luisse25's 90 gal tank

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2009
puyallup washington
hello everyone...most of u know about my peninsula tank,been ask by few people what tank i have right now...thought i share my little piece of the ocean :D
i was out of the reef hobby for a good 1 year and a half... i did kept a deep sea neo nano for all my fish and a few lps.

tank info and filtration:
my tank is a 90 gal rimless starphire glass built by miracles aquarium
its 48x18x24
i sold my swc 160 skimmer and luckily i bought it back from the same person i sold it :D
my current sump right now is the same sump from my cube 125 before(not sure if i did a tank thread on this one)...its big enough that i have 1 adult percula clownfish in it and 1 medium size liverock....i also have a media bag of carbon in there and thats about it in my sump...
tunze auto top off to keep salinity stable and i have a 1/4 chiller that i got from trido years ago and doing a great job in maintaining temperature.
for flow,i have a tunze and 2 mp10 broke and hopefully i can get an mp40 later on but right now i am contented with the flow im having right now.
i dose manually...

i am keeping just about anything i like :)...but my tank is mostly softies and lps....a few sps...i do love z and p's so i have quite a few of them....
i have 2 blue chromis,a pair of misbar black clownfish and 1 platinum clownfish,a sailfin tang that never gets big and a handsome lawnmower blenny...both are friends and whenever i look at them i always feel like im watching a competition like an "algae eating contest"...
i recently got a mandarin goby as i think my tank is ready for one...and i have a nice mystery wrasse...i have 1 peppermint shrimp.

i do not have pictures of how everything was built....i set it up in a hurry,,,we are waiting on a short sale house but its taking forever and i am getting bored thats why i set up this tank :D
i set up the tank last year of october...heres a picture of it 6 months ago....the corals here were the ones i have left from my old tanks...some of them i tried to keep but they just slowly died of neglect and parameters unstable :(it was my fault...i thought i can take care of my baby and my tank at the same time but didnt work.

and here is the tank now...its 6 months old :)i will post more pictures of the livestock later on...but for now heres what i can share :)

heres a nice picture of my mystery this fish :)

thats it for now...i dont have much stuff like i had in my peninsula but i am loving my new tank simple and easy to maintain:)
Finally!!!The thread that I have been waiting for...Too many treasures to
So nice..this tank is a gem!!!Cannot get any better..
i love euphyllias...heres one of my favorite..this was a huge colony...but trimmed it to make some room
gold torch

purple tip green frogspawn on left have this for 3 years now got it from thang(ilovereef) and has been through a lot but very tough coral...and the one on right i dont know if its a frogspawn or a hammer,,love them both....
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Like i said before Luisse25 your tank is OUTSTANDING:whoo:. Looks like a TOTM to me.
Loving the Mystery Wrasse.
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thanks everyone!terrance ill keep u in mind :)

here's my gold/orange hammer...everytime i look at this it makes me happy...the picture doesn't do justice..its a bright orange/gold in color...too bad i can't share because its a wall hammer..although i see tiny babies on sides...hope it grows :)
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo blasto1_zps988dc031.png"/></a>
Your tank looks great! I need to come see it in person. The Pink Paly with the green skirt in the picture with the Mystery Wrase: Whats that one?
