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I got mine at Quality Supply, now Murdock's in MSO. I bet they have or could get it for you at the Murdock's in Kalispell...I have a 100 gallon & had to order in a 65 gallon tank. I think they stock the 100 gal + one other size in store. I special ordered the 65 gal tank, but waited until they placed their own store order to get it, cuz the shipping all by itself would have been over 1/2 the cost of the tank additional, nothing if I just waited. Patience , Grasshopper...
Measuring phosphate tonight (PO4), perfecting my technique (only screwed up once!!)! Aquarium = 0.12ppm (down from 0.14 on 1.13.12)). Faucet water = 0.54ppm, the water in my holding tank has 0.14ppm PO4 (!), so I checked the RODI output. I measured it twice to be sure, it was 0.52 & 0.54ppm initially (just turned it on) and after an hour is is down to 0.24ppm...makes one wonder. Maybe I should run the GFO on the RODI water before use...? And I'm gonna calkl up the Filter Guys about my RODI system. Last change of resin & filters was in September '11, but I have made quite a bit of water since then...who knows! I'm going to check the RODI output again later...interesting!
when was the last time you changed the RO membrane Kevin

Everything was changed on 9.16.11...RO membranes (2 of them) DI resin, pre-filter & 3 stage filters...I do not know if one part is more labile, last for a shorter period than the rest of the system. Good question for the Filter Guys! This last time was the first time I'd ever changed the RO membranes (did not know to do it...).

More phosphate readings: the mixed SW I am using PO4 = 0.08 ppm in the tank. The RODI water flowing into the larger RODI storage tank has PO4 = 0.08.

I will look into the life expectancy of the various components of the RODI system! Since 10.27.11 I have made right at 750 gallons of salt water, so make it 900 gallons of SW since I installed new everything in the RODI system. not including all of the RODI I use for 2-part & evaporation...a guess at 2 gallons a day for lets say about 150 days = 300 more gallons = about 1200 gallons of RODI produced...hmmmmm.

Looks like a combination of water source & food source for the PO4 in my aquarium to me. imho. I really did not figure the water at all...you know what they say about when we @$$ume things!
Kevin, those readings are acceptable as far as I am concerned, but I may be wrong. Have you tried calling Kevin at Aquatic Dreams and maybe discuss this with him. In my feelings, we are never gonna be able to remove all the trace elements out of the RO/DI, it is just a fact of life, nuthin is perfect. It could also be just a cycle your tank is going thru, and there may not be much that you can do. Nature has its own way, and there is nothing we can do. Go ahead and try the GFO, and like Rob said, make sure you change it out a little more often.
I still have algae in my system, but it seems to have slowed down to a dull roar, and I can control it by weeding it out every so often. I think I said a while ago that I am not gonna concentrate all my efforts to remove a little bit of algae, if it gets worse, I may have to look into something, but until then, my lazy ass tangs may have to pick up the slack. Plus.......................................................... it adds color........................................lol.
From: Kelan's 24g Post #121

Kevin, the pics and the video do not do them justice. I just wish they were affordable for me right now. they are soooooooooooooooo freaking versatile. Almost wants to make a person downsize and get some. Wait a minute...................................... did I say that????

Well I have noticed that same sparkle in my refugium with the 3 - 24" LEDs that I have installed (not as striking though). These LEDs are not at all versatile (on - off...period), but put out plenty of usable light! Speaking of which, the LEDs have been on the same photo-period as the old light for a little over a month now. I will commit to the fact that the algae is growing well (for nutrient export!), as well as the Torch, the finger leather and the Zoas are all growing now. The Torch is the biggest it's ever been!
Why isn't the torch in the main display Kevin??????????????

Funny you mentioned that! I have been thinking about a move...I just don't have the time since I am measuring water parameters all the time! :high5: (Kidding only!!!) I just did not have room before, but I seem to have more open real estate, so up it goes! I am going to do it this week, just thought of it last week when it started growing. So now it is growing & I'm gonna change the lighting (again) :doh: ... It likes mid level in the fuge; do you think that would be the same in the display with the T-5s?
My water changes take 1/2 hour, total time, I get up at 4:30 in the AM, and I am done by 5:30 at the latest, and that includes 2 cups of coffee. I guess what I am saying is, I am old fashioned, and I am trusty that way. If one on your pumps malfunctions, what the effects? Just a question Kevin, not arguing just a question.

So I have the answer to your question posted above...I have noticed an ongoing trend for too much water to be in the skimmer chamber. I've played around with flow rates on the pumps and I just keep getting too much water in the fuge. Too much input, or not enough output?

Over the course of the last 2 days it has amounted to ~ 4 extra gallons. So the fuge does not overflow, it just gets too full. The removing pump has dramatically decreased it's ability to pump, I checked the calibration this morning & it's output is down further to like 28cc's/minute... it drips, while the input pump is steady at around 150cc/minute, it flows. So I need to get a new hose thingy for the peristaltic pump (or better yet a new pump!) & I'll just bail every AM when I check things over & do the drips for the day for the time being.... As with the rest of it, just like you said, we need to pay attention (look at it)....