The information has been posted, on several other forums, which will help build interest and excitement. PNWMAS is excited and spreading the word, as well. MadMax, other than pointing them to this thread, what is the best way to get our LFS involved? We have 2 great LFS, here in Spokane, that I think would be very interested in getting involved, if able. The only issue I could foresee is that they're both "owner operated," with no "employees," which would require them to close their store, to attend. That may not be "financially feasable."
Lots of great comments in this thread. This particular question though is a high priority. The Local fish stores are quite often the most difficult business entities to get involved with trade shows for the following reasons:
1) Weekends are their "bread and butter". Trying to get a store owner to commit to exhibiting at a weekend tradeshow when he does 85% of his business during the Sat/Sun stretch is a tough sell.
2) LFS owners resist participating in these types of shows because they find it hard to quantify (or easily recognize) the benefits of doing so....or even worse, perceive these shows as "competition" and hence detrimental to their interests.
3) Some small businesses have extremely short-term business cycles in terms of working capital and financial committments. In other words, they budget for the immediate overhead and other short-term liabilities however do not budget for advertising and promotional expenditures.
This is the equivalent of us living "paycheck to paycheck"
1) what does it cost to have a wife, teen, or other family member to watch the store for a couple days? If store operations are that sensitive, then send the wife, teen, or other family member to exhibit at MAX and at the very least pass out brochures, business cards, coupons, or combination thereof. It costs me about $100 to have a full-color 10-foot banner made.
2) Every successful business in this country made it to where they are today through promotion in one form or another. Those who dont promote are destined to years of mediocrity and perpetual "spinning of their wheels" wondering what they are doing wrong. (these are not my words).
Without informing the general public of WHO you are, WHERE you are, and WHAT you have to offer them simply invites stangnacy and inefficient operations
3) What does it cost to advertise a fish store in the local newspaper, magazine, cable channel, etc.? Most don't because they'd only be reaching only about 2% of the relavent marketing pool. In other words, only about 2% of the general population have any interest or relationship with this hobby, so the other 98% of "viewers" of that advertising budget are wasted resources.
MAX on the other hands, brings in nearly 100% REEF HOBBYISTS to a single location, on a single weekend, in front of YOUR BOOTH! Even more so, they are there not only in person but in spirit to BUY! The average LFS selling livestock at a MAX show has the opportunity to make more profits in a single two-day weekend than they make in an entire MONTH at their store. This is not an exageration.

It amazes me to see potential exhibitors so concerned about booth if it is a lost cause to come here and MAKE MONEY