanks for the info
I have been looking on line for most of them but I have a contact that can get just about anything for me lol.

that spike-fin is very intresting I might have to get one
The only thing is that they are very small and sometimes disappear for a period of time but definetly cool! I'd just think a little fish like that could get lost...
just wondering if anyone knows anything about cow fish. the only one that I have seen that will go in a small tank is a longhorn cowfish but I don't know much about them any thoughts?
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i was pondering the idea yeah but before I put put anything in there besides rock and a cleaning crew I want to get info form here. I read that the long horn can be kept in a 20 gal but I don't now much about them.

are they not a good fish?
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not really... They get pretty big(not sure how many inches exactly) and they are not safe with corals or inverts, unless your planing on getting a bigger tank in future and you like to gamble
they are an intresting fish for sure but I didn't think they would work in the first place I just wanted to get some info on them. I am the kind of persont hat loves information on just about about anything thats why i asked.
We had a presentation on nano reef aquarium's maybe a year and a half ago. the ultimate fish man did it and it was good. At BCC if any locals here can remember. I first want to shoot down a couple fish. the mystery wrasse too big and too active. would swim circles for months and never be happy. some of the smaller dwarf angels might be ok but this would be pushing it and none are truely that reef safe. no butterflies at all. No big puffers but the small ones are ok and not reef safe. catalina gobies are cool but need at least 10 degree's less. you can find them in the pacific ocean around LA. Hence "Catalina Island". the ones in the hobby I believe are from mexico.

Really to sum it up.
1.when looking for a fish I think fish of color- bright colors,yellow, blue, orange, so on.
2. then to I want an active fish or hiding. your active swimmer like clowns, wrasse, damsels ect. the ones you might not see. some gobies(they can borrow behind rocks.) rabbits can be shy, some angels, ect
3. ease of care, feeding, waste, hardiness
4. price
5. rare-cool
hey brad I was just wondering what kind of angels you were talkin about I have never seen any that were small enough to keep in a nano. with teh clowns it would be ok but I want a dragonet as well so I don;t think they woudl get along but still I was wondering what dwarf angels would work?