looking for very rare fish for 25 gal nano

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Nano ideas

I just set up a nano (12 gal.) not even two months ago. Believe it or not I have 11 fish and its not even crowded in my opinion. I had to remove just two fish: My Signal Blenny killed and ate a couple of my baby Bengais. He is now in Time Out in my 75gal frag tank. The other problem fish was a Red-head Goby that picked on my Yashe Hashe goby pair. The current population gets along great and includes:

African Blue Strip PipeFish
Regular Firefish
Yellow Clown Goby
Red Nano Goby
2 Yashe Hashe Gobies w/ candy can shrimp
Yellow strip neon goby
Small yellow Watchman w/ Pistol Shrimp
3 Baby Bengai Cardinals
2 sexy shrimp

They all get along Great! I may add a couple of my two month old Baby Perc. clowns in a month or two? Or perhaps a teeny tiny hippo tang??? Have fun, I am.
I am just thinking that a hippo tang in a 25 gal will not work. it will for you as you can put it in your 75 gal if it gets too big but I don't have another tank set up so I have to be careful. Do you have pics of your nano I can't believe that you had that many fish in there and they didn't kill eachother
Here is a link to some shotsw of my 12g nano

I'm looking for one of those "nickle" size hippo tangs that would not outgrow my nano for 1-2 years. You are right in that I will just graduate him up to a larger tank. You would need to part with the hippo down the road (making another reefkeeper quit happy) if you don't get a larger tank during the same time period.

The thread below shows pics of my nano from the beginning to a couple of weeks ago.

I like the idea of a hippo tang but I just wanted to make sure it would not do anything bad in my tank along with the other fish that I want. I am still a little leary of putting a tang in a nano regardless of its size. I know that I will have 2 or 3 clowns a couple dragonets and a dragon pipe fish I am just not sure if a hippo tang would work or not. Its an intresting idea though
I don't mind anyone jumping in at any time more info the better. I have thought about that one I just wasn't sure if it would get along with everything else in there.

this is the 99.9 % fihished list
2 or 3 perc clowns
1 or 2 dragonets
1 dragon pipe fish
1 something else ( not sure what yet but something dorment )

if anyone sees a problem with this list please tell me so I can work around it

I concur getting a dragonet in a 25g is near impossible, but starving to death isn
t the worst way to die... oh wait. :)
if you do a dragonet, only do one and I suggest a scooter blenny. They start eating frozen a lot faster than mandarins!
Gobies usually are pretty reclusive and everything on your list is docile too. I would have to agree about the dragonette ... might be hard for one to find enough food in a small tank let alone two.
Unless your going to be very diligent feeding.:|
Paracheilinus species: "flasher wrasses" stay small and are peaceful. My favorite is the blue flasher "Paracheilinus cyaneus".
I had a Red Scooter Blenny that just died this week in my 53g tank, after I had him for 2 months. He was eating frozen mysis from day one. I thought he'd be ok because he was eating frozen. I was wrong. I believe he starved, because he started looking thin to me. I didn't realize they were in the Dragonette family when I got him. Pam

if you do a dragonet, only do one and I suggest a scooter blenny. They start eating frozen a lot faster than mandarins!
I had a Red Scooter Blenny that just died this week in my 53g tank, after I had him for 2 months. He was eating frozen mysis from day one. I thought he'd be ok because he was eating frozen. I was wrong. I believe he starved, because he started looking thin to me. I didn't realize they were in the Dragonette family when I got him. Pam

If he was eating well and still looked thin, he may have had internal parasites (worms). I've had a Kole tang that was eating like a horse just waste away and die. I didn't realize that could be that big of a problem until after losing him.:( I think the recommended quarantine procedure should also include deworming. I don't think it is recognized as often because it is not as blatantly visible like Ich. Looking back over many years, many of the "mysterious deaths" of my fish could have been attributed to worms. I just didn't know!:oops: And they say ignorance is bliss.:rolleyes:


P.S. Sad day, Brett Frave retired.
Hi Tom. That's a possibility. He was eating Mysis, but not a ton because he would just wait till a piece floated by. I would shoot some to him with a turkey baster. I also never see pods in my tank, so I don't think the Mysis he was eating was enough. I wouldn't have bought him had I know he was in the dragonette due to the lack of pods in my tank. I've added pods twice to my sump, in an area with some live rock rubble, but they don't seem to want to reproduce, or else, my possum wrasse is eating them faster than they can reproduce. Pam

If he was eating well and still looked thin, he may have had internal parasites (worms). I've had a Kole tang that was eating like a horse just waste away and die. I didn't realize that could be that big of a problem until after losing him.:( I think the recommended quarantine procedure should also include deworming. I don't think it is recognized as often because it is not as blatantly visible like Ich. Looking back over many years, many of the "mysterious deaths" of my fish could have been attributed to worms. I just didn't know!:oops: And they say ignorance is bliss.:rolleyes:


P.S. Sad day, Brett Frave retired.
I had a Helfrichi for about 3 years when my tank was set up before I left for college when I get my new tank soon I will be getting another once the tank has cycled

hey there all

keep the ideas comming I love them. With regards to the pipe and dragnet my lfs that I get my stuff from has then both eating prepared foods already thats why I am thinking about them if he didn't have them eating like that then yeah for sure I would nto do it but they are so its ok. I am toying with the idea of a small angel or some kind but i would have to lose the pipe in the process.

side note

I just started a new thread on my tank called too much head = dead stuff. the reason is that my mh light I discovered was too hot for my tank and killed all the snails I had in it do if anyone wants to key in on that and hlp me out that would be great

keep the info comming all I love the ideas
do you have an update on your fish choices? wat did u get and how are they working out?

by the way bluezooaquatics.com has that flaming prawn goby on sale for $94.22.:cool: