Marine Aquarium Expo 2011

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Hi guys,
was out of town most of the weekend and just now doing a quick check.
I'll answer these questions tonight. Alot of great posts here that need/deserve a more thorough response. Thanks,
I dont even currently have a reef tank and my blood started pumping with excitement as I read this. I'll get this event on my calendar immediately.
i've already added this appt to my outlook calendar at work..the wife even said she wants to go !!! yahooo!!!!
Yep! Gotta start thinking about making arrangements/plays for the trip!!!

Continue to pass the word along to anyone and everyone!!!!
The information has been posted, on several other forums, which will help build interest and excitement. PNWMAS is excited and spreading the word, as well. MadMax, other than pointing them to this thread, what is the best way to get our LFS involved? We have 2 great LFS, here in Spokane, that I think would be very interested in getting involved, if able. The only issue I could foresee is that they're both "owner operated," with no "employees," which would require them to close their store, to attend. That may not be "financially feasable."

Lots of great comments in this thread. This particular question though is a high priority. The Local fish stores are quite often the most difficult business entities to get involved with trade shows for the following reasons:
1) Weekends are their "bread and butter". Trying to get a store owner to commit to exhibiting at a weekend tradeshow when he does 85% of his business during the Sat/Sun stretch is a tough sell.

2) LFS owners resist participating in these types of shows because they find it hard to quantify (or easily recognize) the benefits of doing so....or even worse, perceive these shows as "competition" and hence detrimental to their interests.

3) Some small businesses have extremely short-term business cycles in terms of working capital and financial committments. In other words, they budget for the immediate overhead and other short-term liabilities however do not budget for advertising and promotional expenditures.
This is the equivalent of us living "paycheck to paycheck"


1) what does it cost to have a wife, teen, or other family member to watch the store for a couple days? If store operations are that sensitive, then send the wife, teen, or other family member to exhibit at MAX and at the very least pass out brochures, business cards, coupons, or combination thereof. It costs me about $100 to have a full-color 10-foot banner made.

2) Every successful business in this country made it to where they are today through promotion in one form or another. Those who dont promote are destined to years of mediocrity and perpetual "spinning of their wheels" wondering what they are doing wrong. (these are not my words). Without informing the general public of WHO you are, WHERE you are, and WHAT you have to offer them simply invites stangnacy and inefficient operations

3) What does it cost to advertise a fish store in the local newspaper, magazine, cable channel, etc.? Most don't because they'd only be reaching only about 2% of the relavent marketing pool. In other words, only about 2% of the general population have any interest or relationship with this hobby, so the other 98% of "viewers" of that advertising budget are wasted resources.

MAX on the other hands, brings in nearly 100% REEF HOBBYISTS to a single location, on a single weekend, in front of YOUR BOOTH! Even more so, they are there not only in person but in spirit to BUY! The average LFS selling livestock at a MAX show has the opportunity to make more profits in a single two-day weekend than they make in an entire MONTH at their store. This is not an exageration. ;) It amazes me to see potential exhibitors so concerned about booth if it is a lost cause to come here and MAKE MONEY
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Ok, I should clarify:
that was the text book response above, and not exactly what you'd explain to the actual store owner. (It would sound too arrogant in the form outlined above). I was answering the question but not giving the reader what he/she needed....sorry about that.

Here are the most compelling selling-points/advantages of being an exhibitor at SEAMAX:

1) Promote your store/business to over 1,000 direct hobbyists.
(practically like bundling customers for you into a single location and weekend)

2) Network with over 50 different business entities.
(exhibitor-to-exhibitor business deals are very common at MAX)

3) Develop brand new business contacts within the aquatics industry.
(remember, hobbyists are not the only one's attending these shows)

4) Opportunity to earn a profit over and above booth and travel expenses.
(selling product and/or livestock directly at the show is highly encouraged)

5) Directly participate in attracting new entrants into the hobby.
(current attendees may very likely turn into your future customers)

Yes, I like this list much better :)
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WOW!!! Im excited now I gotta save up some travel funds to attend my first event like this and get off of this little rock in the Pacific ocean :eek: I really wanted to be a part of this event because I look forward to meeting each and everyone of you members in person from this awesome RF Forum....aloha Les

WPH, it would be an honor to have Wet Pets Hawaii exhibit with us this summer. If you could, please send your basic contact information to the e-mail address below and I will contact you personally once we start filling booth space:

[email protected]
I mentioned this event to a small pet store in Longview, WA (my home town) today. They were totally interested in promoting this to help boost there saltwater side.

As soon as we have promotional material I think we should all hit up every store that has a fish tank in it. Heck, put them on any reader/for sale board you can find. You may end up peeking interest in someone that didn't even know they were interested.

Man, I'm totally pumped and couldn't stop thinking about this the entire drive from Seattle to Longview (2 hours and change).

Absolutely true!
One of the most effective advertising methods is to supply simple 4"x6" postcards to as many fish stores and other aquatics businesses as possible.

We are way ahead of the game here, but if anyone would like to take a crack at throwing out some designs (for logo, postcards, flyers, etc.) that would certainly help. We will add a SEAMAX webpage to the MAX website soon, as time permits. We have a show coming up this April so that is taking up significant time and resources at the moment
One more thing I had better mention:

Every club that participates in helping to promote the SEAMAX event will be offered a FREE 10'x10' booth at SEAMAX to help promote/advertise their club. We also fully encourage each club to sell frags and other livestock out of their booth so as to raise funds for the club account.

Please send booth requests to info@MarineAquariumExpo and provide basic contact information for whoever you wish to be the contact person. We look forward to everyone's participation at SEAMAX!
One more thing I had better mention:

Every club that participates in helping to promote the SEAMAX event will be offered a FREE 10'x10' booth at SEAMAX to help promote/advertise their club. We also fully encourage each club to sell frags and other livestock out of their booth so as to raise funds for the club account.

Please send booth requests to info@MarineAquariumExpo and provide basic contact information for whoever you wish to be the contact person. We look forward to everyone's participation at SEAMAX!

Grand idea!! I just informed our local club about this!! I'm sure you'll be contacted soon!!
PSAS is SOOOOO gonna pimp thios out and also volenteer one day at the even to work the max to save MAX some money and to get the booth.. SO SWEEEEEET
A request for a Guest speaker that Pacific North West has not had.

I have been active in Bod in Seattle in past and I am still active South Eastern Washington Clubs, and MCMAC conference. I have never seen Adam Blundell do a presentation in the Pacific North West. Here is my request.
I would like to see him if possible.

Thanks in Advance,
Ed Hahn:)
Vice President of Midcolumbia Saltwater Aquarium Club
in South Eastern Washington
WOW!!! Im excited now I gotta save up some travel funds to attend my first event like this and get off of this little rock in the Pacific ocean :eek: I really wanted to be a part of this event because I look forward to meeting each and everyone of you members in person from this awesome RF Forum....aloha Les

Sweet Les! Glad you are gonna make it out here. Can't wait to finally meet you in person:) Hope things are good with the family and business!