looking for very rare fish for 25 gal nano

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I have a Spike Fin Goby mated pair in my 24 nano. They usually go for $150-$200 each depending where you get it. My LFS sells them for $250 each when he gets one like once a year. A mated pair is almost impossible to get and they ask for some serious dough but I got real lucky...if you got the money (and patience to find one) then go for it!
Otherwise if you don't get a spike fin goby, you can get Dwarf Flame angels, Purple firefish
Abudjubbe Wrasse

About 10”

Semilarvatus Butterfly Fish

About 7”
Only $300

Christmas Island Emporer Angel

About 6”
Only $260

Harlequin Tusk Fish

Only $200

Purple Tang Fish

Only $150

Crosshatch Trigger Fish

Only $550

Singularis Butterfly Fish

Black Shoulder Tang

Only $360

Golden Bananna Eel

Only $450

Garabaldi Damsel

Only $80

Emporer Angel


here's a list of rare and exotic fish I found at rareandexoticfish.com
some may be too big though.
ok, I got the best of both world,
will they fit in a nano.....YES

Are they rare....VERY

what are they you ask........................

the naked clown and/or the picasso clown.
yeah there is not a single fish there that would work lol. I was thinking about the pipe fish but like the seahorse they should be kept in a speice only tank as ehy are very slow from what I hear and along with teh clowns and the dragonet I don't know how well a ipe fish would work. I would like to get one don't get me wrong but I don't want to get a fish just to watch it die.

I am thinking over all:
perc clown x 2 or 3
dragonet x 1 or 2 ( I am thinking just one but we will see )
helfricki firefish x 1
angelfish x 1 (maybe if I can find one that would work)

these are just a rough idea but that should be pretty close to what I am going to get in there.
I was talking about the list from page 3 of the thread. the clowns are fine it was the other fish form the list they weren't. I am still thinking about hte pipe fish but I don't know
naked clowns aren't rare at all.
nice picassos are however rare, the ones with extreme markings, good price tag too.
helfrichi firefish is obtainable for less than $100, just gotta look.
a mystery wrasse will make a great functional fish for your tank. it may get aggressive towards new comers.
a single super male fairy wrasse won't be too bad as well, say a Rhomboid or a C Jordani.
thats an intresting idea for an angel I never thought that would work. I will have to see becuse I really want a clam or 2 but maybe if I keep them near the top of the tank ro something then it might not bother them.

I was also looking at either a coral beauty or a flam angel if they would work if not no biggie
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DO NOT get a stone fish. They are very venomous and can kill you. And if you have kids they might be tempted to stick their hands in the tank. :eek: