Have fun with the pumps Kevin![]()
I have, am & will. Water changes are getting done...as we type! :thumbs up:
Have fun with the pumps Kevin![]()
I have, am & will. Water changes are getting done...as we type! :thumbs up:
Warms the cockles of my heart Kevin![]()
Where is the tubing at Kev, in the sump?
When I stick my arm in the bubble column dies for about 1/2 hour, then builds back up over another hour's time.Also the oils on the arm coral really have a tendency to make your your skimmer go nuts, or quit. Speaking of skimmers................................... do you think yours is efficient?
HA! so I have this 'purely' hypothetical question...you know, those osmotic pumps....on the SpectraPure LiterMeter III? Do you think (hypothetically speaking) that a pump that sucked up a huge hunk of algae would pump at the same rate as one that no algae in it?? Hypothetically... (I can hear Charles chuckling in the background...)
Kevin, that is why I went back to the dual Beckett skimmer when my air pump went bad on the SWC skimmer. I think that for the bioload in your tank, you may be a little bit under skimmed, but that is just my opinion. It may be that when you let things slide, it is either overwhelmed or, your bioload is exceeding what that skimmer is rated for. Kyle had a way of compromising things, and he may have done you a dis-service. it may say it is rated for x amount of gallons, but they are usually full of, well you know. You have taken that system Kevin and made a real nice sps tank out of it, but it is all bioload, you know what I mean.
maybe you need a different place for you tubes to pick water from?????
ATI sez: up to 500 gallons for the BM 250. What is/are a dual Beckett? Should I bring a gun to protect myself from the Becketts, when we meet at your house next week? just askin'...
i don't know about Charlie but i almost fell off my chair :evil: i even heard Julie laughing and that was with out reading the part about being 4 gallons behind in the fuge
oh yeah, I was laughing when I responded. for some reason all I could think about is snails????
I think the algae floats where ever, everywhere...I was trying to think of another place, too.